Jut my thoughts typed out

My name is Melissa and I am 278 pounds.
I just recently left my abusive husband.
I have a son who has half a heart.
He and I are currently living in Alabama (we were in Florida).
When I first moved here, I was depressed and didn't really care what was going on.
I just recently realized that I cant do anything about my ex. He is who he is.
I cant change anyone except me.
I am unhealthy and I can change that.
I prayed to God to help me, and boy he has!
I have been getting up earlier, exercising, and not so depressed.
I know this is jus the beginning of my journey, but I know God will keep helping me.
So, I guess I could use positive people.
I am tired of people who try to control me and who I try to control.
I can start controlling what I do and don't put in my mouth.
I can control being more active.
I cant control that my son has a heart defect.
But I can be healthier and be an example to him.
I realize this prob isn't the typical post that you all put but this was everything on my mind.
God Bless!


  • Edie30
    Edie30 Posts: 216
    Hi Melissa, Your post really touched me. I'm so pleased you're out of that relationship and now looking after yourself. And I'm so pleased you have become part of this community. Welcome. And add me as a friend if you like. I got out of an abusive relationship, possibly in a different way than yours and lost weight like SHAZAM! We pack a lot on for protection huh?
    One peice of advice I can give you is... Let it all go... Forgive. This will take you a long long way. Then the rest is easy! Count your cals, workout a few times a week and be kind to yourself. You've got a whole new life! How exciting is that. Oh... And forgive yourself ( that bit is super important) I wish you well and am looking forward to the success story in the future that will inspire so many people. Xxx
  • lindainprogress
    lindainprogress Posts: 129 Member
    You are very brave and strong. I have a lot of respect for where your head is now. Way to go! Being your own cheerleader is just the beginning, there are some truly amazing people on this site to support you. I hope you will invite me to be one of them.
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    You are very brave, and very wise. God bless you as you start over and begin to care for yourself. I hope you will be able to spend lots of time with friends as you heal. You might try looking up support groups, too. The book "Safe People" by Henry Cloud and John Townsend has helped me very much, and I highly recommend it. Hugs.
  • ltssharon
    ltssharon Posts: 195 Member
    Yay you!!! Great that you have God standing by you always.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited November 2014
    Thats very good and sounds like you got most of whats been on your mind written down. Print it out and post it on the wall so you cam remind yourself what the issues are.

    In terms of diet and exercise, then if you intend to lose weight prepare properly and formulate your plan. Read the stickies on the site and learn how to use MFP properly.

    With exercise its just down to moving more each day, so walking is a great start.

    Be your own best friend and dont beat up on yourself as you start what seems to be a long and brave journey. You can do it by taking one day at a time and meeting your target consistently. Good luck.
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    Hey Melissa, I like your idea of writing it down. Doing so always brings things into sharper focus for me. I commend you on making the hard decisions knowing that without change, nothing else changes. I believe those decisions will turn out to be the most important you ever make. My profile pic helps remind me how I need to begin every day.
  • Edie30
    Edie30 Posts: 216
    Oh yep melissa read all the stickys about calorie counting and everything else because this will give you soo much info. Hope you're having a lovely day :-)