Anyone in a wheelchair trying to lose. Need help

I am in a wheelchair and have gain 60 pounds. I have had weight loss surgery (Duodenal Switch) by in 2009. I have been pigging on carbs and I have a terrible sweet tooth. Exercise is non existent and I need motivation and help. Any suggestions. I am 55 retired teacher, paraplegic.


  • al142
    al142 Posts: 35 Member
    The good news for those of us with exercise limitations is that losing weight is completely possible through diet alone. The bad news is that it's easy to get bored and eat.

    The more carbs I eat the more I want them, so I try to eat protein and fat every time I eat, so the carbs don't have such a strong effect. I try to get sweet food that isn't too high on the glycemic index, so I don't have to live without sweet food entirely.

    I find logging everything I eat makes me much more likely to hit my protein and fat goals. I like to look at the protein and fat numbers MFP gives me as minimums, and the carb number as a maximum.

    I find that I feel so much better when I eat that way rather than the way I slip into if I don't log. That's motivating right there. And I am so much happier when my clothes fit, so I find that motivating as well. And when it comes right down to it, I feel better about my life when I know I'm doing what is necessary to keep my health as good as it can be, limitations and all.

    And sometimes I find that pushing myself just a little bit to do better helps me find the motivation to do a little bit more.

    I wish you the best of luck.

  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 385 Member
    I admire your quest to improve your health with weight loss. I think many of us struggle with the same cravings you have.I read a recent post that hit me hard, said something to the effect that "the only thing stopping you from success is yourself". Guilty.
    Have you tried googling exercises for people in wheel chairs? There are quite a few, here is one site I found that has good starting info and links.

    You can lose weight without exercise, but why not enhance your efforts and improve your overall health too? Best of luck to you, I find these forums full of encouragement and inspiration.