New here and would love some advice! 5"2 weigh 142 goal weigh 115-120

Hello I am new to mfp and would love some advice . I am 30 years old and currently weigh 142 lbs. My goal weight is between 115-120 lbs. I want to lose weight to become healthier and have more energy. overall I want a new me :) I would love advice on what has worked for you , and what would be great meal plans to follow along with work out plans. I am debating on p90x , insanity and t25 and not sure which will be best for me :smile:


  • Evelyn_IRV
    Evelyn_IRV Posts: 237 Member
    Hi, same here 140 pounds, trying to make to 120.
    It will depend in how fit you are to begin with, I find that Insanity and T25 are really intense, they were not for me (someone who hadn´t workout in years), some of the videos of 90X were easier than others but you need some equipment (not that hard to get), right now I´m on 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels and I find it doable also I walk and started to jog.
  • Thank you for your advice. I did find t25 super intense. I was going to zumba 3 days a week but never seemed to drop weight just toned up.. I really want the weight loss .. so I am hoping that one of these other workouts will help with that, are you dieting?
  • amandadnielsen
    amandadnielsen Posts: 2 Member
    When you're already relatively small, measurements other than weight are usually better motivators, so I wouldn't get too hung up on it. I got back into working out on the regular in Feb of this year (after a year of nursing an injury). I was 125 lbs, 24% body fat (I'm 5'2"); then after three months, I was still 125 lbs, but 15-16% body fat (where I'm maintaining today). Going from a size 4 to 0 made me forget that dumb number on the scale.

    As for workout routine suggestions:
    I did a round of p90x in 2010 and went from 24% bf to 18% bf and in 2011 is when I dislocated my shoulder (doing some yoga... of all things), then in early 2013, I broke my toe (again, in yoga...) and later in the summer 2013, I split open my hand (on glass...guest what? After a yoga class). So 2013 was a bad year because with those minor injuries that had me out for a few weeks at a time, my shoulder flared up due to inactivity, and I lost muscle/gained fat.

    This year at the start of Feb, I started another solid 3-month round of p90x, followed by p90x Plus DVDs that came with them (maybe a few times a week), and now I do mostly HIIT (check out and fit in treadmill intervals, tabata workouts, and workouts from p90x3. I love the p90x3 videos -- short, sweet and intense. I'd suggest, if you choose the x3, adding on a little extra cardio (10-15 mins of whatever), and that's only because we are entering the season where, well, we eat more calories in general. I also like to go onto YouTube for free workouts -- Tony Horton has lots of workouts, short and long, cardio and resistance, as does Jillian Michaels. I started play lists of various workouts based on type (cardio, upper, lower, etc.). It's good for mixing things up!

    Ok. I'll shut up now!
  • NSimone27
    NSimone27 Posts: 5 Member
    if you are mostly interested in weight loss, restricting your calorie intake is really what matters! I lost 12 ish lbs in about a month and the only exercise I ever had time for was walking (as I don't have a car), just from eating at a deficit. that being said, exercising burns calories, allowing you to eat more and building muscle is always good too! I started around 138 lbs and am currently at 122 so I understand where you are coming from :)
  • amandadnielsen- Thank you for all of your advice! I tried t25 the other day and it was super intense , I truly liked p90x better to start out with because I could actually breathe!!! So i am thinking of doing it again. I want to lose weight but I mostly want to be tone, my daughter is 6 and I would love to have my pre pregnancy body back . I know it sounds crazy that I still dont have it after 6 years but life happens! I know I have to hold myself accountable and log daily ... so that I can start seeing results.
  • amandadnielsen
    amandadnielsen Posts: 2 Member
    Of the p90x DVDs, the one I often subbed out was the Yoga X, not because I didn't like it, but because my husband didn't like it -- and it's long. Instead, we'd do Cardio X, because it has a little yoga in it to warm up, and it's only 45 mins or so. Also, with the p90x3, I don't like the yoga video at all. WAY too short for a yoga video (the pose holds are too brief, by the time you get into the pose, you're coming out, which I think can be a bit dangerous in deep stretches.) So we've skipped that one. One other thing: Pull-ups. If you don't have a bar or a place where you can secure bands, try bent-over rows instead. Works generally the same area. I have a pull-up bar (in my living room... it's the only place one will fit in my house), but if I workout in the basement, and I happen to do a workout that requires pull-ups, I'll do rows. So don't let that get in your way.
  • steff274
    steff274 Posts: 227 Member
    Hey I started at 148 pounds am also 5ft 2 :) I excersize so much that now I actually struggle to keep weight on!! I was always reasonably active working with horses I put on weight when I broke my wrist and then my horse was off work.. I discovered the gym because I wanted to lose weight now I love the gym!! :D I am currently 105 pounds btw and trying not to lose anymore have dropped as low as 103 :| for weight loss any hardcore cardio will help you drop weight spinning and Les mills body attack.. I have now found myself in an odd situation my settings are for maintenance and very active without excersize 2010 calories I have to eat back at least half my excersize calories so averaging 2500 calories a day.. my diary is open but if your dieting probably not the best 1 to take tips from trying to pack in enough calories!! will add you though good luck on your journey xx
  • I'm in the same boat. 5'2" started at 154, currently at 148. Not much but it's a start. My short term goal is to hit 130. Long term goal is 109. Thanks Steff274, good to know others in the same category have made their goals!!
  • ankdworak
    ankdworak Posts: 336 Member
    I would suggest P90X3 actually.... feel free to add me would love to support you. ankdworak
  • jaynerebecca1
    jaynerebecca1 Posts: 21 Member
    Also 5'2" here! My advice as far as tracking calories, if you ever find yourself struggling, is to pre log your food for the day! Not sure what your calorie intake goal is but I know sometimes for us shorties it isn't always a whole lot so it helps me to preplan everything and see where I still have room in the day for snacks, because I love my snacks :) Also, know that no food is "off limits" as long as it fits in, enjoy it. I started a few months ago around 130 and am now 119 and aiming for 115!
  • lohkin
    lohkin Posts: 43 Member
    ...sometimes for us shorties it isn't always a whole lot so it helps me to preplan everything...

