new friends

hi folks,

I'm fast approaching 2 years on MFP & it's been nothing short of fantastic.
I followed 'the rules' for the first year & it did what it says on the tin, I lost 52 lbs in 52 weeks. Solely through calorie counting as recommended and upping my daily/ weekly exercise.

I slimmed to get thin for that time & carried it on till spring this year, since then it's been more about getting toned & fit. I walk 3 days & week & get in the gym 3 days a week. my 'rest day' is spent baby sitting my beautiful granddaughter.

I stopped calorie counting a few months ago, it's about what my clothes feel like & how I look in the mirror so I log my exercise but not my food, eating oily fish, whole grains, proteins etc is all part of my new lifestyle so I don't feel the need to keep a check on it.

so, the reason for this post; having been on here for so long I've lost a lot of friends who seem to have gone away, there was a ton of 'red writing' on my friends list so I've cleaned it up.
I have a core of simply fantastic friends, folk who check in daily & offer regular support, as I do to them. But I'd like a few more.

so if what I've said here resonates & you feel like you'd like a new supportive friend please add me with a little message :)

oh, I'm (a very young) 55 year old (birthday this past week), married, 5 kids (14-28), like to laugh & have fun but am very aware that we're all on journeys here, & respect that very highly, a lifetimes habits don't go away lightly.

thanks for listening.


  • fobs13
    fobs13 Posts: 1,080 Member
    Hi there. Fantastic results. I am roughly a decade younger than you with 2 kids and love adding friends who check in daily and are supportive. New enough to this journey as on here roughly 2 months but loving it so far. Sending you a friend request.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Add me too if you want. 48 yr old Aussie lady here. Love MFP and the people on it.
  • katielshelby
    katielshelby Posts: 137 Member
    Awesome job!! I also have been on for a while and have had to delete some people who have been inactive for a while. Feel free to add me. :smiley: