Hi Everyone! Anyone doing Medifast?

Catlover771 Posts: 65
edited November 2014 in Introduce Yourself
I'm a newbie....just joined like, a week ago. I've been dieting my whole life, really. Starting from about age 16 when I decided the boys didn't like me because I was 'too fat'.

I've ALWAYS had a food addiction; I just didn't know it. I tried diet after diet. Always losing some weight, but always always gaining it right back again.

In my 40s I GAVE UP completely. I swore that diets didn't work for me. That was it, I was DONE. But after an Emergency Room visit where a Nurse took one look at me and said she might have to get out the 'big scale' (I was pushing 300 lbs at the time) I finally wised up. I had to DO something.

I was researching gastric bypass surgery when I ran across an ad for Nutrisystem...and that was around the time when Valerie Bertinelli lost all the weight and was parading around in a white bikini (remember those ads?). So I thought "Well, if she can do it, I can do it!"

But I'd heard the Nutrisystem food was awful. And I looked into Jenny Craig but it was too expensive. Medifast came up in an ad....and I found I could afford it, the food was supposed to be good, AND I could eat my own dinner every night with my husband (they call it your 'lean and green', you eat lean fish, meat or poultry...or meatless options...and 3 veggies every night)

Well, the rest is history. I lost the weight....I was AMAZED at how fast I lost the weight....and the program worked beautifully. I wasn't even hungry! PLUS the program 'taught' me how to eat healthy. By removing all food decisions for a time, and then adding them back, one at a time during Transition (after I reached goal), I found I really LOVED the taste of just a plain orange. I found that broccoli was SWEET! Really! And I became really a fan of salads. HONESTLY. This from a person who used to call salads 'rabbit food'.

So I changed my eating habits, lost the weight, and made goal in July 2013. In January of this year (2014) I became a Health Coach for Take Shape for Life, because I believe in the program so much that I'm positive if I can do it, ANYONE can do it. I want to help others find health and happiness just like I did! I'm a gym nut now, and I can wear pretty clothes again. And I have a renewed love affair going on with my husband of 28 years.

But maintenance is HARD. And I've always had a problem with binge eating. "Life happens" and when things happen, I tend to look to food for comfort. I'm working on ways to change that...exercise and stress relief are a big part of that 'cure'...but in the interim I've put on 20 lbs over my goal weight and I need to take them back off again.

So.....I'm back on the Medifast 5/1 program, but they just changed their Community website where I logged my food and frankly, I HATE it. The food database is atrocious....and logging is an exercise in frustration. So a friend told me about MFP and here I am! I was happy to discover that this website has blogs, messages, friends, tickers, and all the things I've come to rely upon for my support while on this program.

I set up my own blog here and my profile and I'd LOVE to talk to anyone and everyone who's doing the Medifast program....I have several clients who are here already and we've formed a Group called 'MF/TSFL Refugees' LOL....and we can share and support each other.

If you've been doing Medifast, or even just thinking about it, I urge you to contact me and maybe read some of my blogs. I really have come a long long way, and I've learned a LOT.

I NEED structure in my eating. I need to eat healthy. I can't eat sugar or junk anymore; it sets me off! So I'm into more clean eating now....and obviously I'm working on taking these 20 lbs off again.

I hope to connect with you! As a lifelong dieter, I've 'been there done that'....believe me, and I'm here to say, sometimes you have to FORCE yourself to do a structured plan in order to remove the food decisions and simplify your eating....and your life. The Medifast program is perfectly balanced nutritionally, you get PROTEIN with every meal (along with the proper amount of 'good' carbs and fats) and you eat every 3 hours. I can't say enough about it.


Linda alias Catlover771



  • jennilsf
    jennilsf Posts: 57 Member
    I'll friend you!! I'm looking for more ideas for lean & green meals, since that's the part that's left up to us to come up with. I, too, have literally been dieting my entire life. I've only been successful once (I did it on my own with learning about the glycemic index and exercise), but life happens, age changes things, and the weight came back and WON'T GO. Well, until now, anyway. I'm 10 days in, and so far it's going well. I'd love to connect and get/give support while we do this. :)
  • lmn_op
    lmn_op Posts: 16 Member
    oh my - I had no idea this was here on MFP! I love it!
  • Teal4me
    Teal4me Posts: 104
    I'm curious about the medfast program
  • Catlover771
    Hi Teal4me! I sent you a message....Medifast is EASY and it DOES teach you new eating habits. It worked for me, at age 57 with a lot of weight to lose and a lifetime of yo-yo dieting. I also have metabolic syndrome AND fibromyalgia. Yet I lost the weight and I'm in maintenance now. YOU CAN DO THIS.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    You have clients who have friended you? This stinks of spam...
  • Catlover771
    auddii...I'm doing this because I have friends who were on a MF/TSFL sponsored website that CHANGED its format completely...and now we can't talk anymore! They are looking to connect with others doing the Medifast/TSFL program. That's not SPAM, that's called FRIENDSHIP. Shame on you!

