Hi there

Hello everyone. After three weeks of watching my weight go up and my knees and ankles bothering me, I have decided to give this app a try and change how I eat. I am a heavy grandma who wants to live longer. I hope all of you are doing well. This is day two and I totally love the app. I noticed yesterday when I went to finish the day, all my meals disappeared. I re-entered them but wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong. I look forward to much needed boosts and I hope I can inspire you too! :D


  • erichegwer
    erichegwer Posts: 34 Member
    Hi - I'm pretty new here, too, but welcome!

    I love MyFitnessPal too. At first I had some troubles with it, but now that I've been using it for every meal for 2 weeks, I think I have the hang of it. You mentioned you lost some data. I don't think it's lost, unless you actually deleted it, and that's pretty hard to do. You would have to see a red delete box, and click on it - not likely.

    Instead, I think you probably swipped the diary page to a new entry. You are probably on a different day. You can easily check that by looking at the top and seeing what day/meal you are entering.

    Anyway, best of luck to you in your goals! You can do it!
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    Hey there! I'm a gramma too. Happy to lend and receive support! Feel free to add me.