What you can't have!



  • beachykeen81
    beachykeen81 Posts: 29 Member
    I cut out fast food takeout and calorie laden drinks (except for protein shakes). The first time I had to log a hot chocolate that I'd drank I said never again. Wasted calories, and so not worth it!
    Everything else I just have as a little treat sometimes. I have some trigger foods (chocolate, chips..) that I just can't keep in the house anymore. My favourite thing to do when I'm craving these things is go to the Bulk Barn and buy like 6 chocolate covered almonds or a tiny handful of Cheesies. I'm sure the store clerk thinks I'm crazy, but if I buy a whole bag, I eat a whole bag. And it totally satisfies my craving!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    No. I didn't eat fast food even when I was big (makes me sick), I can't keep peanut butter in the house but I'll have a shake made for me with it...Otherwise, I guess not. I put one less sugar in my coffee.
  • DiabolicalColossus
    DiabolicalColossus Posts: 219 Member
    If you didn't give a toss, you wouldn't be typing in caps.

    You also wouldn't be replying, being "mad", accusing moderators of calling people idiots or spouting off about how everyone here is a great big bully because they don't agree with others.

    Quit lying to yourself and everyone else.

    You most assuredly care, and it's obvious that you care way too much about what amounts to words on a screen.

    People and their opinions here only have as much power as you assign them, you know.

    You're being a low rent white knight and it's painful to watch you continually embarrass yourself.

    Oh, and by "painful" I mean utterly hilarious.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    Until I reach the first 25 pounds lost I have cut out all alcohol (though I have in the past 70 days cheated and had one glass of wine) and I am really hoping that I lose the last 2.5 pounds by Thanksgiving so I can drink while at my mothers (otherwise I have no idea how I am going to make it through the holiday). I have also cut out cows milk, but that has to do more with the fact that my kids are allergic and buying milk for only myself and my husband when 80% of it would go bad was a serious waste of money. So instead of wasting the money on milk no one used we all switched to almond milk.
  • Deps
    Deps Posts: 31 Member
    I cut out alcohol almost entirely, purely because it is empty calories. I used to drink probably three or four times a week when I was writing. Now it's only special occasions / with friends / if I happen to have enough for a beer left in my calories at the end of the day. Cheese I limit but still have. I find cutting a food out of my diet entirely just makes me want it more and become bitter that I can't have it. Which usually results in binging...
  • CherryChan81
    CherryChan81 Posts: 264 Member
    Kettle Chips (Honey Dijon) - I miss them badly!!! :'(
  • justalittlecrazy
    justalittlecrazy Posts: 88 Member
    So stupid... but I CANNOT have fudge ice cream bars in the house. I don't know if I have a limit to how many I could eat in a sitting. Now, I will buy a single one in a convenience store and eat it, sure. I just can't have a box of 24 in the freezer!
  • birdstudios
    birdstudios Posts: 25 Member
    Pasta. I love pasta way too much; found it easier to just not eat it than to try and eat very small portions.
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I cut out soda completely a decade ago and only drink water. I also only eat the 100 calorie packs of snacks instead of the full calorie ones.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    There is nothing I've had to cut out. I'm able to moderate well enough… or I find a way to fit it into my calorie goal. But over the past several months, my tastes and desires have changed. So, now even though I still eat whatever I want… the "whatever I want" has changed.
  • booty4days365
    Beer. Some people smoke when they drink, I bacon cheeseburger when I drink.

    Yup... I need to cut the beer from my diet. My friends and I drink often and when I'm bussed I don't care what I eat!!!!
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Nope. If I want it, I make room for it.
  • Chaotic_Weevil
    Chaotic_Weevil Posts: 199 Member
    I can be pretty moderate with just about anything, although I try to stick to mostly good fats, protein and veg.

    However, I can not have this in the house, or within a 10km radius of my person 91nb46kj49sq.jpg

  • bishamarvel
    bishamarvel Posts: 3 Member
    Well,the hardest ones are the solt, sugar and bread. Everything else is easier. But these three whales are theee hardest. But, I can treat myself with square of dark chocolade and it's really great!)
  • rererangi03
    rererangi03 Posts: 27 Member
    ive cut out so so much no bread or anything made with flour cakes pastrys bickys chippies lollies chocolate, minimal fruits even - im going to have a 35 day on diet then one day off where i can eat with no restrictions - till im at a weight i am happy being - i do crave these things but im not hungry alot
  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    I only avoid the foods I'm allergic to, I can have whatever I want in moderation.

    To be fair, I guess I did stop drinking soda 6 years ago, not to lose weight but because it's horrible for you. I guess I could have it, but don't really want it.
  • NikkiJanye73
    NikkiJanye73 Posts: 242 Member
    Cheese, but its not that I cant have it it's just I cant stop one I start eating it, so I just dont start. I love the cheese!
  • NikkiJanye73
    NikkiJanye73 Posts: 242 Member
    Beer. Some people smoke when they drink, I bacon cheeseburger when I drink.

    this made me laugh !!
  • Fruitylicious03
    If there's anything I can't have...it would be Nutella...I have NO CONTROL over that stuff.
  • dearannna
    dearannna Posts: 60 Member
    As I rule I would say that you can have anything that you want. You just can't have everything that you want. Personally I don't often eat foods high in both sugar and fat because it triggers over eating, and I spend my calories on nutrient rich food because it makes me feel great, and avoid most junk food because it makes me feel sluggish.