Any good Kickboxing DVDs?


Today is the last day of the free kickboxing class at work I have been taking and I enjoyed it quite a bit and want to continue doing something similar. Does anyone have any recommendations of good DVDs (or I have a Wii as well) to replace this? Something not so Billy Blanks Tae-bo-ish? It was more actual kickboxing than "cardio kickboxing". I know I could go to the YMCA or join a gym for classes, but would prefer to avoid that as I have a perfectly good free gym here at work.



  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i've heard really good things about the three month MMA dvd series i've seen on tv a lot. sorry can't remember the name but i am sure someone will

    there is also les mills 'combat' from beach body, same company that does p90x and insanity
  • shurleec
    shurleec Posts: 99 Member
    You might want to try Jillian Michaels "Kickbox Fast" . I bought it last yr but only have done it a few times because I finally broke down and bought Turbofire (which I love and discovered in a gym as well, But it is super dancey). It has 3- 20 min workouts, that I did all 3 at the same time and got a good workout. I bought it at Target for $10. Hope you find something that works for you.
  • Please, unless you are really kickboxing, meaning sparring and fighting, don't say you are doing kickbxing. That's like fiddling with a flight simulator on your computer and saying you are actually flying an airplane.
    There are women out there working their behinds off to be accepted by the guys in their gyms.
    Pansies hitting thin air and claiming they are kickboxing make it ten times harder for the real female fighters.
    So, please me so kind and say you are doing "fitness kickboxing" or "cardio kickboxing" unless you really fight.
  • pajouey79
    pajouey79 Posts: 39 Member
    There was sparring in the class, so please stop being all preachy about what is "real" and what is not. If you were not going to contribute helpfully, I am not sure why you commented at all.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Please, unless you are really kickboxing, meaning sparring and fighting, don't say you are doing kickbxing. That's like fiddling with a flight simulator on your computer and saying you are actually flying an airplane.
    There are women out there working their behinds off to be accepted by the guys in their gyms.
    Pansies hitting thin air and claiming they are kickboxing make it ten times harder for the real female fighters.
    So, please me so kind and say you are doing "fitness kickboxing" or "cardio kickboxing" unless you really fight.

    Wow. You're kinda an *kitten*.
  • Starlightbella
    Starlightbella Posts: 77 Member
    I'd be interested in this too
  • ShadeBlossom
    ShadeBlossom Posts: 99 Member
    Please, unless you are really kickboxing, meaning sparring and fighting, don't say you are doing kickbxing. That's like fiddling with a flight simulator on your computer and saying you are actually flying an airplane.
    There are women out there working their behinds off to be accepted by the guys in their gyms.
    Pansies hitting thin air and claiming they are kickboxing make it ten times harder for the real female fighters.
    So, please me so kind and say you are doing "fitness kickboxing" or "cardio kickboxing" unless you really fight.

    Wow. You're kinda an *kitten*.

  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member

    I've only watched a little bit of his videos, but what I saw was good. It's not really a structured cardio workout, though. The DVD set is pretty expensive, I won't say that you can download them from your favorite torrent site as that might be against forum rules.
  • pajouey79
    pajouey79 Posts: 39 Member
    Please, unless you are really kickboxing, meaning sparring and fighting, don't say you are doing kickbxing. That's like fiddling with a flight simulator on your computer and saying you are actually flying an airplane.
    There are women out there working their behinds off to be accepted by the guys in their gyms.
    Pansies hitting thin air and claiming they are kickboxing make it ten times harder for the real female fighters.
    So, please me so kind and say you are doing "fitness kickboxing" or "cardio kickboxing" unless you really fight.

    Wow. You're kinda an *kitten*.


    I <3 you guys. :blushing: I am checking out the reviews on Amazon and put some on the wish list. Will let you know what i find!
  • Shelleybean29
    Shelleybean29 Posts: 95 Member
    If you like martial arts, I recommend Les Mills Combat. It is a 60 day program. I did it and loved it!! I still do it a few times a week! Check it out
  • kaseymei
    kaseymei Posts: 164
    Please, unless you are really kickboxing, meaning sparring and fighting, don't say you are doing kickbxing. That's like fiddling with a flight simulator on your computer and saying you are actually flying an airplane.
    There are women out there working their behinds off to be accepted by the guys in their gyms.
    Pansies hitting thin air and claiming they are kickboxing make it ten times harder for the real female fighters.
    So, please me so kind and say you are doing "fitness kickboxing" or "cardio kickboxing" unless you really fight.

    Whoa... relax there buddy.
  • JustME1611
    JustME1611 Posts: 112 Member
    I have heard good things about TurboFire but haven't tried it yet. Turbo Jam on the other hand is awesome! You can check it out on
  • kraft_kris
    kraft_kris Posts: 157 Member
    I would love to know of a good kickboxing DVD too! They used to offer a kickboxing class where my kids take Karate but they eliminated it. I absolutely loved being able to go and wail on a target. It was awesome.
  • Shelleybean29
    Shelleybean29 Posts: 95 Member
    I have heard good things about TurboFire but haven't tried it yet. Turbo Jam on the other hand is awesome! You can check it out on

    Turbo fire is so fun! It's the next program I am going to do after T25!!!
  • Any of the Billy Blanks Kickboxing dvd's are good I heard, I personally do Turbo Jam and I love it, I also have Chalene Extreme, its not as much as kickboxing but it is awesome too, I heard if you have Chalene Extreme dont get the Turbo Fire bc its pretty close to Chalene Extreme.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    You might want to try Jillian Michaels "Kickbox Fast" . I bought it last yr but only have done it a few times because I finally broke down and bought Turbofire (which I love and discovered in a gym as well, But it is super dancey). It has 3- 20 min workouts, that I did all 3 at the same time and got a good workout. I bought it at Target for $10. Hope you find something that works for you.

    I really enjoy the Jillian Michaels Kickboxing Fastfix DVD, it is 3 20 min workouts and is cardio.
  • Gee45
    Gee45 Posts: 171
    I really enjoyed Les Mills Combat dvds.
  • I don't think DVD's make a good format for a kickboxing workout. You're better off getting a heavy bag, or if that it impractical in your living situation, get a free-standing bag. If you're not actually contact a target, you take a risk of harming your joints, particularly your elbows and knees. You also set yourself up for neck stress because you're body is trying to naturally follow its strikes, but your head is unnaturally glued to a TV screen, which can cause neck trouble and headaches.

    However, to all those who are currently using the DVD's, and actually LIKE them, then I would say the fact that you are exercising and enjoying the workout probably outweighs the negatives that I mentioned above. After all, you might NOT hurt your joints, or your neck, but you will DEFINITELY be exercising, so that can be a fair trade off!

    However, if possible, make your situation IDEAL: simply get a heavy bag (or similar) and follow a good workout program on it.
    You will also want to get: gloves, handwraps, and a timer (which is free on a smartphone or tablet). If you have those 4 items, you can rock an AWESOME, authentic, and legit workout that will give you muscle toning, bone density, AND learn a few new skills! Anyone can PM me if they need any kickboxing workout advice; its what I do for a living and I enjoy helping people.

    (PS. I did click over to check out the Les Mills dvd's mentioned by Gee45, and it actually looked pretty cool. Seems to be pretty inspirational and exciting, which is always good!) Again though, NOTHING beats striking an object: pads or bag. You get SO much more muscle involved that way.
  • I purchase this Kickboxing workout and its amazing, I would have to say the best one yet. I have a ton of kickboxing videos but I must say this one is my favorite :)
  • hensue11
    hensue11 Posts: 64 Member
    Kelly Coffey Meyer has some good ones