Confused, Help - Moderation or low carb?



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    For me, moderation means, paying attention to, and actually only eating, the correct recommended serving size, and not overindulging in any food, or beverage. But, it certainly is open to interpretation.

    I don't actually think there is a "correct recommended serving size." The proper serving size is going to depend on how many calories overall you are eating and what else you are eating.

    For example, when I first started this I was cutting my carbs more than I am now (wasn't actually low carb, but under 100 usually). I realized I was undereating, since I'd (among other things) kept my meat portions at what I considered a standard size (4 oz uncooked or so). After I realized this I got looser about that and focused more on the total calories in the meal. I'm still apt to eat, say, close to 8 oz of fish plus veggies if my protein is lower than I'd like as of dinner time. Is this immoderate?
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    edited November 2014
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    edited November 2014
    rabbyduby wrote: »
    Ok, so I am so confused as to what to do. I have been reading a lot on weightloss. Whiles I have found low carb gives you quicker weightloss and good for diabetics, I find it so hard to stick to a low carb diet such as atkins or say around 20grams of carbs a day as a lifestyle. so my question is can I eat regular things but try to watch my carbs and still loose weight or do I have to choose one low carb or calorie counting?

    OP, that is a great question. I do not hold any degrees, but my opinion is that you can lose weight on any diet, no matter the carbs. The problem lies in how you are able to resist the sugary carbs and fight the urge to snack. If you cannot resist eating more than one slice, you should probably restrict carbs.

    I am conducting an experiment on myself, an n=1 experiment. I am monitoring a variety of things, but among those things are hunger control and weight loss on a low-carb, ketogenic diet. I am restricting carbs to </= 10% and fat is no less than 70%, as a part of my total daily intake, while not restricting the amount I can eat. I am also applying the Harris-Benedict principle each day for comparison of weight loss results (i.e. what I achieved with how much I ate vs what the formula predicted).

    If you would like to observe my experiment, I am making my raw data available to anyone who wishes to look at it. All you have to do is friend me and subscribe to my blog.

    Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • madreap
    madreap Posts: 6 Member
    edited November 2014
    I always been a carboholic, which ended me up diabetic and morbidly obese have dropped 72 lbs over the last three years with lots of yoyoing - decided last month to try very low carb under 50 grams after a bad summer - I've lost all my summer weight and am current at my lowest weight in years - more importantly my morning numbers are in the 95 to 105 range - down from a typical 120 to 130 - I've found my carb cravings have almost disappeared - been trying concentrate on healthly fats to make up the carbs- vitamins and good hydration - choose carbs with a high fiber content - I gave myself a cheat day of 180 grams - but after the first week my carb cravings have gone down to next to nothing - this looks like a lifestyle change for me - I think it's something to consider if your dealing with diabetes - there is a lot of supportive literature out there - biggest argument against is that it's hard to follow - but that doesn't seem like a good argument to me - they're all hard to follow - I think this diet is a big help in giving your malfuctioning pancreas a rest - I think eating in a 6 to 8 hour window is also good for your system
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
  • ComingUntrue
    ComingUntrue Posts: 65 Member
    Up your fat intake with high quality fats (grass fed butter, ghee, palm oil, avocado oil, nuts, avocados, fish) and get your carbs in the 50-100 range, with protein being moderate. Maybe start at 100 carbs a day or even 125 if you need to ease into it. No need to get too low. Sugar/carbs matter. Although, if you want weight loss then you could probably eat McDonalds and find a way to lose. If you want your health plus weight loss then get around 100 carbs per day from organically grown veggies, nuts and a little white rice on occasion.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    rabbyduby wrote: »
    Ok, so I am so confused as to what to do. I have been reading a lot on weightloss. Whiles I have found low carb gives you quicker weightloss and good for diabetics, I find it so hard to stick to a low carb diet such as atkins or say around 20grams of carbs a day as a lifestyle. so my question is can I eat regular things but try to watch my carbs and still loose weight or do I have to choose one low carb or calorie counting?

    Both work well!

    Both have success stories and both have people who vow that doing them was the worst experience of their lives and to steer clear.

    The best thing to do is to flip a coin - heads low carb, tails calorie counting. Which ever it lands on try that diet (and give it your all) for 30 days. If at the end of 30 days its comfortable for you and you are starting to see results - stick with.

    If at the end of the 30 days its really not for you, then switch and try the other one for 30 days.

    I would suggest that going to the extremes (i.e. being neurotic about every ounce of food you weight, or eating barely no carbs) may make the experience less than comfortable.

    For a decent low carb intake, somewhere around 100g a day is more than sufficient to get all your Micros Nutrients from mainly veg and some fruit.

    Give em a try (both are healthy) - so what have you got you to lose!

    Good luck
  • rabbyduby
    rabbyduby Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you all again for your input. I truly appreciate the support.
  • BlackTimber
    BlackTimber Posts: 230 Member
    MelRC117 wrote: »
    eldamiano wrote: »
    eldamiano wrote: »
    eldamiano wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    eldamiano wrote: »
    eldamiano wrote: »

    So low carb coupled with high fat is just asking for trouble.

    Low carb diets are unsustainable.

    Why? Seems to me it depends on the person, and what he or she finds satisfying. For me eating about 150 g carbs seems to work best, although it might change over time. I can totally see that for someone else eating, say, less than 50 grams and more fat might work, especially if carbs made that person feel less satiated.
    So if you are just eating fat and not reducing your calorie intake, then what is the point of a low carb diet?

    Typically, people on low carb diets eat some carbs and of course protein, not just fat. Also, more to the point, IMO low carb diets work because they are an easier way for some people to cut calories or naturally just eat fewer calories than they otherwise would.

