My workout program doesn't seem to be working....

I've been following "The Fat Burn Revolution" but with little joy in terms of weight loss or even inch loss.

Does anybody have any recommendations?

I want to start C25K at the weekend and I'd like some strength training that will help me strip away fat.

My options are:
-Ask the gym to help me make a plan (I'm a member and workout there in my lunch and they do plans for free)
-Get a personal trainer
-Follow some fab free internet recommendation given by one of you guys

Open to advice :)


  • kierranclarke
    kierranclarke Posts: 4 Member
    You can't outwork a bad diet. Make sure your diet is on point before you start blaming exercise. You can work out 7 days a week but if your diet isn't right you will not lose weight. 70% diet, 30% training is a good rule of thumb.

    If you're looking to start strength training, then keep it simple with compound lifts like Squats, Bench Press, Deadlifts, Press-Ups & Chin-ups in a 5x5 rep pattern.

    Try looking at for great advice :smile:

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    There isn't any specific magic plan. According to your ticker, you are close to goal weight. You will want a small calorie deficit, not a big one. And be patient. It takes longer to lose weight when you are close to goal. Read about "body recomposition" where you can work on reducing fat and not necessarily weight.
  • nicola8989
    nicola8989 Posts: 381 Member
    I am pretty far from my goal - I just broke it down into "manageable chunks" - (literally, chunks of me!)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    how long have you been following the programme?

    to lose weight you need a calorie deficit. if theres no inch or weight loss you're not eating in a deficit. or if you have only just started it could be water retention.
  • Hamez_UK
    Hamez_UK Posts: 36 Member
    I am really enjoying Stronglifts 5x5. Am 5 weeks into C25k and 3 weeks into Stronglifts and feeling pretty good from the combination
  • nicola8989
    nicola8989 Posts: 381 Member
    A few months now - I mostly eat at a deficit although past couple of weeks have been bad. I also don't feel like I'm seeing much of a fitness difference. I might try Stronglifts, thank you x
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    nicola8989 wrote: »
    A few months now - I mostly eat at a deficit although past couple of weeks have been bad. I also don't feel like I'm seeing much of a fitness difference. I might try Stronglifts, thank you x

    You are probably underestimating the calories that you eat, and overestimating the amount of calories you burn. That's why you are not seeing any loss.

    Good read here...