How can you cure a sweet tooth?

I LOVE the sweet stuff! Chocolate, cake, cookies, name it. All the stuff that will kill your entire diet plan. It hits me all of a sudden too. Like NOW...I really want to go underneath the convenient little "snack cabinet" at work and buy a snickers bar! Any advice to help with a sweet tooth!?


  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Honestly, if you just cut it all out for a few months, you will lose your sweet tooth.

    When I lost this weight the first time, 27 years ago, I got rid of all the sweets. When I tried eating them again later, they were all stomach-tunringly too sweet for me. I never could eat them again.
  • jetbutterfly
    animal crackers
  • ibelieveinlove7
    ibelieveinlove7 Posts: 27 Member
    My boyfriend LOVES sweets. He would much rather eat cake and cookies than steak and potatoes!! Going on the South Beach Diet Phase I really did make his craving for sweets go away.
  • chasingskinny
    I know it sounds weird, but a V8 tomato juice ALWAYS cures a sweets craving for me. Another thing (and this one is hard) cut out the sweets. Sugar cravings increase with the amount of sugar you eat. If you cut out the sweets, you'll stop wanting them after about 2 weeks. For a quick fix - eat something salty & drink lots of water!
  • tmontgomery69
    tmontgomery69 Posts: 180
    If you stop eating sweets in a couple of weeks you will no longer crave them. :smile: I used to be the same way, but since I cut it out of my diet I no longer get cravings for them! Also, try adding my protein to your diet, it keeps you fuller longer!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Honestly, if you just cut it all out for a few months, you will lose your sweet tooth.

    When I lost this weight the first time, 27 years ago, I got rid of all the sweets. When I tried eating them again later, they were all stomach-tunringly too sweet for me. I never could eat them again.

    I have found this to be true also. I used to be a candy addict. Now, do I not only NOT miss the stuff, but I found it disgustingly sweet as well.

    It will take your will power the first 2-6 weeks to avoid sweets, but after that you won't crave them anymore. Going cold turkey with your will power is the only way.... just do it!
  • jetbutterfly
    Honestly, if you just cut it all out for a few months, you will lose your sweet tooth.

    When I lost this weight the first time, 27 years ago, I got rid of all the sweets. When I tried eating them again later, they were all stomach-tunringly too sweet for me. I never could eat them again.
    true that for me as well. I ate a cinnamon roll the other night and was like this doesnt even taste right anymore. I know stick with the animal crackers and they are right on. I used to eat chocolates, candy you name it, but when you take that away and start eating better your body knows that junk isnt right for you and tells you.]
  • Walt75
    Walt75 Posts: 182 Member
    I LOVE the sweet stuff! Chocolate, cake, cookies, name it. All the stuff that will kill your entire diet plan. It hits me all of a sudden too. Like NOW...I really want to go underneath the convenient little "snack cabinet" at work and buy a snickers bar! Any advice to help with a sweet tooth!?
    Meal replacement shakes. They come in yummy flavors like chocolate, vanilla ice cream, mint chocolate chip, and cookie dough!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!! hee hee!
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I went for fruit, like strawberries, and if I *really* want chocolate, I'll go for a really dark chocolate, or a tiny bit of all natural chocolate sauce. I cut out the fake sugars, the HFCS, and my sweet tooth *really* calmed down.
  • jetbutterfly
    I meant now not know
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Try a low glycemic eating plan like South Beach. If you need something more extreme, go low carb with Atkins. But if you do either Plan, start with the Phase 1 or Induction (1 or 2 weeks), it will get your cravings under control. Usually high carbs/high glycemic carbs and/or artificial sweeteners are the culprits of craving sweets EXCESSIVELY.
  • Nomoreplus_sizes
    Nomoreplus_sizes Posts: 97 Member
    I went for fruit, like strawberries, and if I *really* want chocolate, I'll go for a really dark chocolate, or a tiny bit of all natural chocolate sauce. I cut out the fake sugars, the HFCS, and my sweet tooth *really* calmed down.

    Cutting out HFCS is the best decision I ever made.
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    Baby steps.

    Don't go cold turkey, start with just reducing. Think about how much you normally eat, e.g. a bag of m&ms a day. Then go for less, maybe half a bag, maybe get a fun size bag. Cutting out the sweet stuff entirely will make the cravings really really bad and that's how I succumb to binging. Another idea is to give yourself a snack budget for the week. $10 you can spend on any sweet thing you want, but no more after the $10 so you have to plan your week. It really helps to tell someone that you are working on this and it would help you feel accountable.
  • fishermanwife
    I love Dove sugar free chocolates and they dont leave me wanting salty foods later.
  • Crissy143
    Crissy143 Posts: 24 Member
    dried cranberries or raisins usually cures mine. They taste like candy to me! I carry a stash of them with me so I don't buy a candy bar while I"m out. Fiji apples are really sweet-tasting too. Or try munching on Total Honey Almond with Omega-3 and Flax seed (it sounds heathy but it's good!)
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    I switched to dark chocolate covered almonds and stick to under 100 calories per serving. It has taken me a little bit but I dont eat it every day and now I will drink 8oz of dark chocolate almond milk.

    I think if you slowly wean yourself off it will get better. For me if I deprive myself I will just go and binge on much more than I anticipated but if I allow myself a little when I crave it I can keep it in check.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Water, flavored with Crystal Light packets might not cure your sweet tooth but it might ease it for awhile & also help you reach your daily water intake goal.
    Also Extra makes some flavored chewing gum called Extra Dessert Delights (mint chip ice cream, strawberry shortcake, key lime pie) just don't eat the whole pack at once.
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    Coffee and Splenda does it for me every time. Plus caffeine is a hunger supressant, so double bonus. I always have coffee after dinner if I'm not full yet or if I just want something sweet.
  • SabineH05
    SabineH05 Posts: 15
    I always eat a very ripe banana when I am craving for sugar like in chocolate,...
    Maybe a hot chocolate or chocolate milk will help too ?
  • AquaAura
    AquaAura Posts: 105
    I cut out all sugar from my diet and it totally works ! ... I was the biggest sugar binger out. I don't crave it anymore. I've been sugar free for 3 weeks. I even survived easter I ate one small chockie egg and that was enough. Now I just eat a banana to get my sugar fix or add a little honey.