    They are recommended only as a short term fix. Any more than taking on a low carb diet for a few weeks is bad. Why do you think that the Atkins diet has been so controversial? Carbs are not bad. The body needs them for energy.
    ....everyone, stop restricting your carbs, now, it's bad, the Dr. said so. lol

    "You see, most of us require some level of carbohydrates to function at our best over the long term. Sure, we can cut carbs temporarily if we need to lose weight quickly. But for most of us, keeping carbs too low for too long can have disastrous consequences. This is especially true for those of us who work out. If you’re sedentary, your carb needs are lower. So you might be able to get away with more restriction.

    In other words: Your metabolism might slow, your stress hormones go up and your muscle-building hormones go down.

    Copied and pasted from

    "An earlier study has already highlighted the fact that long-term carbohydrate restriction can increase the risk of osteoporosis, with attendant risks of bone fractures, spinal collapse and nerve damage. What-is-more, although in a few studies it has been shown to improve certain cardiac risk factors, a low-carbohydrate diet limits the intake of a wide range of plant-derived chemicals, such as flavonoids, carotenoids, and antioxidants, that may help prevent heart disease, cancer, and other disorders. Rather cancelling out any claimed benefits, wouldn't you say"

    Copied and pasted from

    So please tell me again what is so funny, except for how wrong you are?
    Ok, thanks for the spanking, you sure convinced me. Maybe take a look at the nutritional profiles of various vegetables before continuing with misinformation and generally talking through your hat. I have a feeling it won't matter though.

    "generally talking through your hat"

    Did you just completely ignore the fact that these are quotes from the professsionals, and not myself for your own self-purpose?

    There wouldn't be a keto group on MFP if what you're saying is true. We'd all be dead.

    There are some that have been doing it for YEARS and have great health and are very active.

    Also, NO they are not recommended for short term fixes. Often people with diabetes and PCOS use low carb dieting to not only lose weight but to improve their health. There are people with diabetes that are able to reduce the need for meds through their diet. Are you saying once the diabetes are under control they should just go back to a more traditional, higher carb diet?

    I have a Type 1 child and have seen an improvement in control with a lower than average carb intake. However there is a world of difference between a Low carb and a ketogenic diet. IMO Being ketognic for a short time or vegetarian for a short time can be very therapeutic. In my experience when first starting either protocol I feel great but after 3 to 4 weeks the extra energy and healthful feeling diminishes. So what I do now is consume as an omnivore nearly all the time with an occasional ketogenic or vegetarian stint. To each his own!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    rabbyduby wrote: »
    Ok, so I am so confused as to what to do. I have been reading a lot on weightloss. Whiles I have found low carb gives you quicker weightloss and good for diabetics, I find it so hard to stick to a low carb diet such as atkins or say around 20grams of carbs a day as a lifestyle. so my question is can I eat regular things but try to watch my carbs and still loose weight or do I have to choose one low carb or calorie counting?

    Both work well!

    Both have success stories and both have people who vow that doing them was the worst experience of their lives and to steer clear.

    The best thing to do is to flip a coin - heads low carb, tails calorie counting. Which ever it lands on try that diet (and give it your all) for 30 days. If at the end of 30 days its comfortable for you and you are starting to see results - stick with.

    If at the end of the 30 days its really not for you, then switch and try the other one for 30 days.

    I would suggest that going to the extremes (i.e. being neurotic about every ounce of food you weight, or eating barely no carbs) may make the experience less than comfortable.

    For a decent low carb intake, somewhere around 100g a day is more than sufficient to get all your Micros Nutrients from mainly veg and some fruit.

    Give em a try (both are healthy) - so what have you got you to lose!

    Good luck

    Spot on.

    I do keto, but 50-100g is probably where I'll settle after I reach my goal. Each has their benefits. But it's not necessary to restrict your carbs to keto level if it doesn't work well for you. And that's what the key is, finding your personal sweet spot (sustainability + weight loss). Making yourself miserable is ridiculous. So don't. I'm happy with 20g net right now. I feel good and am healthy. Who's to say someone else won't feel just as good and be just as happy doing something else? It won't be me. Because there is more than one way to get where you are going. Keep trying things until you find something you are comfortable with.
    rabbyduby wrote: »
    Thank you all again for your input. I truly appreciate the support.

  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    edited November 2014
    The key to my success has been moderation by far. I tried low carb many times, I just don't do well with it at all. I finally gave up after many years of trying LC, concluding it wasn't for me. I found MFP, and discovered I didn't have to eliminate any foods to lose weight. Success at last! :) Made things so much easier for me and less stressful. (and that's even with PCOS)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    And that's what the key is, finding your personal sweet spot (sustainability + weight loss). Making yourself miserable is ridiculous. So don't. I'm happy with 20g net right now. I feel good and am healthy. Who's to say someone else won't feel just as good and be just as happy doing something else? It won't be me. Because there is more than one way to get where you are going. Keep trying things until you find something you are comfortable with.

    +1. Experiment, try the things you are drawn to, as they are probably what's more likely to work for you, pay attention to how you feel and when you tend to feel hungriest or have trouble staying on plan, and adjust.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    And that's what the key is, finding your personal sweet spot (sustainability + weight loss). Making yourself miserable is ridiculous. So don't. I'm happy with 20g net right now. I feel good and am healthy. Who's to say someone else won't feel just as good and be just as happy doing something else? It won't be me. Because there is more than one way to get where you are going. Keep trying things until you find something you are comfortable with.

    +1. Experiment, try the things you are drawn to, as they are probably what's more likely to work for you, pay attention to how you feel and when you tend to feel hungriest or have trouble staying on plan, and adjust.
    +1 for this as well.