Saggy skin after losing weight

l lost twenty five percent of my body weight in seven months. It left me with very saggy skin. I didn't do resistance training while I was losing weight. I am doing Zumba twice a week. Now I am doing resistance training two or three times a week for 30 minutes. Is there anything I can do to make my skin not look like my grandma's?


  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I can see from your profile that you are not 20 years old, so my comments will not be as encouraging LOL! I'm in the same boat and I am a grandma. It's been almost 3 years since I lost about 45 pounds. I also had a surprising amount of saggy skin. Lower abdomen, upper arms, inner thighs, and yes, butt cheeks. Alas! I'd lost a lot of body fat so the skin just kinda hung around. Not pretty. I seriously considered skin surgery. My doctor told me that because I am not young anymore, the skin will not "snap back" as well or as quickly. She said "Don't gain the weight back. Give your skin time to accommodate your new size." She also said to "Moisturize, moisturize, moisterize!" She added that I should give it 2-3 years to shrink up some. She also suggested strength training to build up muscle underneath the flabby skin. That does help but it doesn't do anything to the actual skin; it just puts muscle underneath to fill out the saggy skin. Today, almost 3 years later, my skin has "snapped back" to some extent. I've decided to concentrate on keeping the weight off, and see what I think in another year. In the meantime, I'm just enjoying being a normal size again. Good luck to you!!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    A lot of people say that time will take care of the loose skin. I don't really believe it, but am clinging to the hope that they're right because it's so ugly. Ii just want to pinch it up, take a scissors to it and stich myself up, lol.

    I am remembering that I may be stuck with it, but hoping it gets better. If I do that for 2-3 years, I'll be able to deal with it if/when I have to just accept that I have extra skin.

    That's my plan. :)
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    l lost twenty five percent of my body weight in seven months. It left me with very saggy skin. I didn't do resistance training while I was losing weight. I am doing Zumba twice a week. Now I am doing resistance training two or three times a week for 30 minutes. Is there anything I can do to make my skin not look like my grandma's?

    Trying to stay VERY well-nourished will help (good fats are essential to maintaining resiliency in the skin--in addition to many other nutrients) but it is a difficult problem you face. Resistance training will help to "fill the gap" left by the weight loss. Age, the rate of weight loss, and genetic factors influence the outcome. Supposedly, there is cold laser therapy to help tighten the skin but I have not investigated it. If you try it, make sure to post a thread telling everyone about it.

    Baggy skin after weight loss is an extremely common problem. Some, who have lost a tremendous amount of weight are pretty much forced to get skin reduction surgery, but it can be dangerous (blood clots, hemorrhage, and the problems of any surgery/general anesthetic, etc.). If the problem is merely a cosmetic one (and the vast majority of baggy skin problems are merely cosmetic) then it makes much more sense to use a conservative, less invasive, way of dealing with the problem.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    This is really encouraging :) I wish there was a Like button! I don't want surgery. I always think about the morticians snickering at wrinkly old bodies with perky breasts and flat tummies.

    So I guess I am not the only one concerned about this. I am really excited to wear a small size. It will be a challenge to not gain the weight back. I am really glad to hear that it might be better in a couple of years.

    I've never had a flat tush before, it looks strange. I am starting to do lots of squats and lunges. Do you think that will help? I am kicking myself that I did not do resistance training when I started losing weight.

    What about if I work out with weights every day? I am really lazy about it, and only manage to get in a half hour every other day or so.

    There's got to be a way!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    This is really encouraging :) I wish there was a Like button! I don't want surgery. I always think about the morticians snickering at wrinkly old bodies with perky breasts and flat tummies.

    So I guess I am not the only one concerned about this. I am really excited to wear a small size. It will be a challenge to not gain the weight back. I am really glad to hear that it might be better in a couple of years.

    I've never had a flat tush before, it looks strange. I am starting to do lots of squats and lunges. Do you think that will help? I am kicking myself that I did not do resistance training when I started losing weight.

    What about if I work out with weights every day? I am really lazy about it, and only manage to get in a half hour every other day or so.

    There's got to be a way!

    At your age, (I'm of a similar age) you will get better results from working out with weights every 48 to 72 hours rather than every day. You need plenty of recovery time if you are over 40. In between, you will want to make sure to stay active (work, walking, etc.--anything to avoid being sedentary) and you will also want to make sure to avoid the junk (and chemical-laden "food") and instead eat the really nourishing stuff--making sure to get plenty of good fats (NOT most vegetable oils) from avocados, eggs (yes, eat the yolks there is amazing nutrition there) nuts, cold pressed oils like sesame oil, coconut oil, organic butter and cheese. About 50% of your calories should come from fat, 20-25% from protein, and no more than 25% from carbohydrates. This will help you to avoid regain (which will sabotage your work) and help your skin to be more supple. And drink plenty of water, water, water (not so much that you want to throw up but the guidelines here are pretty good--at least 8 glasses per day). Another benefit of staying off of junk food is that you will naturally eat more vegetables and fruits which have amazing micro-minerals that benefit the skin.

    Squats and lunges will definitely help to redevelop muscles that have shrunken. The good news is that you really only need "a half hour every other day or so". You want to avoid a lot of cardio because that will undo what you are trying to do. Aerobic cardio is "catabolic" (that is, it tears muscle down---think of the stringy muscles of long distance runners) whereas weight lifting is "anabolic" (that is, it builds muscle up). Instead of aerobics, try short periods of "sprints" (High Intensity Interval Training---HIIT for short). It's actually better for the cardio-vascular system and it doesn't take very long. Two or three 16 minute sessions a week are all you need (I would do them separate from the weight routines). I do two swimming sprint sessions a week and 2 to 3 weight-lifting sessions a week and am seeing better results than I was with a lot more cardio. Since muscle burns more calories 24-7 than does flab, you will stay naturally trim without having to worry about calories---IF you stay away from the empty calories of junk food and continue to work out a couple of times per week and stay active the rest of the time.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    That's really interesting! I love these replies.

