Totally fell off wagon for months, need tips to get going again!!

Well guys this is huge for me, slowly over the past few months I have been doing nothing but eating horribly and getting lazier and lazier. It is such a vicious cycle, eating like crap makes me feel lazy, feeling lazy makes me feel guilty and feeling guilty makes me want to eat like crap. and so on and so fourth. ugh!! a couple of days ago I put on my size 10 pants that fit good a few months ago, and now those babies were sooo tight I thought I was going to die. I knew right then and there I had to refocus again. But its so hard and over whelming. Like I have this huge mountain I need to climb, and I have no equipment in which to climb it. Logically I know what to do...start small and work your way back into it. I know there are folks out there in the same boat as me!! how did you get back into the swing of things ?


  • shorshabae
    shorshabae Posts: 32 Member
    The key for me is to remove the temptation and replace it with a multitude of other healthy options. So no more even looking at chocolate or chips and dip in the supermarket, all I wanna know about is the fresh food.

    I make myself eat breakfast in the morning, then soup for lunch. Getting into this routine makes it easier then once I'm comfortable in it I can start mixing things up like having a home made salmon bagel for lunch instead!

    I find that sometimes the eating habits of other people put a little bit of pressure on me because I think my diet isn't sophisticated enough, but at the end of the day all that matters is that I'm eating regularly, healthily and with a deficit.

    I've also bought the FitBit One which has been helpful in tracking my activity. Slowly but surely I'm trying to do a little more... none of this jumping into 5 cardio classes a week, but taking the dog for a walk or parking my car at the farthest part of the car park.

    Obsessing over these forums help too! Good luck in your journey :)
  • Petrapoo45
    Petrapoo45 Posts: 271 Member
    Thank you so much for your suggestions! I also have a fitbit one!! And when I got it, I loved that thing!! sadly, it has been in my desk drawer for the past few months as well. I think that is the number one thing I am going to do today is MEAL PLAN!! I remember back when I was focused, that was absolutely key in my success. The minute I didnt have something planned...then time!!
  • I have decided to start my diet in the worst time of my life with everything crashing around me, i have put myself in a state of mind that the only thing i can now control is food. I have decided to have a love/hate relationship with it the first 3 days were the worst i was so hungry so i kept myself really busy. I am starting to get into the swing of what i can eat and what i can't (and i still give myself a little something i want like half a fredo) and i keep going back to MFP typing in my calorie intake and food and it really helps to see were I can save a few calories by not eating this or waiting a little longer before i have my next meal. 7 days into it and i am feeling a lot better. I think by trying to loose as much as you can (aiming for 5 kgs each week) in the first few weeks will help after that i am happy to loose 1 kg a week and keep loosing it. Its waiting for your stomach to shrink so you don't get sooo many hunger pains and feeling sick.
  • shorshabae
    shorshabae Posts: 32 Member
    I have decided to start my diet in the worst time of my life with everything crashing around me, i have put myself in a state of mind that the only thing i can now control is food. I have decided to have a love/hate relationship with it the first 3 days were the worst i was so hungry so i kept myself really busy. I am starting to get into the swing of what i can eat and what i can't (and i still give myself a little something i want like half a fredo) and i keep going back to MFP typing in my calorie intake and food and it really helps to see were I can save a few calories by not eating this or waiting a little longer before i have my next meal. 7 days into it and i am feeling a lot better. I think by trying to loose as much as you can (aiming for 5 kgs each week) in the first few weeks will help after that i am happy to loose 1 kg a week and keep loosing it. Its waiting for your stomach to shrink so you don't get sooo many hunger pains and feeling sick.

    I have a similar motivator... my mother died suddenly in early September, initially I just ate because it was routine then for a few weeks I just ate what I felt like when I felt like but unusually this wasn't a lot of food. My appetite has reduced somewhat so I'm taking advantage of that. It is a means of control and in the aftermath of my mum's death I got a lot of spiteful comments about how over-eating was my disease.

    5kg a week is quite a lot and I'm not sure it would be healthy? That would be a deficit of 35000 calories!
  • shorshabae
    shorshabae Posts: 32 Member
    Petrapoo45 wrote: »
    Thank you so much for your suggestions! I also have a fitbit one!! And when I got it, I loved that thing!! sadly, it has been in my desk drawer for the past few months as well. I think that is the number one thing I am going to do today is MEAL PLAN!! I remember back when I was focused, that was absolutely key in my success. The minute I didnt have something planned...then time!!

    Exactly! The worst thing for me is cooking for both my fiancé and I, this weekend has been a challenge because he's been at work until 10pm! I'm starving and half comatose by that point and he's a picky eater, its a nightmare.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You start by setting a reasonable weight goal (like, even half a pound a week) and logging everything you eat. And there's nothing wrong with pizza... just make it fit in your day.
  • augusto73
    augusto73 Posts: 4 Member
    edited November 2014
    shorshabae wrote: »
    I have decided to start my diet in the worst time of my life with everything crashing around me, i have put myself in a state of mind that the only thing i can now control is food. I have decided to have a love/hate relationship with it the first 3 days were the worst i was so hungry so i kept myself really busy. I am starting to get into the swing of what i can eat and what i can't (and i still give myself a little something i want like half a fredo) and i keep going back to MFP typing in my calorie intake and food and it really helps to see were I can save a few calories by not eating this or waiting a little longer before i have my next meal. 7 days into it and i am feeling a lot better. I think by trying to loose as much as you can (aiming for 5 kgs each week) in the first few weeks will help after that i am happy to loose 1 kg a week and keep loosing it. Its waiting for your stomach to shrink so you don't get sooo many hunger pains and feeling sick.

