
I'm pretty new-ish to this. I've been transitioning to vegetarian recently. So far I love it, but don't know anyone who is like minded. Very few people I know are supportive of it. So I'm just looking here to see if there are any here.


  • hotcoffee692
    hotcoffee692 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi! I'm new too. I'm a long time vegetarian and I think it fits really well with a healthy MFP plan. I saw that there's a vegetarian/vegan group here, but I don't know how active it is. I just joined it - you should too!
  • Lanamasha55
    Lanamasha55 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm new as well! I've been vegetarian 13 days now. And honestly, I feel so much better and healthier. I thought I would be starving, but I am learning all these new recipes.

    Things I've been considering:
    - I've been eating a lot more beans than I ever have (homemade chili)
    - I've been drinking ISOPURE strawberries and cream protein shake before/after working out (I do elliptical and yoga). I like ISOPURE because it has ZERO carbs (as opposed to most shakes) and 50 grams of protein.
    - I do have morning star foods once in a while when I want a soy burger with soy bacon, but not too often because of how processed it is. They also have chicken nuggets and morning sausage links :)
    - I use coconut oil instead of olive oil, just as another new change. Love it
    - Add me and see my diary!

    Also, check out these 75 reasons for being vegetarian. It really brings a new spin on not eating meat. I never knew that it is even healthier for our teeth.
  • ayanafuentes9
    ayanafuentes9 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm pretty new-ish to this. I've been transitioning to vegetarian recently. So far I love it, but don't know anyone who is like minded. Very few people I know are supportive of it. So I'm just looking here to see if there are any here.

    I recently started Vegan a month ago and love it.
  • ElizabethNJ
    ElizabethNJ Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks! I did check out the group. I'm with you on the morning star, veggie patch, etc brands. Every once in a while, but I'd rather just eat whole foods, plus I don't want to have too much of soy intake. i have a hard time digesting milk/cheese so I by unsweetened almond milk rather than soy milk.
  • annpatalexa
    annpatalexa Posts: 38 Member
    My boyfriend is vegetarian. I would call him more a junkfoodtarian. He's been doing it for over a decade and has gotten lazy and buys the veggie nuggets for multiple meals a week. I told him when we move in together (and honestly I'm doing this now) we're going to aim for real food vegetarian. Its tricky, but once you figure out a few good recipes you should be able to hit the ground running. Most of mine are soups or casseroles.
  • Kellyfitness128
    Kellyfitness128 Posts: 194 Member
    I've been vegetarian off and on throughout my life and I just took a break from 8 months of being, I know all about the lifestyle if you have any questions! I'm back to eating meat for right now, but I'm still fully supportive of vegetarianism and have lots of respect for those doing it. As the poster above me mentioned, it's easy to be vegetarian and still be unhealthy because there are plenty of junk/processed options.. try and stick to plant foods, whole grains, etc :)
  • erichegwer
    erichegwer Posts: 34 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for over 30 years. But that doesn't mean it is healthy. At 260 pounds, I have a lot to loose, and am just beginning the journey.

    Mostly when people hear vegetarian, they immediately think healthy, and let me tell you that is 100% not the case. I love chips, fries, basically anything cooked in oil and salted. That diet has made me fat. But it is vegetarian.

    A lot of people confuse vegetarian with vegan, make sure you don't mix them up.

    Friend me, my diet is open. We can do this together!
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    I'm not a vegetarian, but I eat vegetarian meals about twice a week. I was a vegan for a year. Couldn't do it any longer because it was too difficult with my allergies to wheat, corn and soy. I am knowledgeable about the lifestyle and have a ton of vegetarian/vegan recipes. Feel free to add me.
  • HappyAnna2014
    HappyAnna2014 Posts: 214 Member
    I'm a very happy vegetarian, working hard to be completely vegan. I have noticed that when I eat vegan, I feel so much better. And over the years, I've developed a love for most vegetables. Feel free to add me if you would like. :)
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    I have been a vegetarian for over 25 years. I do cook meat as I cook for three other people - meat eaters (2 of whom don't live with me - a lot of work). I let myself go with my own nutrition and have got back on track this year. Add me if I can help!
  • Jenniferanne6
    Jenniferanne6 Posts: 17 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for 8 years (veg-eversary on November 1st!) and I'll never go back. Feel free to add me as a friend. It's always good to have support.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Hi I shouldn't call myself a vegetarian because i eat fish. But i am definitely supportive of it if you are doing it for ethical reasons. There's no reason to do it just for healthy as meat is not unhealthy and actually should make healthy eating easier.

