Getting Nowhere

traceyblt Posts: 45
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I am so sick of dieting, am weighing in at 11st although its my own fault fell of the diet wagon for a while. Even when i,m dieting i still can,t seem to get below 10st 9 and then my weight creeps up AGAIN :(. Thinking about trying the Zumba fitness dvds, has anyone had any luck with weight loss with that. HELP:sad:


  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    I feel your anguish. I have zumba for th Wii which is great. You do burn quite a lot of cals and work up a sweat BUT I started the 30 day shred yesterday and I can feel the difference in 2 days. I have never worked so hard in my life!!

    I think if you dont have much to lose, toning up is the way to go. It may not change your weight but will almost certainly change your dress sixe.

    Good look. Feel free to add me if you want some support :flowerforyou:
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I too have been 'stuck' at 10st 8/9lbs for a few months now. I was fed up but not yet ready to give up.

    Firstly, I took a long hard look at what I was recording in comparison to what I was actually eating - huge difference. Are you 100% honest and accurate with your food intake? (I wasn't:blushing: :blushing: )

    Next, I incorporated rigorous strength training into my workouts rather than lots and lots of cardio - Are you doing this?
    Speaking of cardio I switched from long, boring steady state cardio to HIIT (High intensity interval training).

    Thirdly, I have tried very hard to cut processed sugar from my diet. Also, I've tried to significantly increase my protein to 100g+ per day and reduce my carbs to 100g or less per day (complex or naturally occurring carbs only)

    Finally, I'm working towards eating every 3(ish)hrs.

    The result, I've finally started to see some inch loss!!!!!! I haven't weighed myself yet (& won't be doing so for at least a week due to TOM - I don't want to upset myself LOL) but I can already feel the difference.

    I know it's demotivating but YOU CAN do this, you may just need to incorporate one or some of the things I've mentioned - just a suggestion :happy: :happy: :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • SabineH05
    SabineH05 Posts: 15
    did you check your calories and metablic rate and if you're on a plateau and all that? Maybe you need to make some nutrition changes or eat more/less?
    You should see it not as dieting, but you need to commit yourself and call it a lifestyle change. Only if you really think you can go on with this (affter you lost the desired weight) you can succeed. Also I find it really hard to be on this lifestyle change alone, so involve your family and friends and it gets much easier and hopefully there will be more support too.:)
    And it is definitely good to tone up, as muscle will help to prevent your weight from creeping up once you reach your goal weight and even before!
    Chin up! You can do it!

    P.S. Here is an interesting video to watch: How to be slim -BBC
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Don't consider it dieting, making it a lifestyle change. What foods are you eating now? Are you exercising?
  • sherany72
    sherany72 Posts: 10
    Come on dont give up! I know bollywood dancing is great for weight loss my own experience tells me so. There are plenty videos available on Youtube.

    Stay out of the kitchen Weigh in once a week. Walk when you want to eat drink water. Dont let your self snack. Eat only during mealtimes. Eating in standing is Taboo.

    Record EVERYTHING you eat dont cheat.

    Everything you overeat can and will be used against you! Never be afraid to move. Run errands yourself! But dont give up this routine helped me lose 97 pounds!

    Also FYI Sleepy women eat over 300 calories more! Avoid over eating at night. Squats and pushups burn extra calories all night through when you do them before bedtime. Honey burns extra calories before bed. 3 to 5 cups of green tea can burns an extra 70 calories daily.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Record everything you eat, don't cheat is not realistic advice. You should educate yourself on the amount of calories food has and eat sensibly. The other day me and my wife were at the supermarket. The lady in front of us had 90% boxed foods in her cart and we had 100% meat and veggies in our cart. We've always ate this way. Don't eat processed foods *any of them* use whole fresh foods. Get rid of the sugar, No soda pop, candy, cakes, ice cream. Eat proteins as snacks like a serving of pistachio's for example. Ever seen a TV dinner? That in fact is the perfect portion size of a NORMAL meal.

    We Americans in general are GROSS over eaters. A Whopper hamburger has 720 calories and add some fries and a coke and you could easily exceed 1200 calories for one meal and thats the calories i consume in 2 meals with snacks generally. NO fast food, NO chips/junk. Eat Healthy and if you do eat junk VERY limited and very seldom.

    From an eating perspective i eat any thing i want. I had steak and eggs for breakfast. Thats a 3 oz steak and 2 eggs scrambled and not a 8-16 ounce steak. I didn't use cheese on the eggs or any other added things. I could of had a small fried potato too and been under 500 calories easy if i wanted. Portion size and food quality is key. Eat fresh meat, veggies and fruits and stay away from the rest and you'll be ok!
  • jojonesnz
    jojonesnz Posts: 107 Member
    i find the same thing, i eat reasonably healthy in general and i have been finding that when i consciously set my weight goals i lose a couple of kgs really easily and then i stop and get disheartened and give up!
    so this time around i am holding firm and after 2 weeks of maintaining my weight plateau i am going to make changes to see if i can keep my body working
    i have started using my digital scales to weigh my food to make sure i am eating the correct portion size:smile: it makes things alot easier for entering on here do you do this? its amazing the difference:)
    ive also started doing excercise videos, i have foxtel iq so can record things, and they have an amazing workout at 6am every morning from celebrity trainers, they are half hour workouts and you feel awesome afterwards:) if you dont have fox you can get them online from i think
    also i am taking measurements this time around as weightloss seems to be unpredictable but it feels great when you see the cms melting away:)
    i am a big advocate for resistance training, and the workouts i talked about earlier often use small dumbells so gives your whole body a workout:)

    good luck huni, and know that you arent alone! we can do this together:flowerforyou:
  • traceyblt
    traceyblt Posts: 45
    Thank you so much to everyone who has left me advice, i will take this on board, and see how i get on Xx
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