:( No loss this week.

I am genuinely so upset! I started my new eating lifestyle on 7th April, the first week I lost 4 lb, the second I lost 2lb, and I've just had my 3rd weigh in, and NOTHING. I don't see how thats even possible, I've done the exact same, I haven't cheated once, not once. Surely it's simple math that if you eat less and move more you WILL lose weight? Someone help! I'm so worried it will just stay like this now. It's not like my body is 'meant' to stay at this weight, I have weighed a lot less than this just a year ago, I'm so baffled. Should I cut down on carbs? I eat a vegan diet, should I introduce eggs and quorn?




  • angechilada
    angechilada Posts: 21 Member
    With females especially, we have times where our bodies retain water during certain times of the month, and the scale doesn't reflect our dietary changes. I've had weeks where I haven't lost weight on the scale while still losing inches, and then lost 3 lbs out of nowhere. Just keep at it! Don't worry too much about the scale, just focus on what you've been doing and maybe add weight training and cardio? I do a super low carb diet, but it's only because I'm addicted to carbs so I basically only get mine from vegetables. I basically eat no sugar whatsoever. Wait a few weeks before you start to worry. :)
  • smiler1978
    smiler1978 Posts: 28
    Good advice x
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    How many calories are you eating, and are you eating your exercise calories? It's possible that your body is going into a starvation response and is slowing your metabolism and burning muscle instead of fat to try and cope with the lowered calorie intake?
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    With females especially, we have times where our bodies retain water during certain times of the month, and the scale doesn't reflect our dietary changes. I've had weeks where I haven't lost weight on the scale while still losing inches, and then lost 3 lbs out of nowhere. Just keep at it! Don't worry too much about the scale, just focus on what you've been doing and maybe add weight training and cardio? I do a super low carb diet, but it's only because I'm addicted to carbs so I basically only get mine from vegetables. I basically eat no sugar whatsoever. Wait a few weeks before you start to worry. :)

    Definitely! She makes many good points here. Especially since you just started a few weeks ago your body is still changing over to its new nutrition. The first week you usually lose more due to detoxing the body. I have seen people lose upwards of 10 pounds in one week because of detox. It is always going to taper down a bit. The one thing that would make this whole deal easier on your mind is to not use the scale and only use measurements. Get yourself a soft tape measure and measure yourself once a week instead of weighing yourself. So you can see the fat drop off and not worry about the muscle to fat exchange. There was an older lady in her 60's I say older because she is older than me. Her muscle fat exchange for 21 days was 7 pounds muscle lost but 3 pounds of muscle gain. See where this would mess your scale up compared to measurements and body fat %.

    Hope this helps! =0) KEEP ROCKING IT!
  • angechilada
    angechilada Posts: 21 Member
    Starvation mode is a myth (unless you're actually underweight/starving will your body go into "starvation mode"), although your metabolism can slow down. You may also want to try having a "cheat day" where you eat slightly more calories—this can also break a plateau.

    Here's an article about the "starvation mode" myth:

  • dieseljay74
    dieseljay74 Posts: 376
    Totally normal......first week is likely water weight followed by some the next week....now your body it adapting and getting used to the new changes...it will start to come off again. Happened to me and seemingly most people have the same issue.

    Don't get discouraged. Aslo, don't go to crazy with cardio and a calorie deficit....that spells disaster. Too little calories absorbed that way.

    Try basing your workouts on weight training then add some cardio...always the best approach. It's all about muscle preservation in this game. That's what helps burn that fat!
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    Also check out this article I posted last night.. gives risk and rewards balance on a few different work out types.

  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    Thank you guys I feel better just reading your comments
    Well I'm 5ft7 and a half, I weigh 142lb, and I eat 1200 calories per day, 3 meals, and one snack. I go to spinning class 4 times a week at my gym and walk a lot, I also do one class of body pump at the gym a week. I guess it COULD be muscle but still it sucks :(
    I might do that whole one cheat day that maybe I eat 1400 cals instead, I'm going to try and cut back on carbs, I feel like I eat quite a lot due to me being a vegetarian, but it's almost unavoidable, especially as I eat so much fruit. I'm going to weigh in again on thursday and see whats occurring, if i'm still at 10stone2 I will have to sort something out because clealy I'm doing something wrong if thats the case.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I've never lost weight every week. I didn't when I did weight watchers and I didn't lose last week on this one. I don't let it worry me too much. Do you take your measurements? I often find that when I've not lost lbs I've lost inches which, imo, is the more important thing.