    For cardio, I do Zumba because I love it. I think I am addicted!! I go twice a week. We incorporate a few strength moves with it, some lunges, some arm work. I

    Interesting about working out with weights every 48 to 72 hours. That does make sense. I have been doing every day or every other day. I have been trying to do planks every day, trying to get my time holding them longer each time.

    And I never bought into that don't eat the egg yolks thing. I go in phases with eggs. I used to keep hard boiled eggs in the fridge for snacks; now I don't really want them.

    I drink a lot of tea in addition to a lot of water. I'm sure tea isn't great. I have been staying away from cheese. If I keep it in the house, I tend to eat too much. I do make and eat Greek yogurt, that's probably about the same?
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    I'm 18.5lb down but have a lot left to go but I am worried about ending up with spare skin. I'm exercising 4 times a week, swimming and weights at the gym and hoping it will help but I guess what will happen will happen. I'd definitely rather be slim with spare skin than the size I am now
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I did resistance/strength training the whole time and still have saggy skin, if it makes you feel any better...
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    Maoribadger, maybe because you have been working out the whole time, you won't get the saggy baggys. FIngers crossed. But Franci... you too?

    Here's what I am doing so far, I have no clue if it will work or not. I am trying to eat more protein. Not doing so well at that, but I am trying.

    The exercises I have started doing, and I am only doing two or three times a week. I don't know what keeps me from doing it more often.

    Maybe I should start penciling it into my calendar. Keeping a date with myself might be easier. I don't have any trouble remembering to go to Zumba twice a week. But I really like that. It's fun. Weight training is kind of meh.

    I can't remember the names of the exercises I am doing. I am doing pecs, shoulders, triceps, biceps, back. Push ups, and planks. On the bottom I am doing lunges and squats and planks. I do some physical therapy stability exercises for my back issues. Because I have back problems, the squats are causing my some pain. Everything else is fine unless I overdo it. Any ideas to ease the back pain?

    I have 3,5,8, and 10 pound dumbbells. I like working out at home.

    The next thing I want to try is deadlifts. Is it okay to do them with dumbbells?
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    the only thing you can do about saggy if you aren't young or if you have been stretched for decades is surgery the skin will never rebound, you can fill out the space that the fat took up but you will never have the skin rebound.

    all you can do non surgery wise is work on weights and core resistance to increase the Lean Body Mass which will fin in some of the space.
  • SwordGal
    SwordGal Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, congratulations on loosing all that weight. Thank you for your post. I, too, have loose skin after losing weight. The skin on my upper arms shows the most. I have been doing arm exercises, like stretching, push ups, and circling for a few minutes each day. The skin is tightening but not very quickly. I am focusing on a healthy diet and purchasing clothing which covers my hanging skin. I'm happy to have improved my health; my blood pressure is lower.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    oh i forgot my loose skin is entirely in my gut, my arms, legs and chest were always somewhat muscly i carried 90% of my excess weight in my face and waist. and my pouchy skin is where my abs should be that wont change
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    I do wonder if it will eventually change. My doctor has a scale with printouts I get each month. My muscle weight is going down in addition to my fat mass. I am thinking that if I build up my muscle, and stop doing so much Zumba (cardio) I should be able to take care of some of the saggy baggy?

    I would be okay with gaining muscle weight! What do you guys think?
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Building really big muscles might take up some space and fill some of the area up, so the skin will be less floppy, but lifting weights won't put more elastic in your skin.

    Yay on lifting, if that's what you want to do! But don't be too disappointed if, in the end, you still have loose skin.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I have got the same problem. The nutritionist said it will tighten up but it may take up to 2 years to do so. gluggghhhh... that's a long time innit? in the meantime I guess, wear the type of compression clothing that holds it together so yr not flopping about depressing yourself. Get enough healthy fats bc your skin needs them. By all means do lift weights. Any increase in muscle is good for you. At least you know you are by no means alone in this. It bugs me half to death too!
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    I do weight training and all that as well and I already know I will get a ton of saggy skin because my skin has been stretched for YEARS! Plus I had a baby and it stretched even more. Sometimes, that just happens.
  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    I've dropped about 1/2 of my body weight... have always been overweight reaching a high of 270 lbs. I am not sure what I weigh today, but I am thinking I am around 130lbs (don't weigh...long story)... anyway.. I am plagued with loose, hanging skin...but you know what??? I.don' I'd take this hanging skin any day over the fat that was once there. Plus, there are some very nice comfortable body shapers available and as long as I can continue to comfortably fit into my size 4/ xsmall clothes, I am happy. I have a 59 year old body so to expect to look like a 20 something is totally out of my realm. I expect that my skin will tighten up a little over time, but am not going to stress over it.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    It is nice that in clothes I look tiny. I can't even picture myself tiny until I look in the mirror and don't see a fat lady staring back at me. It is also nice to see photos of myself now.

    I'll let you guys know if exercising tightens things up a bit. If not, I will be happy with what I've got. I agree that I will take this baggy saggy skin over being heavy any time.

    I'm single though and I am afraid that if I meet a guy... well, you know.