I am doing really well/why no lbs lost?

plaeas don't say muscle weighs more than fat or measure or see how clothes fit.

All of it and I mean all of it is the SAME!!1

I spin 2-3 times a week, I walk/jog, I mow the lawn, I lift weights about 30lbs for each arm exercise about 2-3 times a week,

I take a mixed aerobic muscle confusion class 1-2 times a week and 2 days I do my own thing like the treadmill or stairs or elliptical....so why is NOTHING moving.

I am limiting carbs thanks to PCOS and Insulin Resistance so I know I cannot eat more carbs or it will get the fat going around the middle and the scale going up




  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    I wont tell you what you already know....I will put it in this perspective for you. When I started at the end of January I worked out til this date 9-10 times a week. Doing HIIT, cardio and weight training and I eat absolutely nothing bad for me.

    It took me 3 months...yes 3 months before I lost my first pound. Then I lost 9 in 3 weeks. Your body is changing inside so be patient and let it do what it knows best...how to take care itself and change to what you are putting it through.
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    how long has it been since you have lost any weight?? try eating over your caloires for one day, that will boost your matabolism. also, if you have been doing the same exercises for a while, change it up. surprise your muscles, you get a better calorie burn.
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    we can't see your diary so it's really hard to help you. it's like the blind leading the blind. if you would open up your diary we would be able to help you.
  • renae5
    renae5 Posts: 393 Member
    I, too, was diagnosed with PCOS and IR this year. I lost quite a bit of weight 2 1/2 years ago and was at a loss why nothing was working anymore. I was eating less and less and working out more and more and still managed to gain 20+ pounds over the last 2years. Now, I have a diagnosis but I still don't have answers or a solution. I will be going back to my endocrinologist for a 2 month check-up later this month and will ask more... but for now, it seems I have to work my butt of to maintain and not blow up. I hope you get some advice that helps you reach your health and weight loss goals!!
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Can't see your diary, so can't really comment on what might be working against you. But I can tell you that I have, several times, plateaued for a month, and then the 5th wk or so, I'd lose 2 lbs.
  • em_lou007
    em_lou007 Posts: 117

    Just a thought maybe your doing too well?! - Your body might have adjusted to what your doing already and stopped for a while. How often are you weighing yourself - I wouldn't do it more than once a week as otherwise it can be a bit unrealistic as our body changes day to day.

    How long have you stayed the same for? Sometimes it takes a while for changes to reflect in our bodies....

    Maybe jiggle things round a little - are you eating back your exercise calories? If not then your body might be going in starvation mode, or, maybe leave off some of the exercise for a week.....

    Loosing weight is a balancing act that is different for everyone, some people have to eat back their exercise calories and some don't. I know I have to eat back about 3/4s of my cals to loose weight otherwise i'll stop or even gain.

    Just remember that even though your the same, your not gaining and your still lighter than when you started the journey!

    Good luck xx
  • slp2112
    slp2112 Posts: 107
    yeah, I also had a LONG delay between starting an intense workout and nutrition program (designed by a trainer and an RD, so it's not as though I had the wrong information .... ) and seeing a change on the scale. I honestly just stopped weighing myself for about three months because a) I was frustrated but also b) weighing yourself can make you really obsess over that number, which is not necessarily a good thing (or even a good way to measure success). Then in the space of a month, I lost about 6 pounds. And it has been coming off steadily ever since.

    The other poster is right - your body IS changing and adjusting, even if you can't see it. You're putting it through a lot of different changes all at once and the body's primary job is to stay alive so that's what it's doing - making sure it's going to be fueled and taken care of properly! Give it time. It'll happen. Plus, there's no deadline here (or there shouldn't be). This is about being healthy in the long term. Focus on small goals for now (working out X times a week, introducing one new great food to your diet every two weeks, lifting slightly heaver weights, etc.) and don't worry as much about the bigger goals. Good luck - you'll be great!
  • Jillyc72
    Jillyc72 Posts: 13
    Weight loss is a pretty simple calculation, you KNOW why you are not losing weight, it's because you are eating more than you are burning, a weight gain due to exercise is temporary (1 week or so) muscle gain will at most slow you down a week or two, you simply cant gain a pound of muscle every week. Therefore you are eating more than you are burning. It's hard, it's tough, you'll be hungry, but you cannot lose weight unless you burn the calories. I would simply try for one week to not put anything in your mouth without weighing and counting it. You may be surprised that some of your guesstimates about calories are way off base.

