Intermittent Fasting

How has Intermittent Fasting helped you achieve your goals? I'm planning to Intermittent fast during the morning and chunk all of my calories during lunch, dinner and snacks from 11 am to 6:30 pm. Let me know how it helped you.


  • LeenaJean
    LeenaJean Posts: 276 Member
    Well, I like to eat a decent amount of food at one time. I have been IF for about a week 11:45a-6:45p and I enjoy it because rather than dividing my 1400 calories by 3 I only have to split it in half. I also don't like eating later at night (don't like going to bed full) and this has helped me with that as well. Good luck!
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I IF from about 7 p.m. until about 6 a.m. the next morning. Works well for me.
  • LeenaJean wrote: »
    Well, I like to eat a decent amount of food at one time. I have been IF for about a week 11:45a-6:45p and I enjoy it because rather than dividing my 1400 calories by 3 I only have to split it in half. I also don't like eating later at night (don't like going to bed full) and this has helped me with that as well. Good luck!

    Thanks for the feedback back! I'm going to try the 5:2 IF. Many people highly recommend it to get out of the weight loss plateau.
  • I want to start trying it out today!
  • I'm at a HUGE plateau
  • I know a couple of people who have been very successful at IMF. Some of them have lost almost 50#s. I skip breakfast and just do the lunch and dinner routine.
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    There is a group on here for IF,

    Check it out! lots of information, and a good place to get the opinion of others who IF.
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    edited November 2014
    LeenaJean wrote: »
    Well, I like to eat a decent amount of food at one time. I have been IF for about a week 11:45a-6:45p and I enjoy it because rather than dividing my 1400 calories by 3 I only have to split it in half. I also don't like eating later at night (don't like going to bed full) and this has helped me with that as well. Good luck!

    It's great to have bigger, more filling meals! And even dessert!
  • ithrowconfetti
    ithrowconfetti Posts: 451 Member
    Agreed. I personally enjoy having few, bigger meals as opposed to smaller ones. It's also helped me in the past with portion control. I've been IF-ing for around 2 months. I do at least 20:4 daily, and I throw in a couple of 48-hour fasts after huge social gatherings on weekends when they occur, because I'd rather get that done with and over quickly, than having to cut calories daily after. It's worked well for me in losing & maintaining weight, and since it's not a diet, it's a sustainable lifestyle choice, and so easily modified, I can see myself practising this for life.
  • I broke through my plateau and now eat 1900 calories instead of my usual 1600 calories. Wright lifting also brought a huge change, combined with HIIT, it's super effective! Though, the 5:2 diet literally kills me since I do hardcore exercises 6 days a week and can't go through the day with just 600-700 calories. I'll make my own Intermittent Fasting, one that I'll do 3 times a week, eating only 1100 calories a day. I'm at 12.35 % body fat. So close to my 5 year dream! 8% BF, here I come! (^~^)
  • saccq
    saccq Posts: 2 Member
    I personally am new to intermittent fasting. I currently overweight and I'm trying the 20 hours fasting/ 4 hour eating window method. So far, I chose that due to my odd eating times and it totally fits me. I'm looking for any insight into how this works out for others. ;):s<3<3<3
  • Steff46
    Steff46 Posts: 516 Member
    I'm on day 81 of IMF and love it so far. I'm doing the 16/8 with my 8 being 11 am-7 pm. I've only dropped 6 pounds but I have lost 4% body fat (30% to 26%). At first I was having coffee in the a.m. with almond milk and one packet of sugar and I would make it last all morning. But decided to cut that out thinking that may be breaking my fast. Since cutting out that and only having Powerade Zero, water, or sugar free tea I've done better with dropping weight.