Birth Control Pills + Fluid Retention

Hi everyone. I just started taking microgestin 1/20 and so far I've gained 1 pound a day. I think it's fluid retention but at the same time I don't feel the normal bloated feelings I usually get right before my period.

I'm not eating more than my usual and my appetite hasn't changed either.

Has anyone has/had a side effect of fluid retention from BCPs and what do you do to keep it minimal? How long did this last?


  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    I would like to know how to get rid of it!~! I have been on BC for years and I still can vary two to three pounds in a day depending on water retention. I also read something that said women on BC can gain an average of 2 pounds a year, I guess cuz of the hormones??? IDK, all I know is that I did loose weight on BC so I am not really worried if that is true or not.

    The only thing I can tell you is to wait it out. Of course watch the salt in your diet and drink lots of water. If its a real problem for you, you can always get a water pill. It makes you pee alot and you have to drink more water, but it helps!~!~! The way I see it is, id rather deal with three pounds of water retention every few days then 6 pounds of baby!~!~!
  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    When i started BC pills about 3 years ago it happened as well. I gained several pounds in water weight and as long as i take the pill it won't go down (or up). it settled at some point and it will go away once i stop taking the pill again.

    In my opinion the weight gained by the bc pill is something to just accept, it'll go away once you stop taking the pill. I still gain a little weight before my period , which i lose after the first day, just smaller fluctuations than before the pill.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    You usually gain it in the first month but because I knew that from friends I tried to be extra careful with what I eat. Usually after the first month it doesn't affect your weight
  • minniebee
    minniebee Posts: 193 Member
    This is slightly off topic, but I am thinking about beginning BC but, I also am trying to lose weight. Should I begin BC even though I'm just starting out with weight loss, or should I wait until I start seeing some results to go on BC? I'm just looking for some opinions.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    This is slightly off topic, but I am thinking about beginning BC but, I also am trying to lose weight. Should I begin BC even though I'm just starting out with weight loss, or should I wait until I start seeing some results to go on BC? I'm just looking for some opinions.

    Personally, I would just start. I've never experienced any significant weight gain on the pill.
  • ilovemyhippo
    I would like to know how to get rid of it!~! I have been on BC for years and I still can vary two to three pounds in a day depending on water retention. I also read something that said women on BC can gain an average of 2 pounds a year, I guess cuz of the hormones??? IDK, all I know is that I did loose weight on BC so I am not really worried if that is true or not.

    The only thing I can tell you is to wait it out. Of course watch the salt in your diet and drink lots of water. If its a real problem for you, you can always get a water pill. It makes you pee alot and you have to drink more water, but it helps!~!~! The way I see it is, id rather deal with three pounds of water retention every few days then 6 pounds of baby!~!~!

    Well, I know that every person gains and looses a few pounds throughout the day depending on time of day. Like if you just woke up, you're at your lightest bc you've been sleeping for a long time and most likely dehydrated. So your body is not retaining a lot of water at that time. But if you weigh yourself later in the day after you've been eating and drinking, your body will weigh more bc you've been eating and drinking. So the 3 fluctuating pounds throughout the day is totally normal as long as it stays within a normal range that you figure out.

    For me, when I weigh myself at the same time everyday for the last week I've been gaining pounds. So I know it's not just the normal daily fluctuations but something else that is making the scale change. Wether it be food, water, or hormones.

  • ilovemyhippo
    This is slightly off topic, but I am thinking about beginning BC but, I also am trying to lose weight. Should I begin BC even though I'm just starting out with weight loss, or should I wait until I start seeing some results to go on BC? I'm just looking for some opinions.

    You know what, every one is totally different when it comes to side effects. You might gain weight, you might stay the same.

    I think I personally I would choose what is most important to you. No baby or less body weight. Like if you're losing weight bc your morbidly obese, then yes, I would make losing weight a higher priority. Being morbidly obese is very unhealthy and life threatening.

    BUT if you're losing weight to make yourself feel better about yourself AND you are sexually active AND you do not want a child at this moment, TAKE THE PILL. You can figure out the exercising as time goes by with the pill.