Time for exercise !!? ADVICE please !

Hi MFP friends ,

I recently had a long time off work due to illness . I was able then to go to the gym most days. I am now back to work and have a 2 hour commute each end . When I get home I am utterly exhausted ! I have also now taken on the comittment of looking after a horse ( Which I love and is not a chore ) . So go to the stables several times a week straight from wk, then when I get in from the stables after work I am shattered. ( I do get quite a sweat on mucking out and riding !!) and horse ride , which is exercise but not like the cardio I was used to . I don't sleep very well so that does not help !!

I have now not been to the gym for 3 weeks and I just wanted advice from other busy people of how you fit your exercise in ??

I love my gym but have been considering cancelling membership as I just cant seem to fit it in . I can't go before work as I am on a 630 am train .

Any advice gratefully received and being added as a friend too,

Thank you for taking the time to read my post ,
Deals xxx


  • ChessRonin
    ChessRonin Posts: 160 Member
    It sounds like you get plenty of exercise in, but if you REALLY must have more, then try joining a gym near where you work. You can go in a little earlier to workout before work, workout after work and rest during the commute back to the stables, or get a brief workout on your lunch-break.
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    Oh my goodness...a 4 hour commute total..I am so sorry! I'd be exhausted as well. If you are really looking to fit it in, it may have to be a routine within something you are already doing. Not sure what your job is but if you are in a building..I would run flights of stairs on breaks or get an excercise ball to use as a chair. You can bounce on it while sitting, it constantly activates your core. At home...dance while cooking.Oh man..I wish I had a million ideas for you!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I thought I had it rough with my commute which is 2 hours round trip. I really thought I was unable to fit in exercise though and have proved myself wrong this week, finally getting into a groove, I exercises Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday this week which I never thought would be possible! And so far my family doesn't feel neglected and I don't feel like I've missed out on any of the fun. Are the stables close enough to your house to ride a bicycle over there or run?
  • mc4mick
    mc4mick Posts: 1
    I have a similar situation, although not quite as bad on the commute (1-1/2 hours each way). I am finally trying to overcome it by adjusting my thinking a bit. On the days that I have the long commute, I wear a pedometer and try to focus on getting "activity," not "exercise." What kind of work do you do? Can you use a lunch or break time to go for a brisk walk? Even if it is inside your building? Use an activity conversion chart for the time you spend at the stables, which does count (as does housework, etc). I also started doing "fitness minutes" while I"m at my desk. When I need a break from the computer, I try to do some sort of activity for 60 seconds to fit in as many "steps" as I can. If I can shut my door, I may do some squats or jumping jacks; otherwise I may just do some isometrics (clench and release) or some stretches. I also do the tried and true of parking further away from the building (in your case, could you get off your train a stop or two earlier?), walking over to see colleagues instead of sending an email or calling, etc. At the end of the day, I'm often surprised to see how the pedometer has tallied up several thousand additional steps from all of this. Then of course, on your days off, you have to committ to going to the gym and getting your "good" workouts. Also, you might try getting some small hand weights or DVD workouts and using them at home in the morning to compensate for not going to the gym. I get up at 4:45am, do a 30-minute video workout, and can make it out of the house on schedule.

    Believe me, I have been where you are, and told myself I just don't have time to fit in any exercise. But then I saw a cartoon of a doctor asking an overweight patient, "Which fits into your schedule better, 30 minutes of exercise a day, or 24 hours of being dead?" That was a little bit of a wakeup call to me that I cannot allow my work schedule (or Life, in general) to be an excuse anymore. I made myself and my health more of a priority, and I'm finding that on most days, I really can fit in some activity that is meaningful and is helping me reach my goals (even if it isn't a full 30 minutes). Of course I have those long days when I am absolutely drained and I just can't do it. But that makes me even more conscientious the next day, to make up for it.

    Good luck. Try to think in baby steps - you don't need to do a perfect session at a gym every day for it to count as a workout. Every little bit that you do fit in will be beneficial, and when you get a chance to do the longer workouts, make them count! Don't give up!!!!
  • simplysara9
    simplysara9 Posts: 521
    With all of the work you are doing at the stable that is a workout in itself.

    How long is your lunch break at work? Could you possible walk around your office / place of work. Maybe map out a 1 mile route and walk that each day.
  • DealsMinx
    DealsMinx Posts: 4
    Hi MFP friends ,

    Thank you for all the advice and suggestions , I don't get a lunch hour really .
    So that is not a option . I am a police officer but currently on office hours . I will be going back onto shift work soon , so that will be harder to fit everthing in . But I will have to cross that bridge when I get to it. I

    The stables are a 20 minute drive away . I could not run there ( I can only run for about 40 mins tops ) .

    I would also like some more peple to add me as a friend if they are not too overloaded with friends !!!!

    Really appreciate the responses I have had ,

    Delas xx