Not that new...still struggling. .. need some advice



  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited November 2014
    This might sound weird, but do you have anything to do at night? I find that when I'm busy with other things occupying my mind I don't have those late night cravings. Also, do you go to the gym in the morning? I do and I have found through trial and error that when I eat big snacks late at night I feel really sluggish at the gym the next day and it really bums me out because I know I can do better. I'm not saying the same is true for everyone, it's just an example of things I do to stop myself.

    Also, I have learned to see if I'm really hungry or just bored. If you're just bored, it might seem like you're hungry. Further, you could actually really be dehydrated - a lot of times our understanding of thirst and hunger from our brain is the same and you might just need some more fluid; I drink about 3L of non-caffeinated fluid every day. I usually drink water, but sometimes crystal light is thrown in there too. I do have a coffee in the morning, but I don't count that.

    Further, you ate only 700 calories yesterday? That right there is why you binge: it's not enough for your body. It's almost like when someone has something you want and you see it, you know you want it really bad and you just obsess and obsess over it. Your body sees food, knows it doesn't have the nutrition it needs and obsesses over food until you cave. If you provide your body with proper nutrition I guarantee that the cravings will slow right down and you will not feel the need to eat 3 sandwhiches at night any more. Sure, you might still snack - we all do from time to time - but you won't get that craving. Also, try to do something to keep your mind a little busier at night, read instead of watching tv (which is what I do) or make your gym time at night.

    If you ever need to chat, or need some support I'm always here - it's definitely the hardest but most amazing journey we will ever go on :)
  • SbRaza
    SbRaza Posts: 23
    Yes I eat just 700 cal yesterday and today I was 40cal under my daily intake. Some scientists claim that eating fewer cal twice a week promot weight loss and longevity. .. have to lose the weight for medical reasons. i hate medications try avoiding it as much as i can so hearing my doctor suggesting injecting steroid into my ankle ( this carries the risk of tendon rupture) or loose the weight horrified me well that's when i decided to go back on MFP. Here I m taking each day as it comes and just trying to achieve my goal of the day...
  • RyanMatthewHarrell
    How are you people surviving? I'm eating like...500-800 calories a day below my required intake and that's still 1800. Well I don't usually eat 1800 but 700? You guys eat a lot of veggies I bet XD
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    I confess that fruits, vegetables, proteins have never filled me up. I have had to cut back on white flour/rice/pasta. I eat small amounts of whole grains. This is the only way for me to get to a healthy weight and maintain it. I have just come to the conclusion that I have to be hungry for the rest of my life. I eat 1200 to 1400 calories per day and I am hungry all day every day. I have worked out 50-60 minutes a day for almost the last 20 years. It's just how I am. I have to accept it. I have tried everything. Hungry.
  • SbRaza
    SbRaza Posts: 23
    Thank you. I also have the same problem. Constantly hungry. Healthy food just doesn't satisfy my appetite, also I find it hard to slow down my eating and chew food tour only. This is another habit to ditch gosh just to many of them to count...went to the pool again (third day in a raw!!!) Came home hungry as - made a huge salad and 2 toasts. It's only 11am ... still eating this meal. I should slow down my eating.... :blush:
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    We can gripe to each other. I have found one snack that is low guilt and that really satisfies the "crunch" urge. Trader Joe's Inner Peas - dried and lightly salted pea pods and they taste great. I snack on them when I just can't stand the gnawing inside.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Sawjer wrote: »
    SbRaza wrote: »
    Fruits contain glucose and calories. I lost weight counting calories and doing lots of exercising so i believe this method works

    I have never heard of anyone getting fat from eating fruit, have you?

    And yea counting calories may work, but just because 1 method works doesn't mean it is gospel and/or the only way.. be more open minded.

    Not getting fat, but it could stall weight loss if it's putting you over your calorie goals.

    Also, green tea does not aid in weight loss.
  • SbRaza
    SbRaza Posts: 23
    Generally speaking I' m old enough to know that nothing is really fattening unless we eat too much of it. Fruit and veggies included. ...talking about veggies -just made a huge bowl of yummy Thai style salad (will upload image) huge bowl, I'm going to time my eating -giving it 30 minutes .. q2bxsrjvnwc7.jpg
  • SbRaza
    SbRaza Posts: 23
    My veggie salad:
    Some kale
    Red capsicum s
    Tablespoon grated fresh ginger (for some extra Asian zing)
    Some red (Spanish) onion
    3 tablespoons low fat coleslaw dressing
    no salt or paper
    tastes awesome !!

