How to not eat junk and gain weight over Christmas?



  • legless11
    legless11 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm spending Christmas with my family and my mum's portion sizes are also huge. I've resigned myself to that but I will be avoiding the quality street and nuts and nibbles, which should be OK, because I definitely won't be hungry! I'm intending to go out for a few walks (really the only practical exercise when visiting family). The cheese might be an issue though!

    I live alone and cook for myself so I know that a few days off track can be fixed, and its kind of better that i'm going to them as there won't be any chocolates and leftovers and cake here when I get back.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I went on a cruise this summer and could not log my food (no internet). Beforehand I set my calories to maintenance just to get an idea of what that would be. Since I was used to weighing my food and knew how many calories were in many things, I sort of felt out maintenance for 8 days. I exercised too. I ate mostly whatever I wanted (give or take a few lower calories dinner options 3 nights) and did not gain an OUNCE.

    This is my plan for Christmas too.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    It's one day out of the year. Enjoy it.

    Don't go crazy but it's okay to indulge. Most of the weight gained will be water weight anyways.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    So I'm flying back to see my Mum for Christmas, and I just know theres going to be loads of junk food. Quality street, gingerbread, mince pies, Christmas cake - its endless! I would love to know how I can resist all of these temptations and save my treat day for Christmas day.
    I really do not want to gain any weight - I just want to eat as healthy as I can. But its harder than it is for me right now, as my mum likes to give big portions and make desserts etc, like most mothers basically haha.
    I have come so far and really, REALLY, do not want December to be my undoing.
    Thank you :)

    Are you at a place where you can try out moderation? Maybe have a bite of something you want instead of a bigger piece?

    Otherwise, I suggest steering clear of the snack table and busying yourself with other things.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I went on a cruise this summer and could not log my food (no internet). Beforehand I set my calories to maintenance just to get an idea of what that would be. Since I was used to weighing my food and knew how many calories were in many things, I sort of felt out maintenance for 8 days. I exercised too. I ate mostly whatever I wanted (give or take a few lower calories dinner options 3 nights) and did not gain an OUNCE.

    This is my plan for Christmas too.

    This was also my experience when I was in Ireland for two weeks in September. No logging, eating what I wanted, and lots of walking from place to place. CICO balanced out because I didn't gain anything.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    Honestly, and I'm from the UK also, I adore quality street and the like. I go for it on Christmas. That worry that you're gonna gain heaps will be in the back of your mind, but do not worry about it! You're not likely to gain much, if at all. It's one day, if you go for boxing day, two. It's a lifestyle, there are highs and lows to it, sometimes you'll gain, plateau, lose. Not all lose.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited November 2014
    Try dropping your calories a bit the week before and after. Kick workouts into high gear, too. Mid possible, add some new exercise to your normal routines.

    But enjoy! If mom makes you food, you should enjoy it with her. When we cook for our kids, we do it for them and we think about them enjoying it while we do it. You don't want to disappoint mom. :)
  • erichegwer
    erichegwer Posts: 34 Member
    #1 - You have a great network of friends here who can help you through this. There is a ton of great advice in the posts above ^^^^

    #2 - If you are like me, you really love your MPF app. When I am feeling a bit of temptation I open it up and look at the graph of my weight - it's a beautiful downward line. I like to keep it heading in that direction, as I think you would, too.
    Show off your progress to your mom and family. Show them the app, explain how helpful it's been to you. I know it sounds corny, but my folks (who are in their 70's) love to learn about new apps for their phones. They never use them, but they love to learn about them. Show all the different foods that are part of the database. Show the nutritional value, show the hard targets you try to hit for your macros, (fats, protein, carbs), Make it a game that they can play too. I'll be they would love to play, especially if you are the one who gets to eat.