Straightforward Ideal Protein Alternative Plan

ljo714 Posts: 3 Member
edited November 2014 in Health and Weight Loss

I'm sorry in advance if this post is a little redundant; I've seen similar threads pertaining to this topic but I haven't been able to find quite what I need. I'm looking for a mock-up menu of the Ideal Protein Phase 1 plan, using alternative items to the IP brand products. Any suggestions?

Also, I need to lose a considerable amount of weight. I'm wondering if people think this plan would work well for someone looking to lose more than 10-20 lbs. I'm nervous my weight loss might stall out too soon if I'm going this low on cals. Am I overthinking it? I'd like to use this plan for a while to achieve my goals, but I don't want to plateau too early in the game.

Thank you in advance!!


  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Why not just do it the easy way and calculate your estimated maintenance needs (with or without average exercise - if not included then log and eat back exercise calories), subtract 20% from that and set as your goal, and if you don't lose ~4lbs/month just lower the goal by 100 calories and monitor again? No need to follow some random plan that is most likely just a cash grab.
  • ljo714
    ljo714 Posts: 3 Member
    While I appreciate your feedback, it does not answer my question.

  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    ljo714 wrote: »
    While I appreciate your feedback, it does not answer my question.
    You said you were looking for a mock-up menu.


    Calculate your estimated maintenance needs, subtract 20%, set as your goal, and then eat food to reach that goal. Given menu is your local grocery store.
  • shortnsassy1981
    shortnsassy1981 Posts: 154 Member
    I am vaguely familiar with Ideal Protein diet. It is very similar to a Keto diet but with less fat. There are a few Keto groups on My fitness pal that you can join. They will probably be able to help you more if you decide to go the Keto route.
  • ljo714
    ljo714 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you, Shortnsassy1981! I appreciate it :)
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    Do you have the nutritional info for the supplements they want to sell you?

    Kind of reminds me of weightwatchers or slimfast. Basically they are charging you a lot for small portions that probably aren't even all that nutritious and pretending there is something special or magical about them.

    Whatever you works for you, but I agree with the posters above that you can do the same thing by just eating your own food and counting calories with a proper calorie deficit goal.
  • MyWeigh94
    MyWeigh94 Posts: 28 Member
    What I've heard it's basically protein shakes, lean meat and non starchy veggies . My grandma and grandpa both did the plan and both lost over 100 pounds. So it does work and they lost that much in about 8 months.