
Hello everyone,

This is my first day of using this site and I know its going to be the best thing ever for me. To be able to track your calories is great because if you dont know how many calories you are eating you have trouble controlling your weight. I am 54 and a little bit (ok ok I am nearly 55 lol) and I dont want to get to 55 being overweight.

Today I am starting my work outs so here's hoping I dont give up when it gets to physical. I used to line dance to try and keep fit but I ended up breaking a bone go figure (now I call it break dancing) lol mmm change of activity may be a good idea.

I want to lose 40 pounds and I know I will get there it will just take a little time. I am hoping to be able to find new friends on here so we can motivate each other when the going gets tough. I am also in the process of relocating back to Australia (boy I sure do pick stressful times to lose weight).

I will try and post messages on here every week so I can let you all know how things are going.

Have a wonderful day,



  • karencalleja
    karencalleja Posts: 61 Member
    Welcome to MFP and good luck - its a great site and we keep each other motivated so that's great. I suggest you log on daily and log in your food intake and exercise - that way you know exactly were you stand. Add me as a friend if you like :)
  • daveshoneybun
    daveshoneybun Posts: 76 Member
    Welcome to MFP, good luck on your journey, feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. I've been on here now for 6 weeks and i love this site. I know if I won't have started on here i would have already gained my weight back or worse gained a lot more. The support is wonderful.
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi welcome and gd luck
  • Beth_M217
    Beth_M217 Posts: 7
    Welcome! I've been here for about 5 weeks and the support is amazing. I'm losing weight at a healthy pace and I actually look forward to exercising now...funny, because I never thought I would ever say that! Good luck on your journey!
  • paschtat85
    paschtat85 Posts: 45
    Welocme!!! You have started an exciting journey with terrific friends and support. You CAN and WILL suceed. It's amazing when we track our food how picky we are to actually eat something and waste those precious calories, which then we end of choosing healthier foods.
    We are here for you in good...and bad....

  • cinmoore
    cinmoore Posts: 4
    I am excited by the ease of access to mfp and good luck in your journey towards fitness and health!
  • liquidjem
    liquidjem Posts: 138 Member
    this is my first day too! :)