What to add to a smoothie?

thursdaystgiles Posts: 98 Member
edited November 2014 in Food and Nutrition
I'm looking at ways to sneak more healthy things into my diet, specifically things that I have no idea how else to get in--chia seeds, barley grass, spirulina, chlorella, etc. I don't know much about these things, but I'd like to learn more about them and other healthy ingredients, and what is the best way to get them. Should I buy them individually? And if so, what is a full list of ones I should get? Or are there powders that contain them all (or most). I'd like something I can just add to my post workout green smoothies (usually kale or spinach, banana, protein powder, coconut milk, and greek yoghurt). I've considered mixes like Shakeology, but I'm not looking for a meal replacement or appetite suppressant, which is what most of them seem to be. And also stupidly expensive. Any info, product suggestions, and links would be appreciated!

ETA: I'm not opposed to suggestions for juices containing these things, but I'm not a fan of ones like Bolthouse Farms that are mainly a lot of concentrated fruit juices with a *little bit* of the good stuff.


  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    You don't need super foods to make a smoothie. Start small. My fave smoothie includes blueberries, banana, yogurt or milk or just ice and a handful of baby spinach. If you wanna add the super foods go right ahead. Start with a teaspoon or a tablespoon. Whatever you think you may like.
  • acf6b
    acf6b Posts: 12 Member
    i am still working on getting to a far healthier smoothie, my overall sugar intake isn't very high and i focus on protein, so i have a cup of fruit, a cup of v8+energy (i hate mornings) greek yogurt and then the protein etc. It has worked my needs but I know everyone's goals and diet is different, The premade smoothies from what I can see tend to be more expensive overall especially if you shop at a costco or sam's club. I only drink the smoothies in the morning and focus on eating all my other protein instead of drinking it. as for the superfoods, I can't say much, I honestly don't really eat any of them... I try to research as much as possible and while they may have effects for one person most of them aren't scientifically proven to do anything, the things that are you probably are already implementing in your diet. I've lost 20 lbs which was hard I was/am "skinny fat" for a guy so i plateau a lot and have to overcome that, what I learned wasn't that I needed to add foods but to cut out particular foods and balance what I was eating.
  • thursdaystgiles
    thursdaystgiles Posts: 98 Member
    Yeah, I know there are mixed opinions about the super foods. I tend to be skeptical, but I'd like to give them a try all the same. I figure it can't hurt to add them to my diet and see how I respond after a month or so--I'm not look at them as a way to lose weight, but instead perhaps to round out my diet a bit more, maybe give me more energy or help with persistent headaches I have. My current smoothies are delicious and serve my needs, but I'm interested to see if I can feel better.