Shin splints?! FAAACK.

IyonnaF Posts: 101
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Can someone help me? Please?!


But seriously, after like five minutes of jogging, i mean im not even winded or anything, but i get this HORRIBLE pain up and along my shins.. Does anyone know how to remedy this? I mean, is it something id have to work through? I really wanna run.. but if its going to be this painful... :\


  • rocky03
    rocky03 Posts: 55
    let them heal, new shoes, ice them...see a doctor?
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Shin splints are often caused by improper running stride (meaning you strike with your heel instead of landing on the middle of your foot).

    People are sometimes so focused on speed or distance they forget to focus on what can completely sideline you - not running correctly. or google "proper running stride" for other examples.

    Before you try running again, ice them and let them heal. Then try again using proper running form. Hang in there!
  • Susan77
    Susan77 Posts: 70 Member
    happened to be before,. Make sure you stretch really good before hand and wear good sneakers. In a few days the pain should go.... It took mine like 3 days before the pain left, Stupid me went for a walk in croc shoes never do that LOL I learned my lesson!!
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    I suffer from shin splints too, but started a running class & my instructor gave me some stretches that started to help after the first couple of days. Just google stretches for shin splints and you'll get a bunch of choices.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    YES!! Ouch....

    What is helping me is a) buying a pair of running shoes that were customized to my stride and b) stretching thoroughly before I start my run and c) take it slow. Don't do more than I can bear at a time. But gradually, with time, I'm able to go further without such severe pain.

    Oh, and wait until tomorrow and pray no one bumps your!
  • alison2429
    alison2429 Posts: 236 Member
    I fee your pain!! I have them when I do too much (increase mileage too quickly). Most people will say rest and ice. I agree with ice but I had shin splints today and I just ran when I could and the pain subsided. This is probably the wrong thing to do but it works for me.
    Get better soon!!
  • slimyfishy
    slimyfishy Posts: 114 Member
    As a runner, I can say that I've only gotten these once (*knocking on my wooden desk*). I can tell you that the reason that I got them was that I (a) needed new running shoes (b) was overworking my body with no rest days from cardio. What did I do to get better?

    I (a) bought new running shoes and (b) rested my body for over a week. When I started back up again, I started with walking and then progressed back into running. Shin splints are usually your body's way of saying something is wrong. Check your shoes out. When was the last time you replaced them? How are the soles looking? How many rest/recovery days are you giving yourself? You should have AT LEAST ONE REST DAY PER WEEK. If you absolutely have to do something on that rest day, do yoga or stretching. Make sure to also consume protein after your strenuous workout. Research is suggesting that eating protein 20 minutes after a strenuous workout can actually help prevent sore muscles the next day, and help repair them faster. Protein shake/bar, a serving of almonds/walnuts, etc. are great ways to do this.

  • Shin splints- my old enemy. Take 3-7 days off and ice or heat. Stretch. Stretch again. Stretch yet again. Go get fitted for shoes with support where YOU need it. For me, I overpronate when I run (roll feet in a little) so I need support under my arches to correct it. Everyone does it a little differently, so go to a pro for this. I suggest Fleet Feet because they will put you on a treadmill and video tape your feet, then show you what's causing the pain. Also, tapping your toes 50-100 times per side before running is a good way to warm up the shins. Good luck!
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    I had them the first 2 days of walking (and trying to run...) - changed my shoes to a more cushioned sole, and haven't suffered again since. I'm not an expert (or even a runner), but it worked for me.
  • Clonekuh
    Clonekuh Posts: 92 Member
    I'm dealing with them right now, too, sort of. (Calves/shins/feet getting used to this again). Good luck! I think stretching and maybe a new insole might help.
  • bigalfantasy2004
    bigalfantasy2004 Posts: 176 Member
    I speak from experience in this area, because I went through what you're going through. I weigh in the mid 230's and I run 5Ks now and when I started, I had all kinds of trouble with my knees, ankles, shin splints, and hips.

    There are a lot of stretches that help them heal or help you avoid them all together, look on youtube for some examples.

    Also, if you can, start your runs on grass or soft track. I always wear two pairs of socks for extra cushion and a good pair of running shoes (you may need to go to a running store to get fitted).

    The shin splints will eventually go away as your legs strengthen from running. I don't have the legs problems anymore since I've run a number of 5Ks, along with leg strengthen exercises as part of my workouts, and learning proper stretching techniques.

    Another thing I did when I started running, I iced everything after a race, took a pain reliever, and rested a lot to let my legs heal. Compression and elevation helps too. Sports injuries are healed with rest, ice, compression, and elevation or for short R.I.C.E.

    Good luck, you're where I was around a year ago.
  • IyonnaF
    IyonnaF Posts: 101
    Thank you very much everyone ^^ My shoes are kind of old... ^^;> I bet that is part of the problem. So i'll go get fitted, and look up them stretches!

    Again, thank you everyone~:heart:
  • Leslie2273
    Leslie2273 Posts: 152 Member
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