    I've been doing that for the last few weeks, and it seems to help. I am 4'11 and currently at 160lbs. I also have a 7-year old, and want to get to pre-pregnancy weight (135lbs). I have not lost any weight in the last month since going from 1900 calories/day to 1100/day, but we'll see how it goes. I am slowly adding in extra exercise. I've tried p90x in the past, but I will admit it has been hard to stick with a consistent routine. Are there other programs that do not require a long-term schedule? Like, one you can do once or twice a week and not be 'off schedule'?
  • fobs13
    fobs13 Posts: 1,080 Member
    Half inch taller and started at 143. Am 44 tomorrow. Am down to 135 since 20th September. Taking it slowly. Love adding friends who have similar goals and having them look at my diary. I still have treats but account for everything. Add me if you want.
  • jenjones28
    jenjones28 Posts: 66 Member
    Reading these posts have been so helpful for me as well. I'm 5' 0" and am at 146, hoping to lose down to 118-120. I had lost weight before using MFP but lost focus and gained weight back. These posts are encouraging!
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    5'1" here, started at 155, currently 147, targeting 115. Feel free to add me if you want more friends with similar goals.
  • 5'3", currently 148 and targeting 130. I'm naturally muscular and am targeting my weight when I was in my best shape! Anyone else on the shorter side trying to maintain muscle mass while losing??
  • charmarbobar
    charmarbobar Posts: 251 Member
    I'm 5' 1" and 124 (up from 119 with a lung infection). Started here at 169. Have no clear target, but thinking 110-115. What works for me....running. I started running and haven't looked back. Love it for the physical and mental health benefits.

    I also picked up kettlebell, following mostly fitnessblender workouts on YouTube. I lost my first 12-15lbs following Jillian Michaels 30 day shred 3 days a week (also on YouTube) and running 1 or 2 days a week.

    I stuck to 1200 cals (give or take a few).

    Feel free to add me!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I'm doing P90X3, I've done T25, I'm still afraid of Insanity. So much depends on you and your personality to know what is best for you. I'll send you a private message on how I look at them.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I am exactly where you are! I'll be 30 in December, I'm around 142-144, and would like to get to 120-125. I have T25 and it's a great workout! Running has always been a good start for me, and I'm currently doing the C25K app!
  • Your food intake will play a MUCH bigger part that any exercise you do. I have been using MFP to hit my macronutrient percentages (carbs, fats, and protein) and it's doing wonders. My stats are similar to yours 5' and 156lbs. I have a 1500 calorie diet with 40% carbs, 35% protein, and 25% fat. You can manually put in your macro goals in the program and it will tell you exactly how many grams of each you need per day.

    I would suggest you look up a calculator for BMR to determine your caloric needs. If your calories are too low, then you won't have enough energy or fuel to build the muscle during your workouts. Workouts give you a quick calorie burn, but muscle is like a slow burning furnace that will melt your fat away all day long, even when you're not working out.