Im desperate

Ive tried to remove rice, bread, etc from my meal for a week. Reducing sugar, walking on the beach every afternoon, climbing mountains. Nothing changed the scale stays the same. Dont have an idea what else to do...


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Stop trying to restrict individual things. Just track and measure everything you eat and follow your MFP given calorie goal for weight loss. If you don't have a food scale get one and weigh everything to be as accurate as possible. Be careful of entering cardio exercise as it tends to be overestimated, so be mindful of that. If you are truly in a calorie deficit, you will lose weight. If you're not losing weight, then you're not in a calorie deficit. If you think you're in a calorie deficit and you're not losing weight, then you're not being as accurate in tracking your food and exercise as you need to be.
  • frontin
    frontin Posts: 8 Member
    I dont know if my diary of food is visible to everyone..but i have counted everything n input everything there. But i dont have a food scale thats true. Everyday i have a deficit of around 800. Only vegetable like cucumber, pumpkin, chayotte, n fish. But still in a week nothing has changed. I go to walking mountain for 1h30. Walking n jogging everyday 1h. But still ..
  • fearlessleader104
    fearlessleader104 Posts: 723 Member
    what he said.

    You are not logging every day and every meal in your diary. Unless you are eating zero calories on certain days and 500 calories on others; which I think if you were, you wouldn't be able to get out of bed or see clearly in front of you.
  • frontin
    frontin Posts: 8 Member
    i log in till friday then i stopped inputting cause i see no result
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Frontin, it appears from your diary that there are several things going on.

    1. You are not logging consistently. I know you said you did it til Friday, but you just started on Tuesday. You only did it for a few days, and then you gave up. Did it take you only 4 days to gain the weight? Obviously not. So it's clearly going to take longer than that to lose the weight. Don't give up so easily. There are lots of reasons why you can be making progress and not see it on the scale. Which brings me to...

    2. You're not eating enough. The few days that you logged, you didn't come anywhere near your goal. You didn't even eat over 1000 calories most of those days. This tells us that either you're starving yourself (very not good) or else you aren't logging accurately. Keep in mind that you can lie to MyFitnessPal by not logging things, but your waistline doesn't lie. It will tell whether you logged accurately or not.

    So, this is how weightloss works: A pound of fat is 3500 calories. If you want to lose one pound in a week, you eat 500 calories less than you burn each day (500 calories x 7 days = 3500 calories or 1 lb.) You should eat all of your allowed calories. If you don't, you'll make it very difficult for your body to get enough micronutrients, and also you will make it very difficult to sustain your diet and set yourself up for failure because you will be hungry.

    Now, it can take a little while to see results. Weightloss isn't linear. The reason for this is water...whenever you change your diet or activity level, your body retains water. It can do this for lots of other reasons, like hormonal fluctuations and varying sodium consumption. So, for example, let's say that you eat exactly right and lose a pound this week...but you ate a little extra salt, or it's close to your time of the month, so you retained 2 pounds of water...the scale will say you gained a pound, even though you actually lost a pound of fat. The water weight is temporary. Your body will eventually release it all by itself.

    That's why you should use a tape measure in addition to the scale to track your progress. Also, if you have someone who can help, take progress photos every 4 weeks from the front, side and back. Many times you can see a change much better by comparing the old photos with the new ones.

    Give it time. If you think about how long it took you to put the weight on, give yourself at least that much time to take it off.
  • Rundavey
    That is a very good explaination. I would also suggest looking at the recipe section for inspiration of nice meals to make. Also looking at other peoples food diaries will help
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Its going to take many months.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Gotta keep at it. You didn't get fat by eating a lot until Friday.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Don't despair frontin Take it one day at a time. I weighed in every single morning, and unless I ate a big evening meal the night before, my weight dropped a few ounces every morning. It's a great feeling, knowing that if you stick with it you can see differences so soon.
  • frontin
    frontin Posts: 8 Member

    Yes that's true. Thank you all for your comments & support. I tried what is called a hyper protein diet for these few days but i didn't feel sick at all. I have input every single things i eat in myfitness diary and the facts are consistent. Eating lots of salad like pumpkin, carots, cucumber etc. I thought that removing carbohydrates from the diet in a week will make me lose quickly which is not true.
    SnuggleSmacks i guess the part of the salt might be the problem.

  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    No,the problem is that you're only giving it 4 days. Find a food plan that keeps you under your goal calories and that you can live with. Try it for a few weeks, and you'll see a change.
  • slucki01
    slucki01 Posts: 284 Member
    zarckon wrote: »
    No,the problem is that you're only giving it 4 days. Find a food plan that keeps you under your goal calories and that you can live with. Try it for a few weeks, and you'll see a change.

    this -- and you're not eating enough food
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    frontin wrote: »
    Yes that's true. Thank you all for your comments & support. I tried what is called a hyper protein diet for these few days but i didn't feel sick at all. I have input every single things i eat in myfitness diary and the facts are consistent. Eating lots of salad like pumpkin, carots, cucumber etc. I thought that removing carbohydrates from the diet in a week will make me lose quickly which is not true.
    SnuggleSmacks i guess the part of the salt might be the problem.

    I'm afraid that salad, pumpkin, cucumber and carrots are all carbs, too. And that's ok. It's not necessary to cut carbs. Some people do find that if you cut starchy carbs like bread, rice and potatoes, then it helps them keep to their calorie goal, just because those things tend to have a lot of calories per volume. They also have a lot of nutrients, though, so only cut them out if you really need to. Personally, I don't eat much bread, but I do eat pasta and potatoes and rice, and I have no problem staying within my calorie goal while eating them. I just don't eat giant bowlsful of them.
  • frontin
    frontin Posts: 8 Member
    ok i guess i have to be patient as you all say. Because i'm the one who ate too much KFC, pizza, invited to many dinner etc. I didn't realise i gain 20kilos in 11months. So strange.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Inaccurate logging coupled with unrealistic expectations is s combination that I've never seen work.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You didn't put the weight on in a week, it won't come off in a week. Accuracy is required, because you can easily be eating more calories than you think. Also, your body needs time to adjust when you suddenly change your eating and exercise habits, so you don't always see an immediate change.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Here's what's probably happening.

    Monday-Friday you eat at a LARGE deficit (aka you're not eating enough). On Friday, you don't weigh less because it takes time for the scale to catch up, sometimes. So you eat too much on Saturday/Sunday, effectively erasing your deficit. Then you don't lose weight.

    Instead, eat what MFP recommends you eat for 7 days a week for 6 weeks. You will lose weight. That is assuming you are logging your foods accurately (as soon as I started using a food scale, the weight fell off).
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Go back to basics and learn how to use the site properly. Read the stickies and understand how much food your body needs. Log properly and get a food scale. Its obvious you dont have an accurate record of what you are eating and lack patience.

    Knowledge will help you understand better what it is you are meant to be doing and how it all works. Just cutting out foods is not the way and oen of the telltale signs you havent understood how the site works. If you wnat it to be effective then learn what you have to do and get people to check it.
  • frontin
    frontin Posts: 8 Member
    yesterday i had loads of water and something strange happens. Am happy today the scale shows a decrease. Strange but i get the impression i found the key to my problem