    Whenever I get fed up about not losing, I always go back to this journalling and i always find it's the hidden bites here and there that are enough to stop it. Every time I do it, I realise how easy it is to eat 1500 calories a day, i could do it before 11am most days!

    You look at pictures of people in the concentration camps. there were NO fat people. obviously that is an extreme example, but if you give your body less food than it needs, it will shed fat, under any circumstances eventually.

    Good luck, I hope you find the way that works for you.
  • marybecker
    marybecker Posts: 8 Member
    Wow - you go girl. I haven't lost any weight lately and have gotten frustrated, too. Reading this makes me feel better because when I read this I KNOW you and I are getting healthier because of the choices we are making.

    Sounds like you are doing all the right things so keep at it and give it some time. You might want to change up some of your routines just to shake things up.

    Keep at it and I will, too!!!

    Perfect timing for this note!!! Gave me the boost I needed to keep at it.
  • mare91467
    mare91467 Posts: 91 Member
    I have been in your shoes. In my case it was definitely commitment to strict calorie counting and exercise intensity.

    Have you always been active physically? You may need to step up the intensity. How many days per week are you working out? The way your message read, you seem to do classes at the gym, 2-3 times per week? You may need to increase that or find some high intensity work outs that you can supplement at home.

    I don't lose weight or change my body unless I combine a 5-6 day per week, high intensity, work out regimen which is combined with a low fat, low sodium, low sugar, diet between 1300-1500 calories.

    You have to find the combination that works best for your body. (Mine is stubborn) But I would take a serious look at your diet. Low carb tends to bring about a more high fat, high sodium diet which can be equally damaging.

    Otherwise, if all those things are in check, I agree with the other poster, to give it time. I haven't lost a pound for over a month. But I am losing inches and reshaping my body. I am gaining a lot of muscle. (My body tends to do that too) I don't mind what the scale says when I put on a bathing suit that I haven't been able to wear in 6 years, and it looks better than it did then. :happy:
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Please don't let anyone tell you to eat more in order to lose weight unless it is a doctor or well qualified nutricionalist - most of these ideas are utter tosh!

    Best regards, David
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    you joined in april and lost 6 pounds.
    Even if you joined April 1st that is STILL an average of 1.5 lbs a week which is REALLY good. Most people should aim for 1 lb a week and 2 id s the max for healthy loss, so you are doing great.
    The only thing I can think of is that you are probably not eating ENOUGH. MOST people try to go to fast and eat too little and scare their bodies into thinking there is a famine, so they hold onto the fat thinking they might need it to survive.
    If I could see your diary I could tell you, but most likely you have it set at 1200 and try to stay under that, and that is wrong. With all you do, you should probably be aiming to NET 1500 a day at least. Eat more and it will come off. As long as you eat the right foods.
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    Please don't let anyone tell you to eat more in order to lose weight unless it is a doctor or well qualified nutricionalist - most of these ideas are utter tosh!

    Best regards, David

    not true. it isnt unhealthy to go over your weight loss calories by a few hundred for one day. that would put you at a maintenance level. my SIL is a nutritionist and this would be her suggestion.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Please don't let anyone tell you to eat more in order to lose weight unless it is a doctor or well qualified nutricionalist - most of these ideas are utter tosh!

    Best regards, David

    please don't let people tell you it is ok to starve yourself as they are just trying to kill you slowly. If you are netting below 1200 a day you DO need to eat more.
    But again, we can't see your diary so we do not know.

    To David:
    Since you can't see her diary you have no idea. What if she is only eating less than 1000 cals a day? What then? With all the exercise she is doing, eating that little can be wreaking havoc on her body, and she could end up seriously screwing up everything. Would you STILL not tell her to eat more? If not, you need to do a little more reading of the sticky threads.

