1500 calories a day

My name is Mark. I started a 1500 calorie diet. I am on my 5th day. So far so good. Eatwell has some great food choices and the food is not boring. Night time is my weak time and being at home. If anyone is doing this would love to exchange so food ideals. Good luck to everyone.


  • monica_reinert
    monica_reinert Posts: 99 Member
    Way to go on getting started. I understand about the night time weakness. I have an open diary and always am looking for new friends. Feel free to add me.
  • onasaz
    onasaz Posts: 19
    edited November 2014
    Eat more, i think 1500 is not sustainable (stats?).
  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    1500 is sustainable, im 6'2" 212 and its more or less what i end up eating plus sometimes for exercise. Some times over 1500, others less.
    as for snacks, no cal drinks, water, tea or coffee with nothing added, flavored water, diet pop (really its not the devil some say it is)
    food, dill pickles, pickled hot peppers, some light cheeses such as laughing cow. Small portion of popcorn. I generally try to fill up on no cal fluids though
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    1500 is my dieting sweet spot! I can lose (slowish - since I also have Sat. cheat night regularly) and still feel energetic. I just posted three healthy recipes on the food discussion thread. It's a good place to check for inspired recipes. I also have trouble in the evenings. These ideas help me in the evening: herbal tea, Lipton makes some good decaf versions - sometimes I drink up to three cups before bed. Going upstairs after 8 so I am not near the kitchen, exercising in the evenings and saving about 150 calories for a post work out snack, eating fruit when I HAVE to have something - half a pomegranate or cut up apple with cinnamon for example, and chewing gum (I do not log the calories for the gum). Also other low cal snacks for evening include frozen fruit with stevia and milk in the blender, my oatmeal and fruit recipe, Greek yogurt and frozen fruit and stevia. Sounds like you are off to a good start!
  • LettingTheSmallStuffGo
    I like 1500 calories too. I tried the 1200 that was recommended and I just could not stick to it. I'm much happier now. I like to match up a protein, carb and fat each meal. It requires you know portion sizes but it effectively kills my hunger like none other.