hurt my back .. exercise or not

Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
I have been working around the house cleaning. Nothing to bad. But i hurt my lower back. It feels ok and then all of a sudden its a sharp pain.


  • MoonGurl1985
    Depends on what your doctor says. My daughter just hurt her back in exercise class last week and so far first doctor (E/R Doctor) told her no lifting weights, dancing in exercise class, etc....for a week or two. She follows up with her Family Doctor this week so waiting to see what he says.
  • Munchiemooka
    Munchiemooka Posts: 176 Member
    Walking will be fine, you need to keep moving with a bad back.... Hope it gets better soon xXx
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Sharp pains are warning signs, but for most back injuries the old advice to take bed rest is now considered to be damaging.

    If it doesn't seem bad enough to see the doctor, and you do decide to exercise soon, try just doing something light and seeing how it feels a couple of hours later.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I got a huge knot in my back last night and was in a ton of pain. It's slightly better now, but still wanted to get my workout in. I ended up walking, which felt fine, and did some easy weight lifting, but if it hurt, I stopped!!! I stretched a lot and then did a few minutes on the stationary bike, so I at least did something, but it wasn't near what I would have done.

    Hopefully ice and ibuprofen will help tonight or I may have to call the chiro tomorrow... I have my first 10k next Saturday! Need my back to feel top shape!!!!
  • kittycat613
    kittycat613 Posts: 55 Member
    When I started back at the gym, I overdid it the first day and hurt my back. For the next 2 days I was still walking a bit (best to keep moving) and when I was sitting, I was icing my back. My friends were some Aleve & an ice pack. Within a couple days I was good as new :)

    I have had back issues on and off since I was a teenager.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Maybe some gentle stretching several times a day? Following up with a Dr would definitely be in order if the sharp pains continue.
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    I hurt my lower back when I was 18. Yes it did put a big damper on fitness for me. Try tai chi that really helped build up my muscles. I did physical therapy for awhile which taught me how to work out. I'm just really careful now. Back injuries, even small ones don't go away so always watch out. But yes you must exersise to build up those back muscles.