    As proof, I refer you to all the other discussions on the Intro site where people are doing specific plans and looking for friends doing the same plan.

    I happen to BELIEVE In the TSFL program...and so what? I'm a Health Coach, so what? I do not force ANYONE to do ANYTHING.

    SPAM is sending emails and contacts to people that never solicited them in the first place. I do NO SUCH THING.

    Get your facts straight. Read up on what SPAM really is before you criticize.

    Again. SHAME on you! Friendship and sharing is what brought me here. It's what brought a LOT of us here. And it's WHY I AM HERE. For the SUPPORT. For MY journey as well as theirs.

    If you don't want to listen, DON'T. If you don't like what I have to say, FINE. Don't read it!

    I speak MY truth.

    Why are YOU here? To put people down?

    That's just sad.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    So because you got busted on another topic you decided you'd try your own? Seems logical.
  • kimbelle_vie
    kimbelle_vie Posts: 174 Member
    Personally didn't like medifast and feel like it's a waste of money. Food tasted horrible! So fake! Yuck :s
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    edited November 2014
    Medifast, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, it is all the same. You had to go back on it because you did not learn how to eat properly on your own. Sure it works initially, it's the long term that counts. It is quite pricey and MFP is free. Just eat at a calorie deficit. Here is a calculator to help get anyone started. Free:

    I dont find maintenance hard at all.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Medifast is SO successful that OP gained 20lbs during "maintenance" and is now BACK to another Medifast program to lose that re-gained weight.

    Wow, Medifast really did teach you how to lose weight and keep it off. You just have to keep re-joining Medifast and sending them money and the weight stays off. FANTASTIC!!
  • Catlover771
    I'm sorry you guys feel that way. Again, to each his own.
    I'm a little confused about that 'busted' topic comment...don't know what she's talking about...but I won't continue to be abused, I'll just close the topic after this.

    I'm here to get support and to give it. And to make friends as well. Who can help ME as well as I help THEM.

    And like anything else, you get out of MF what you put into it. If you follow the program right through Transition and Maintenance, you learn how to eat healthy. I did.

    IF you weren't successful, I'm sorry. Everyone's different. I'm sorry you had problems with it. Again, 'to each his own'.

    But tearing me to shreds....well, I hope it makes you feel better. But again, I personally think it's just sad. Really.

    We are here on this Earth to support and be KIND to each other, not to tear each other apart. You don't even know me, yet you find it necessarily to crucify me for speaking my mind? Again SHAME ON YOU.

    That is the last I have to say on this subject. I'll leave you guys in peace! Please do the same for me.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited November 2014
    You posted almost the exact same post to the Women over 50 thread and you disappeared after I called you on it. And now you're crying that someone stepped on your toes (it probably wasn't the first time and it won't be the last). If you consider this "abuse", well, good luck on MFP.
    Hope you reach your goal.
  • Lillyrose125
    Lillyrose125 Posts: 33 Member
    Wow. Linda, guess the support we were used to on MF isn't here. All you jerks out there who felt a need to post something nasty...you don't understand where us MF friends were and what we are looking for again. So just go away.

    It is true that all diets work if you stick with them. Most of us have been on and off all of them until one sticks. MF is working for me because I love the food and and how I feel. It is also affordable. I also know that unless I change my eating habits I will gain it back no matter what plan I'm on.

    So CynthiaT60, Calliope610, farfromthetree, and kimbelle, you have no idea what you are talking about. I searched out Linda as free healthcare coach. I was already doing MF and didn't care for the support I was getting. She is not trying to sell you anything. What mean people you are and we don't have time or use for you.

    Linda, hopefully, we will get all of our gang back together on this site. We don't care what program you try or do, this is about the struggle and finally having success with it.

  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Wow. Linda, guess the support we were used to on MF isn't here. All you jerks out there who felt a need to post something nasty...you don't understand where us MF friends were and what we are looking for again. So just go away.

    It is true that all diets work if you stick with them. Most of us have been on and off all of them until one sticks. MF is working for me because I love the food and and how I feel. It is also affordable. I also know that unless I change my eating habits I will gain it back no matter what plan I'm on.

    So CynthiaT60, Calliope610, farfromthetree, and kimbelle, you have no idea what you are talking about. I searched out Linda as free healthcare coach. I was already doing MF and didn't care for the support I was getting. She is not trying to sell you anything. What mean people you are and we don't have time or use for you.

