Looking for motivational friends to hold each other accountable

I've been on and off here for the past little while, but each time I get less motivated and stop tracking my food after a week or so and go back to old habits of eating way too many carbs and sweets. I'm looking for friends to help keep me accountable, so I'll think before I eat that ice cream, cake or brownie. This time, I want my experience with MFP to be the beginning of a lifestyle change, to join a gym, really work out, drink more water and be healthier overall. Who's with me?


  • Kkwalker88
    Kkwalker88 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm with you! :smile: I can relate to everything your going through from returning to old habits to those cravings for sweets. Feel free to add me.
  • akathelma
    akathelma Posts: 7 Member
    Awesome, thanks!
  • brandilong180
    brandilong180 Posts: 10 Member
    You can add me too! I will help support you!
  • kristimason3
    kristimason3 Posts: 131 Member
    Me too! We can all use some extra support sometimes
  • iamjeannie_go
    iamjeannie_go Posts: 3 Member
    Add me to everyone ! I would love to have someone to do this along with me. Feeling alone here. Trying to lose 10 lbs before X-mas !!
  • joanne5521
    joanne5521 Posts: 1 Member
    yes add me too. I need to lose this weight now. I have been trying but I keep falling off the wagon as they say. I need motivation. every day. started again today, one day at a time...
  • Feel free to add me!
    I'm in the same boat, those sweets get me all the time. :(
  • bloodlett
    bloodlett Posts: 33 Member
    i have been there done that many many times most of the time when we think we are feeling hungry it is are bodies telling us we need to be hydrated i drink 150 - 200 oz. of water every day no more processed foods lots of fresh fruit and veggies simple proteins i don't use a gym youtube is full of free 10 - 15 min. workouts my weight is coming off slow but i know it is healthy weight loss ( 10 lbs in 50 days )