gnc rebuilt mass

I got gnc rebuilt mass gainer powder. it has 10g of creatine already in it.Can I add more creatine.


  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I wouldn't. There shouldn't be any reason to add more creatine (other than what you may also receive in your diet through meats).

    Recommended doses are as follows:

    Less than or equal to 140lbs = 5-6grams per day
    141lbs to 168lbs = 6-7.5 grams per day
    169lbs to 199lbs = 8 grams per day
    200lbs to 242lbs = 8-10 grams per day
    242lb+ = 10-12 grams per day
  • ryanwood935
    ryanwood935 Posts: 245 Member
    10g of creatine a day is already beyond what your body will utilize. You can add more, but you'll just be wasting money.
  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    Yes, but the gastrointestinal distress might be epic :wink: