Bum Wrist vs. Planks and Push-ups

monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
I've had an ongoing here and there issue with my stupid wrist. My right one has been causing me problems for probably a year and a half now, but it comes and goes (I think I've narrowed it down to POSSIBLY being changes in the weather that spur it - but could be wrong). I don't even know what started it back when it first start hurting so much. But it is once again acting up, quite badly, and I'm trying to do my workout! Today I couldn't even do half of my Turbofire stretch 40 disc because of all the vinyasas - putting any pressure on the stupid thing hurts too much! Anyone have similar issues? And if so, what do you do? :(


  • daniellescsu
    daniellescsu Posts: 101 Member
    I am in a similar situation. Cant do Yoga or anything b/c any pressure on my wrists hurts!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I have joint problems, and I got so fed up with recurrent flare ups, I now avoid triggering problems by avoiding exercises that put strain on those joints. Sounds overly simplistic, and maybe others will have other suggestions along the lines of push up bars etc., but I'd say that there are lots of other things to do, eg plain old aerobics, that don't put pressure on the wrists / elbows / knees.
  • marigolds1
    marigolds1 Posts: 25
    Could you do them on your elbows instead of your wrists, maybe? Would get a lot of the same core workout at least.
  • amybeth68
    amybeth68 Posts: 4
    I am a pilates instructor and usually modify clients with wrist pain to do forearm planks. You can also purchase handle like things for push-ups and planks, most major retailers (WalMart, Sports Authority, etc) sell them. Sorry I don't have their name off the top of my head but the way you grip the "handles" is more ergonomic for the wrist. Another thought is that wrist-strength does improve over time. Maybe just try to do a regular plank on your hands for a short period of time then switch to forearm, gradually increasing the strength. Of course, if your wrist pain is due to a joint issue or carpal tunnel syndrome then you will NOT want to aggrivate it at all and definitely use the forearm modifcation. Good luck :).
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    I was told I have the beginnings of carpal tunnel syndrome starting (*grumble grumble*), so that might be it too. I dunno. Doesn't seem like if that were it that it would come and go. Ugh. Either way, I may look into getting something to help me so I can hold my wrists straight - I hadn't thought about that at all! Thank you everyone for your input! :)
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I broke my wrist a long time ago and it healed wrong. I can't bend it back as needed doing a push up. So I either do them on my fists or on my fingers with my palms raised up off the ground. I also have to slightly modify some yoga poses, but basically I can still get thru fine.
    Handles for hte push-up planks would probably help you.
  • laurarenwick1
    I have the same problem with my wrist, you may want to get your dr to check for a ganglion cyst, their very common and can be painful depending on where they are located, they can be agrivated by humidity and may go away on their pwn....I've had minion and off for about 3 years now, I love doing push ups but can't cause of the pain. I haven't tried to plank on my forearms though, I'll have to try that...