Weight watchers?



  • ljones27uk
    ljones27uk Posts: 177 Member
    my wife had all the collateral from WW so I didnt need to pay to join. I did it for a few months to get in shape for my wedding.. it worked really really well, but requires commitment and can be fiddly calculating some of the points values.
    MFP is much much better IMO.. its free, the food database is vast and the social aspect is a real help to me.
    always keen to gain more MFP friends, so feel free to add if you'd like to share ideas and motivation.
  • MyWeigh94
    MyWeigh94 Posts: 28 Member
    I am using an app called itrackbites and it is exactly like the weight watchers app. Except no monthly fee. The app costs 2.99 on most app stores, and I love it. I have been doing great on this. I have lost 10 lbs my first month!
  • sherylG
    i hazd a lot of success wwith it losing 70 lbs in the past. it is different, the database is smaller though but i do like that the recipe builder allows ou to add instructions unlike MFP. i'm new to MFP, looks like lot is the same just the way you measure intake is a bit strange with WW.
  • kmidash
    kmidash Posts: 21 Member
    WW is a great program- it promotes healthy eating, portion sizes and exercise. I lost 80+ pounds on it years ago- then I did Fat&Fiber. I have kept off 45+ of it over the years. I have been on and off WW for years with the "points" system. If you find a meeting with people and a leader you click with- it is great. Online- I think MFP is probably better- I am fairly new to MFP, but I prefer to see the nutrition facts- not points of food I am eating. Someone earlier talked about eating "low point" foods- that was me- they weren't always most healthy choices. I love the extensive data base and being able to chart a particular aspect (ex- sodium). Good luck- BTW I am trying to build my friend base of like minded people for daily motivation and support.