decreasing body fat %, how much protein?

sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
okay as of now these are my stats:
130 = weight, 5'2'' = height
120 = goal weight

current body fat % = 22.3%
goal = 15%

**First off, I am thinking of changing my weight goal to just 125 (because I am thinking that I need to focus more on body fat percentage instead of pounds to avoid the skinny fat syndrome) - yes/no???
**Second, I am thinking of increasing my proteins to 137 grams per day... I calculated this on some site that I cannot remember.

What do you guys think about how many grams of protein should be my goal????
I am wondering if my calculations are correct.


  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Hi Sarah... we have pretty similar goals- I am 5'2 and currently weigh 118 pounds, but I am trying to lower my bf%. According to those scales which measure bf (which I don't necessarily trust) I am at around 19.5%. Ideally I would love to get down to 15-16%. I know I have a way to go before that will happen, but baby steps :)

    They say 1gram of protein per pound of bodyweight- so yeah, you could shoot for 130grams of protein. What is your workout program like? Changing your goal could also be a good idea, I am interested in what others have to say :)
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    awesome! that helps me a lot!

    and yes, i agree that I dont necessarily trust the body fat % calculator - BUT i decided that if i stuck with the same calculator then the actual numbers didn't matter but that the % decreased over time is what mattered ---

    but that is nice to know approx. 1 gram of protein for body weight. Yay. I have a hard time getting protein in although! looks like i'm headed for the protein powders haha.

    and for my workout = I am very active every day. although i have my setting set on 'lightly active' - but my actual workouts = I LOVE CARDIO = i could do cardio all day - even though i know this doesn't help with me wanting to increase lean muscle mass. that is why my goal for the month of may is more weight training and resistance training.

    what is your typical workout routine?
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    I'm bumping this. I'd also like to decrease my body fat, preferably without losing any more weight.
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    I am planning on doing the same thing- use the same scales to monitor any changes. I lift weights about 4 times a week, sometimes do some cardio- a gym class, walk/run intervals on the treadmill or jumprope. I have started to focus on the weight training again but need to keep up the cardio. Yesterday a trainer at our gym said I should be doing more steady state cardio, but I prefer the intervals.

    Are you eating lots of chicken/ turkey/ eggs etc for protein? When I plan my day I can usually get enough protein, but I am considering powders too for the days when I find it hard to get to my protein goal.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    sounds like you need to give me some of your weight lifting and i need to give you some of my cardio so we can balance out! haha!

    It's so hard for me to get proteins because 1. I don't eat red meats. 2. I rarely eat chicken/turkeys 3. but i do love eggs!

    So maybe i'll start by eating more eggs and incorporating more chickens.
  • amriccardi
    amriccardi Posts: 2
    Who do you know what your healthy body fat % is?
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    I checked mine on some scales that supposedly measure body fat... which isn't the most accurate way to check it, but it gives me a place to start. After checking pictures of people with different bodyfat, I figure 19.5% is probably not too far off for myself... I have some ab definition, hopefully I will get a lower number next time I check.
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