How to Keep Tracking While Traveling

I'm a newbie and curious as to whether any of you travel frequently for work. I do quite a bit and find it hard to keep with a routine. I've gotten comfortable utilizing what is available in hotel gyms for exercise, but I'm still struggling with the food aspect. I have to go out for meals while traveling as I'm with colleagues, and I wonder if any of you have any best practices you can share.

Thank you!


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited November 2014
    Ask where your going in advance so you can see if the company has any calorie counts posted online.
  • mbcieslak87
    mbcieslak87 Posts: 206 Member
    I have grown up traveling quite a bit and married into a family that eats out constantly! My advice is salads with grilled protein - dressing on the side, at least every other time you go out to eat (and take the cheese, croutons, etc off if you aren't absolutely craving those items). If you had a salad the last time, possibly get something you're really wanting but make sure to only eat half. Also most chain restaurants have their nutritional content available online, and while it might not be perfectly accurate, an honest estimate is better than nothing!

    Finally, be honest with yourself! If you overate one day, be better the next. You have to find a way that fits with your lifestyle to reach your goals and maintain them!
  • mildammm
    mildammm Posts: 67 Member
    I tend to stick to lean meats, fish, poultry when travelling. The protein is good if you're utilizing the hotel gyms. It's more expensive than getting a sandwich but if you're expensing it - might as well eat well. Don't go overboard with the sides though.
  • haley183
    haley183 Posts: 24 Member
    I travel a lot for work too (platinum on Delta), and I have celiac disease which means I have to eat gluten free to live. I always research where I am going and pick out restaurants that I can eat at before I leave for the trip. If you apply that to picking restaurants with healthy foods, then you can plan where you are going to eat and pick out what you are going to eat before you go. Since many restaurants have nutritional menus online, you can pick out what you are going to eat based on the calories you want before you even get there...then hopefully you wont be tempted to indulge in something really unhealthy. Luckily my colleagues are pretty understanding of my dietary restrictions and let me pick the restaurants. If they won't let you pick places, then at least look the restaurant up online and use the nutritional menu before ordering.

    I also always have healthy snacks with me (being GF I sometimes have a hard time finding food) so that if I get hungry I can have a snack so that when I do find food, I don't overeat. Bananas and Kind bars are my favorite travel snacks on airport days. Also, if you are going to meetings and such where they always like to have those yummy looking donuts and muffins, then you just have your healthy snack instead. Again, being GF, I can never eat those provided snacks so I try to have my own with me.
  • pwtaa
    pwtaa Posts: 18 Member
    When I travel for work I do my best to stay in an extended stay. They are not any more expensive per night than a regular hotel and they are a small suite complete with kitchen.
  • MelanieRBrace
    MelanieRBrace Posts: 245 Member
    Order half portions if no calorie information.
  • Rich71bat
    Rich71bat Posts: 195 Member
    I travel a lot with work and find it difficult. However, I try to use the hotel gym, choose as sensibly from the menu as possible and then just accept that the days away are not going to be as "good" as days at home!

    Feel free to add me.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    * I pack my own DYI instant oatmeal for breakfast using the hotel room coffee pot; and usually have a stash of Luna or other nutrition bars with me.