Hi I'm new, I've tried a lot, looking for support.

I want to lose weight badly. I'm going through a divorce and take SNRIs. I've always had problems eating for comfort, and given the nature of the divorce I continue to. I have been quit smoking for 5 years so I know what this takes but I cannot seem to force mind over matter. I rationalize overeating at nearly every step because of my stress levels. I know its wrong but I cannot stop.

I weigh 270 lbs and am 5'11". I spend a good portion of my day being upset about how heavy I am. I peaked at 285 lbs last year, at the beginning of my divorce I was 249 lbs and active, I am no longer quite as active. I think my biggest issue is literally wanting to have 2 dunkin donuts breakfast sandwiches EVERY morning. Its like an addiction. If I can find a way to stop that I might be able to find a way to adjust the rest of my day as well (breakfast is my worst time).


  • kristimason3
    kristimason3 Posts: 131 Member
    I moved somewhere that is literally an hour away from the nearest Dunkin Donuts! For the first few months I would find reasons to drive to towns an hour away just to get my fix LOL. I swear they put crack in everything they sell there.
  • sstrack123
    sstrack123 Posts: 171 Member
    Friend request me and maybe we can motivate each other!! I am someone who is ALWAYS starving!
  • stopdropandlose
    stopdropandlose Posts: 162 Member
    I believe you can do it! Feel free to add me :)
  • shrike718
    shrike718 Posts: 2 Member
    wow a lot of people reached out to me. That's really cool. I ate like garbage today. I'm going to eat less like garbage tomorrow and kick it off properly Monday again. I think one of my biggest problems is just making sure I eat enough to not be starving.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Seems to me that before you embark on any intended diet then you really need to think things through and establish a strong mindset as to why you are doing it and how you are going to handle some of the rationalisation and hard choices when you come under pressure. You will need to know how to challenge your own excuse system so that you can recognise the choice you need to make that pushes you towards target instead of taking an easy option and comfort food.

    Id suggest spending time on this and also learning how the MFP forum and site work including how to establish your deficit and making sure your logging is accurate. Also use some of the friends above for advice on diet and see how you can incorporate some exercise into your plan. Pre planning food can be a big help in making sure you eat within your calories and you ont have to think about what you will be eating.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Hi Shrike,

    Glad to know you. I'm going to suggest you try out this online calculator. I recommend it to anyone who is getting started. It's free and it's helped me to lose 20 pounds so far.


    You just plug in your stats and it will give you a calorie count for you to hit daily. You don't necessarily have to quit eating the things you like, just eat them responsibly. But for healthier foods, the more protein and healthy fats you eat, the less likely you are to be hungry. And it takes some getting used to. It's like breaking any bad habit.

    You have to readjust your stats for every 5 or so pounds you lose, because your calorie needs will change.

    Good luck to you. You just have to trust in the process and do it.