New Friends to Motivate Each Other

Hi, so I've been on here for a while, but I fell off and gained 20 pounds after losing 40. I started at 160 and was around 120. Now, I'm back at 140 and am determined to get back to my lightest weight where I was happy. I want to motivate others and make friends. Please add me so we can do this together!


  • ankdworak
    ankdworak Posts: 336 Member
    Happy to help! I've had some success since mid July. Feel free to add me. ankdworak
  • kreebee77
    kreebee77 Posts: 1 Member
    Please add me too.
  • Roshan4D
    Roshan4D Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I'm new here too. I'd love to help you reach your goals.
  • GonnaDoThis43
    GonnaDoThis43 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm new out here and am looking to lose 15 pounds. I would like it if we could help each other. This is new to me so if I don't find you, please friend me-GonnaDoThis43