Motivation Found..... Support NEEDED



  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Before you go and burn yourself out. Please take time to read the forums and devise a sensible sustainable plan that you can live with. You need to know why this time will be different from previous attempts, notwithstanding what you have been told by the Dr.
  • KendraMartin85
    The beginning is the hardest, lots of hard work and will power with little to show. But just remember that the weight didn't come overnight. You can, and WILL get to your goal. Don't give up on yourself. Support is great, but also, when you're feeling down, keep your WHY in mind. Mine, is to set an example for my kids, to gain energy to play and be present with them everyday and to feel good about myself! Once you start to see results, once you get your first won't want to stop! Push hard girl, and don't let anything get in your way.
  • clandrum1984
    clandrum1984 Posts: 94 Member
    @999tigger- Thank you, yes I am working hard on understanding and working to create sustainable goals.

    @kendramartin85: thank you! I have very similar goals. I have three awesome children that I want to set an example for. I want to be present everyday to them and show them the healthy ways of living. It's taken me about 12 years to put this weight on and I know that it will take time to lose it! I need to start somewhere and looking for motivated supporters and people who will help keep me going is a big step for me. Thanks again!