    Nevertheless, if you want to make your vegetarian lifestyle a success you must embrace chickpeas, lentils and beans. If you do not bother with these foods on a regular basis, you will probably end up getting fat on bread, pasta and rice.

    On a vegetarian diet is easier to eat more vegies but as for everyone it still takes effort.

    I strongly recommend you avoid buying lots of pretend meat products. These are processed foods and contain lots of sodium and other unhealthy ingredients. Processed food is processed food whether or not its made of sugar or soybeans.

    Eat tofu by all means. Try tempeh but i can't stand it myself. But focus on learning how to cook lentils beans and chickpeas into delicious recipes from scratch. you don't have to invent these recipes yourself. the world's cuisines are chocks with wonderful recipes using these foods. Go and find out about them.
  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    I am vegetarian all my life.
  • ibanezhomer79
    ibanezhomer79 Posts: 18 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for about 5 years. It's a decision I'm glad I made despite the funny looks from friends and family. "Why don't you like meat anymore?" They just don't get it. But that's ok. To each his own. I'm happy eating salads and pastas and drinking almond milk. And I know I'm doing right by my body.
  • ElizabethNJ
    ElizabethNJ Posts: 32 Member
    Wow. Thanks all. I love me some veggies (excepts beets and pickles...never beets and pickles), I make a mean vegetable lasagna and stuffed peppers! I'm not a big fan of those fake meat things, I don't think they taste good, I'd much rather chow on veggies and legumes when at home, so I guess I'm trying to eat a more plant-based whole foods. It's not for animal rights reasons, but just to eat healthier, and I do feel better for it. I'll opt for fish if there are no veggie options, but that's really on occasion. Since
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I'm new as well! I've been vegetarian 13 days now. And honestly, I feel so much better and healthier. I thought I would be starving, but I am learning all these new recipes.

    Things I've been considering:
    - I've been eating a lot more beans than I ever have (homemade chili)
    - I've been drinking ISOPURE strawberries and cream protein shake before/after working out (I do elliptical and yoga). I like ISOPURE because it has ZERO carbs (as opposed to most shakes) and 50 grams of protein.
    - I do have morning star foods once in a while when I want a soy burger with soy bacon, but not too often because of how processed it is. They also have chicken nuggets and morning sausage links :)
    - I use coconut oil instead of olive oil, just as another new change. Love it
    - Add me and see my diary!

    Also, check out these 75 reasons for being vegetarian. It really brings a new spin on not eating meat. I never knew that it is even healthier for our teeth.

    That is a really odd list of reasons for being a vegetarian

    Also, I am not so sure about it being healthier for teeth. Its someone's personal list and just says that the dentist attributed it to more raw fruits and veggies - not being a vegetarian.

    OP: just make sure your get enough complete protein and be careful of micros, particularly B12. Look at using nutritional yeast - its a complete protein and fortified with B12.

  • numinousnymph
    numinousnymph Posts: 249 Member
    i've been vegan since sept 2013 :)
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    edited November 2014
    Pescatarian here (the only "meat" I eat is fish). I basically survive on beans, fish, and "faux" meat products- yes, they tend to be a little high in sodium, but moderation is key for me! I still eat eggs, milk, everything else. Just no meat. Feel free to add me if my diet sounds like something you would like to take a look at :)

    ETA: I am vegetarian for semi-ethical reasons, but mostly because I think meat is absolutely disgusting and unappetizing.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    edited November 2014
    I'm not a vegetarian and don't call myself one because I don't want to offend anyone who is actually a vegetarian for ethical reasons. But my diet often approximates that of a vegetarian since I eat very little meat, mostly because I find it unappetizing. I eat chicken and some fish 3-4 times a week, and otherwise only eat vegetarian. (Not vegan, though -- I like my dairy products way too much!) But no red meat at all, no pork, no lamb, no shellfish. Part of it is a holdover from growing up kosher (I'm not anymore, but some habits stick) and part of it is simply disliking meat.

    Also, when I travel internationally, I often stick to a veggie diet since it's easier than trying to explain my weird food preferences in a foreign language.

    I also really, really dislike "faux" meat that is meant to imitate the flavour, look or texture of real meat. So I don't eat any of that. I like my vegetarian food to look vegetarian.
  • ChescasFeather
    ChescasFeather Posts: 27 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for nearly 10 years now and on/off vegan for 2-3 years :) feel free to add me and always love talking recipes xxx