Getting started before santa comes!

rsjohnb Posts: 215 Member
Hey, I've been a member for while now and did really well at the start before going it alone and failing drastically!

Christmas is coming and I need to get a routine on the go or I'll end up going nuts with all the food and booze and end up as bad or worse as I was before.

last time having regular friends who logged and interacted was a real positive so if you need a hand and would like a bit of support add me :smile:


  • lamcguire68
    lamcguire68 Posts: 1 Member
    I so need support myself, day 2 of trying to get a handle on things I ate chocolate and had a beer beer a few chocolate kisses...better then a twelve pack and the whole bag of kisses lol....I have such good intentions but....IM WEAK!!! lol. Hope you did fabulous today!
  • luckyhands64
    luckyhands64 Posts: 33 Member
    Yes, I'll definitely need some encouragement. Especially on the weekends. Feel free to add me
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can add me for support! You've got this!!!