    (not that she IS eating that low, but since we cannot see it, we have no idea, she COULD be)
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    plaeas don't say muscle weighs more than fat or measure or see how clothes fit.

    All of it and I mean all of it is the SAME!!1

    I spin 2-3 times a week, I walk/jog, I mow the lawn, I lift weights about 30lbs for each arm exercise about 2-3 times a week,

    I take a mixed aerobic muscle confusion class 1-2 times a week and 2 days I do my own thing like the treadmill or stairs or elliptical....so why is NOTHING moving.

    I am limiting carbs thanks to PCOS and Insulin Resistance so I know I cannot eat more carbs or it will get the fat going around the middle and the scale going up


    Your ticker shows you've lost six pounds, so I'd say something is moving. It took me six weeks to lose six pounds, and although that wasn't earth-shattering, I am convinced that slow, steady approach has been the reason I was able to take the rest off and have been able to keep it off for a year now. If you are eating enough to fuel what you're doing and keep your energy level up but still lose a pound a week, I think you're doing it perfectly right. :flowerforyou:
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    Weight loss is a pretty simple calculation, you KNOW why you are not losing weight, it's because you are eating more than you are burning, a weight gain due to exercise is temporary (1 week or so) muscle gain will at most slow you down a week or two, you simply cant gain a pound of muscle every week. Therefore you are eating more than you are burning. It's hard, it's tough, you'll be hungry, but you cannot lose weight unless you burn the calories. I would simply try for one week to not put anything in your mouth without weighing and counting it. You may be surprised that some of your guesstimates about calories are way off base.

    Whenever I get fed up about not losing, I always go back to this journalling and i always find it's the hidden bites here and there that are enough to stop it. Every time I do it, I realise how easy it is to eat 1500 calories a day, i could do it before 11am most days!

    You look at pictures of people in the concentration camps. there were NO fat people. obviously that is an extreme example, but if you give your body less food than it needs, it will shed fat, under any circumstances eventually.

    Good luck, I hope you find the way that works for you.

    yes this is my Polish heritage that is why years later I have greedy fat cells and have PCOS and have IR because of other ancestors starving ...but really I don;t think that is it....there are times like today I did spinning for over 500 cal and then an afternoon hike at 300+ cal burned and I did not come home and eat back 800 calories or will I later on in the day....I don't think it is a matter of eating more than I burn.

    I so don't want ot be rude and obviously I did something wrong because I thought you could see my food diary, but I am SO NOT OVERDOING IT ON FOOD!!!!!
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    I have been in your shoes. In my case it was definitely commitment to strict calorie counting and exercise intensity.

    Have you always been active physically? You may need to step up the intensity. How many days per week are you working out? The way your message read, you seem to do classes at the gym, 2-3 times per week? You may need to increase that or find some high intensity work outs that you can supplement at home.

    no I do 6 days a weeks sometimes twice a day!

    2-3 days are spinning days at the gym
    2 are usually on my own machines at the gym with weights after
    and one day a mixed cardio endurance class with free weights with instructor led group

    then I also jog/walk with a buddy 3-4 times in the week in ADDITION to the stuff I did in the morning at the gym.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    thank you this was very positive feed back and you are right....I have always been active so maybe my body is just used to working hard before it decides to have the #s go down.

    I appreciate what you said and that i have come pretty far already.
  • neesono
    neesono Posts: 61
    I've had to learn the hard way that it takes time and PATIENCE. Not to mention all of the conflicting info out there; eat your exercise calories/don't eat them, starvation mode is a myth/fact, don't eat before bed time/carb up before bed time for a big work out in the morning. It makes your head hurt.

    No matter what I have read so far one thing has always been constant....your body is a machine and that machine needs fuel. Period. The more you burn the more you need to take on to keep the machine running. It sounds like you are working out quite a bit. So even if you don't eat back your work out cals you're going to need something to top off your tank. What works for some might not work for you but the "fuel in the tank" thing is pretty universal.

    These things also seem to be universal:

    Getting enough sleep
    Drinking enough water
    watching food portions
    moderate exercise
    reasonable calorie deficit
    reasonable weight/waist size goal

    You'll get there! Eventually your body will click and everything will fall into place.