    I have a similar motivator... my mother died suddenly in early September, initially I just ate because it was routine then for a few weeks I just ate what I felt like when I felt like but unusually this wasn't a lot of food. My appetite has reduced somewhat so I'm taking advantage of that. It is a means of control and in the aftermath of my mum's death I got a lot of spiteful comments about how over-eating was my disease.

    5kg a week is quite a lot and I'm not sure it would be healthy? That would be a deficit of 35000 calories!
    Similar situation here. My father passed on Sept 2nd and I lost several pounds in a few weeks, so I decided to keep on the free ride. Should get there in a few months, still have 25lbs to lose.
    I wonder if this is a usual trigger for many people.

  • donnasinc
    donnasinc Posts: 114 Member
    shorshabae wrote: »
    The key for me is to remove the temptation and replace it with a multitude of other healthy options. So no more even looking at chocolate or chips and dip in the supermarket, all I wanna know about is the fresh food.

    This is how I have been keeping focused as well. I have really kept my focus on what I can really eat and not what I can eat within my caloric count. Meal planning is huge for me. I often write out the day first thing in the morning so I know this is the plan and this is what I am sticking to for that day. It has worked for me so far and it gives me a sense of direction. I am eating well though but just cut out the "crap".

    Being here is already going to help you!!

  • shorshabae
    shorshabae Posts: 32 Member
    augusto73 wrote: »
    shorshabae wrote: »
    I have decided to start my diet in the worst time of my life with everything crashing around me, i have put myself in a state of mind that the only thing i can now control is food. I have decided to have a love/hate relationship with it the first 3 days were the worst i was so hungry so i kept myself really busy. I am starting to get into the swing of what i can eat and what i can't (and i still give myself a little something i want like half a fredo) and i keep going back to MFP typing in my calorie intake and food and it really helps to see were I can save a few calories by not eating this or waiting a little longer before i have my next meal. 7 days into it and i am feeling a lot better. I think by trying to loose as much as you can (aiming for 5 kgs each week) in the first few weeks will help after that i am happy to loose 1 kg a week and keep loosing it. Its waiting for your stomach to shrink so you don't get sooo many hunger pains and feeling sick.

    I have a similar motivator... my mother died suddenly in early September, initially I just ate because it was routine then for a few weeks I just ate what I felt like when I felt like but unusually this wasn't a lot of food. My appetite has reduced somewhat so I'm taking advantage of that. It is a means of control and in the aftermath of my mum's death I got a lot of spiteful comments about how over-eating was my disease.

    5kg a week is quite a lot and I'm not sure it would be healthy? That would be a deficit of 35000 calories!
    Similar situation here. My father passed on Sept 2nd and I lost several pounds in a few weeks, so I decided to keep on the free ride. Should get there in a few months, still have 25lbs to lose.
    I wonder if this is a usual trigger for many people.

    Ah thats my birthday...and the last day I spoke to my mum. Not sure how I feel about September these days! Regardless I'm sorry for your loss.

    The thing that is driving me most is my wedding dress.. its something positive to look forward to and I want to start looking after myself again!
  • dontgobacktosleep
    dontgobacktosleep Posts: 144 Member
    Please don't think I'm being a jerk, but you need a kick in the *kitten*. Often when I fall off, starting small fails me more than anything. Try to go for a five mile walk and push through. If that fails ask yourself... if my house burned down would I be able to rescue my family in this physical state? I hate using fear as a motivator, but for me that simple question is yes or no and it usually starts the fire up again.

    I certainly feel your pain, I've been out for just over a year courtesy of babies and a slew of horrendous staph infections. Jump into the deep end and let your body know whose in charge :D
  • augusto73
    augusto73 Posts: 4 Member
    shorshabae wrote: »
    augusto73 wrote: »
    shorshabae wrote: »
    I have decided to start my diet in the worst time of my life with everything crashing around me, i have put myself in a state of mind that the only thing i can now control is food. I have decided to have a love/hate relationship with it the first 3 days were the worst i was so hungry so i kept myself really busy. I am starting to get into the swing of what i can eat and what i can't (and i still give myself a little something i want like half a fredo) and i keep going back to MFP typing in my calorie intake and food and it really helps to see were I can save a few calories by not eating this or waiting a little longer before i have my next meal. 7 days into it and i am feeling a lot better. I think by trying to loose as much as you can (aiming for 5 kgs each week) in the first few weeks will help after that i am happy to loose 1 kg a week and keep loosing it. Its waiting for your stomach to shrink so you don't get sooo many hunger pains and feeling sick.

    I have a similar motivator... my mother died suddenly in early September, initially I just ate because it was routine then for a few weeks I just ate what I felt like when I felt like but unusually this wasn't a lot of food. My appetite has reduced somewhat so I'm taking advantage of that. It is a means of control and in the aftermath of my mum's death I got a lot of spiteful comments about how over-eating was my disease.

    5kg a week is quite a lot and I'm not sure it would be healthy? That would be a deficit of 35000 calories!
    Similar situation here. My father passed on Sept 2nd and I lost several pounds in a few weeks, so I decided to keep on the free ride. Should get there in a few months, still have 25lbs to lose.
    I wonder if this is a usual trigger for many people.

    The thing that is driving me most is my wedding dress.. its something positive to look forward to and I want to start looking after myself again!

    That´s the attitude! :)

  • Petrapoo45
    Petrapoo45 Posts: 271 Member
    These are great suggestions!! I totally need a swift kick in the A...thats why I logged on here :) obviously I couldnt do it myself. I just got back from the grocery store with meal plans in was awesome!!