  • DianneLB1953
    Hi, I am fairly new to MFP but not to needing to lose weight. I have about 60 lbs to lose. I have tried all the 'diets' and had success but gained back the weight. I have never nor will I ever take 'diet' pills though. I too, have always struggled with evening food cravings. I could eat healthy and within my plan all day and wham, evening came and I would eat one thing and then it was never enough and then uncontrolled eating. It is then a vicious cycle - you get craving more and more, you are mad at yourself and then say what the heck, tomorrow is another day.....
    Diabetes and heart disease run in my family so I know that time is ticking if I don't get my weight under control. I am still fairly healthy but have some plantar fasciitis issues and a bunion so of course weight adds to those foot problems.
    After reading a lot and talking to some people I know who are diabetic, I decided to go wheat and gluten free. Our bodies turn all bread and bread products into sugar which in turn makes us crave more. The first few days were the hardest - I was a huge carb eater, I loved my bread, muffins and granola bars. I have been wheat free for 10 days, my cravings are gone, I have so much more energy and I feel a lot better. I have also lost a whopping 8 lbs in those 10 days even though I had been losing a pound and a half to 2 lbs a week before that on WW so it is not like it was the first week of my weight loss.
    I know this way of eating is not for everyone and I respect that everyone has to find what works for them. I am eating between 1150 and 1250 cals per day and eating healthy oils, veggies, protein and fruit.
    You have to do what works for you. There are a lot of of great ideas and lots of encouragement on this thread so sort through them, decide what you think would work for you and start your journey. Come back here often as I can see there are lots of great people who will encourage us on, give us tips and tricks and just be there for each other. I am a 61 yr old grandma of 4 and want to get healthier and stay healthy so I can continue to enjoy them.
    Good luck on your journey - remember it is a journey and each day is a new day - don't give up! You can do this!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Accept that it's OK to feel hungry - even explore the feeling

    If you've eaten your minimum calories and are under your maximum then you can eat something

    if you're at your maximum don't

    throw away your excuses - do it for a week, then for a month, then it becomes 2nd nature

    you're overweight for the same reason we all are / were .. we eat too much and move too little

    eat less / move more - ignore hunger 'pangs' / 'pains' - they don't rule you
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    SbRaza wrote: »
    Yes I eat just 700 cal yesterday and today I was 40cal under my daily intake. Some scientists claim that eating fewer cal twice a week promot weight loss and longevity. .. have to lose the weight for medical reasons. i hate medications try avoiding it as much as i can so hearing my doctor suggesting injecting steroid into my ankle ( this carries the risk of tendon rupture) or loose the weight horrified me well that's when i decided to go back on MFP. Here I m taking each day as it comes and just trying to achieve my goal of the day...

    If you're doing the 5:2 you need to eat under 500 as a woman on 2 days and at maintenance the other days - that's your calorie defecit built in to the week

    you can do this - you have the right attitude and tools

    one day at a time

  • t1954
    t1954 Posts: 81 Member
    Please take a look at my profile. My message is simple. It can be done if you are committed. No, it's not easy but you can never give up. We are of similar age and I lost 372# in about 17-18 months with no tricks or surgery. You are worth the effort. Set aside a period of your life to concentrate on yourself. Feel free to PM me.
    Best wishes,
  • SbRaza
    SbRaza Posts: 23
    Thanks for your support . Eating just 700 cals was hard enough don't believe I can manage 500 cals limit regardless how desperate i m to lose the weight quickly. Not exercising much yet managed to lose 400 g... i think sticking to the program will help the numbers on the scale drop ...
  • SbRaza
    SbRaza Posts: 23
    I have a problem with proteins, I'm vegetarian (guess im not very strict - still have a small portion of fish occasionally but I do not touch poultry and meats) so have to rely on carbs and veggies for nutrition. I know that reducing carb intake can make a big difference to weight loss
  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    protein is the only thing that controls my cravings. There are lots of good vegetarian/vegan protein choices out there now.