    Linda, hopefully, we will get all of our gang back together on this site. We don't care what program you try or do, this is about the struggle and finally having success with it.

    white knight to the rescue!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Wow. Linda, guess the support we were used to on MF isn't here. All you jerks out there who felt a need to post something nasty...you don't understand where us MF friends were and what we are looking for again. So just go away.

    It is true that all diets work if you stick with them. Most of us have been on and off all of them until one sticks. MF is working for me because I love the food and and how I feel. It is also affordable. I also know that unless I change my eating habits I will gain it back no matter what plan I'm on.

    So CynthiaT60, Calliope610, farfromthetree, and kimbelle, you have no idea what you are talking about. I searched out Linda as free healthcare coach. I was already doing MF and didn't care for the support I was getting. She is not trying to sell you anything. What mean people you are and we don't have time or use for you.

    Linda, hopefully, we will get all of our gang back together on this site. We don't care what program you try or do, this is about the struggle and finally having success with it.

  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    edited November 2014
    Wow. Linda, guess the support we were used to on MF isn't here. All you jerks out there who felt a need to post something nasty...you don't understand where us MF friends were and what we are looking for again. So just go away.

    It is true that all diets work if you stick with them. Most of us have been on and off all of them until one sticks. MF is working for me because I love the food and and how I feel. It is also affordable. I also know that unless I change my eating habits I will gain it back no matter what plan I'm on.

    So CynthiaT60, Calliope610, farfromthetree, and kimbelle, you have no idea what you are talking about. I searched out Linda as free healthcare coach. I was already doing MF and didn't care for the support I was getting. She is not trying to sell you anything. What mean people you are and we don't have time or use for you.

    Linda, hopefully, we will get all of our gang back together on this site. We don't care what program you try or do, this is about the struggle and finally having success with it.

    nice name calling. Since you only have one friend who was the OP I am thinking you did not have much of a "gang"

  • kimbelle_vie
    kimbelle_vie Posts: 174 Member
    Lol. I do know what I'm talking about actually! I knew all about MF, plus did research but my personal OPINION is that MF does not taste that great and it's expensive. you can't expect to post on a public forum and only get positive reviews... OP, eat less move more has worked for me. And
    It's literally just that simple.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    You might find the peace and quiet you need by forming a new MFP group set up specifically for your friends from your previous message board. Since groups currently aren't searchable it's difficult to find a group that isn't 1. brand new or 2. insanely popular. Just send a link to the people you want to join once it's all set up and you'll have a (relatively) private space to discuss without the input you'll inevitably get on the main boards.
  • jennilsf
    jennilsf Posts: 57 Member
    Private groups seem to be the way to go so as to not be bothered with these paranoid MFP policers thinking they are "busting" spam, when what they're actually doing is just bullying people with weight loss diets they don't "approve of". It's just silly and mean. I don't get it... if you don't believe in or agree with is being discussed, just don't read those threads; they aren't directed to you and don't concern you. However, we're clearly not going to convince them to stop bothering others, or that nobody is trying to recruit anyone or promote anything- we're CONNECTING with others on the same diet for questions and support, which is a huge part of MPF, and the reason for the message boards, right? On the flipside of that, they aren't going to convince anyone to change their minds, either-certainly not by being accusatory and snarky and flagging the crap out of every post like children.

    "Move forward and let OTHERS do the same."
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    akpete88 wrote: »
    I cant say enough about Medifast it helped me lose 70 pounds and Now I'm completely transitioned off of it and I haven't gained any of it back. I lost 70 pounds in 7 months and kept it off. If you need a place to get it I wouldn't recommend the Medifast centers because they will charge you a ton of money before you even get the food. Check my site out at www.andrewpeterson.tsfl.com

    Don't worry bro, I flagged you.

    14. No Advertising, Self-Promotion, or Fund-Raising

    a) You may not post any links or mentions of other services, websites, or businesses from which you or an associate might benefit financially or otherwise. This includes, but is not limited to; posts that contain links to offsite blog posts and social media. You also may not solicit off-Forum contact from which you might benefit, e.g. "message me for more info", “I can get you free samples”, etc.
    b) Requests or solicitations for donations are also not allowed. This includes requesting contributions to “pooled fund” competitions, requests for votes in any venue (online contests, etc.), and even requests for charitable contributions. As you can imagine, we have a lot of people who would like to raise money for worthy causes through the site. As much as we'd like to support these causes, if we were to allow requests for donations, the forums would quickly become full of such requests which would take away from the main purpose of the forums - to support one another.
    c) Posts or messages to members promoting websites that compete with MyFitnessPal are also prohibited.