Lunch ideas

I try to eat a relatively low calorie lunch, around 250-300 cals. I work at a hospital and go to the cafeteria to eat but usually bring my own food. I always bring grilled chicken and either sweet potatoes or some kind of roasted green veggie, like green beans or broc. Sometimes if I don't have any veggies I will bring chicken and grab some lettuce off the salad bar and have a chicken salad. I'm getting a bit tired of it every day though. I don't want to be that lady bringing fish in and warming it up but what other lunch ideas do you all have that would be relatively low cal?


  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I eat a lean cuisine most days for lunch. I know, processed and salty...but easy and with good variety. Most are right around 300.
  • booboo68
    booboo68 Posts: 302 Member
    Turkey or chicken lettuce wraps
    Vegetable kabobs. Make some with chicken, some with steak and some with turkey sausage and rotate the vegetables on each.
    Tuna packet over spinach with honey mustard
    Veggie burger, no bun and a side salad or fruit cup
    Grilled pork chop and pineapple
    Pork tenderloin with small potato and carrots.

    I work in a hospital and needless to say, I bring all my food to work, our cafeteria is definitely a work in progress.

    I also keep Quest Bars and protein powder with me as well as an apple and almonds just in case I have a moment...... I also use my crockpot to make some meals and on my last day before I go back to work, I prep all my food for the week and it's grab and go. Takes just a couple of hours but keeps me on track.

    Hope this helps.
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    edited November 2014
    Some of my 200-300 cal lunches include: Hamburger Lentil stew, baked potato soup, chowders, shepherds pie with green beans and tomato base, chili (bulked with grated zucchini), kale lemon chicken soup, and taco soup. I had the shepherd's pie today, yum. It actually comes in at 312 cals but close enough. Increasing the veggie portions in the dishes lands you a satisfying large portion.

    I use So Delicious Unsweetened Coconut milk to make my creamy soups because I'm allergic to milk- so they end up being tasty but lower in calories. I skip the butter when making mashed potatoes and add extra milk to save me some cals.

    I also prep in advance. I try to keep 5 different lunch portioned meals in my freezer at all times so I don't eat the same thing all the time. Each weekend I generally make a new batch of something so its always rotating. Takes a few hours on a Saturday but worth the effort later on.
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    I eat a cup of cottage cheese with hot salsa in it almost everyday. Filling, lots of protein, and low cal. I usually have it with apple slices or something else for fibre. lol
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    well you can make filling low cal sandwiches. or I eat those frozen low cal lunches you can buy at walmart. Or you can maybe do some rice type low cal meals. hope i helped.