Want to Start Running, But Overweight and Feel Embarrassed :(

laurenisfitforlife Posts: 71 Member
edited November 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi There:

I really would love to start running, and have done some research into how to start running (C25K), but there are a few things that are holding me back. I am overweight (trying to lose and have lost 8 lbs so far, yippee for me!) and I feel embarrassed when I run. Also, where I live it is cold and very wintry right now, and so I don't know if I should start now or wait until spring. So I'm just wondering if anyone is in the same boat as me or if you have any tips/suggestions, please share!




  • jyogit
    jyogit Posts: 280 Member
    i first started running on the spot in my small office at work. sure it was boring as hell but it got me used to breathing properly etc etc.. then i moved into the empty warehouse where i work .. great for running in cold weather. try the on the spot stuff first at home till you feel confident enough to go outside .. it helped me out ..good luck
  • Thank you! I will try this!
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    If you wait until after winter, you'll be 4 - 6 months behind where you could have been if you started now.
  • Congrats on losing weight!! Way to go!!! I started about a couple months ago wanting to just walk. I have a gym that I go to and they have a track that is upstairs from the actual gym, but there are usually two or three people on it too. I felt embarrassed at first so I walked everyday for about two weeks then I decided to try to jog. I started to jog and would go as long as I could. Now this was only about 1/4 of the length of the track I use, but it was a start. Now I have gotten up to doing one lap jogging and one lap walking. At first I wouldn't go for a couple days and would end up back where I started but now I try to be as consistent as I can with this. Now that I have been going to the gym for a couple months, I don't know how to explain it, but I just stopped caring what other people thought. If they don't like what they saw when I'm jogging they could leave. I actually had a person come up to me in the gym and told me that they had noticed that I was there a lot and said to keep up the good job I was doing. That was such an awesome feeling; to know that someone I didn't know noticed I was busting my butt. Hopefully this helped you!! Again congratulations and way to go on your weight loss so far!! :)
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    Treadmill at a gym? Cold shouldn't be a problem, once you're running you'll soon warm up.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    If you lived here, you could come watch me. I am still overweight and I am doing the C25K...although I wouldn't call what I'm doing "running." It's pretend running. More of a slow slog than a jog, really.

    I can walk faster than some of the "running" I do. But it's still a workout. Just going through the motions of running - even slowly - is so different than walking.

    I hope you try it. Don't worry about how you look. Remind yourself that this is going to make you look better and every day, you'll be healthier and look better, so this day is as bad as it will get. If you can get through this day, it'll be better every day after.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    When I started, I think the mental part was harder than the physical. Even now, I still have days when I feel like fat girl trying to run. The thing is, it's largely in your head and you have to just get yourself past that mental obstacle. Just start. Build slowly, and it will get easier both physically and mentally. And try to remember that we ALL have good and bad running days, and it's the good days that will help you push through the bad days. Personally I found that running with someone helped me get through some of my insecurities. As for the weather, invest in some good coldwear and get out there. You'll actually appreciate the cold days once the heat of the summer comes.
  • Thank you all so much for your responses! I will definitely have to "get out of my head" and try to not care so much about what other people think, after all I am losing weight for me not anyone else.
  • lsgibbs83
    lsgibbs83 Posts: 254 Member
    I was almost 75 pounds overweight when I started running in the spring. At first I couldn't run more than maybe 15-20 seconds at a time. I now run in about 60 second intervals. I still have to alternate running and walking but I am getting stronger each time.

    As far as feeling embarrassed because of your weight, try not to worry about what others think. Everybody was a beginner at some time. What I found is that even the most experienced runners were encouraging and more than happy to share tips on proper form and breathing. Their encouragement really helped build my confidence.

    In the less than 6 months I have gone from sedentary to a run/walk as well as a hike with a friend today. If I can do this, you can!

  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    My last weigh in was at 231. I am now ready for Week 2 Day 2 of the Couch 2 5K. I am doing the treadmill version because I don't want to be out in the cold and snow. I also don't have anything I can load the app on to do it outdoors at the moment and be happy tracking my timings.

    I am loving it. Don't know how many weeks past the 9 weeks it will take me, but I'm doing it. I could care less what others think when they see me. This is for me, not for them.

    There is a C25K group on here that has some excellent posts. Best advice...slow pace. Speed will come later. I only walk a 3.3-3.5 and only jog a 4.7-4.8. It's enough for me!

    Go for it!
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    Consider running at your local high school track if you want "privacy"
  • Ishii19
    Ishii19 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm a pretty new runner - about a year - and what I've found reading stuff online and passing other runners out on the road is we are a very inclusive group. So if you are red faced, jiggly, wheezy, plodding along sloowly running any runner you see is mentally (or sometimes verbally) cheering you on, thinking "I've been there! Keep at it - it's worth it! Good for you!" And as for non runners - well as they say no matter how fast you run you're lappin everyone on the couch! Be proud :) get some light fleece layers or a treadmill and shake it!
  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    get a decent used treadmill that has a weight limit that matches your current weight. Start now! :) have fun and take it outside when you start to feel comfortable. Find a running group. All the ones i have gone to are very supportive :)
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Before I started running, I was worried people would look at me and judge me for being overweight. They really do not care, they've got their own things to worry about. You've got your own things to worry about too!
    Usually if I see people running, I say hi, it's a tight knit community.
    It doesn't matter if you can't run 10 minutes straight, you're exercising to improve that.

    It is cold and wet, probably worth investing in some cheap technical layers and a lightweight jacket. If it's super icy where you live, it might be worth getting a gym membership for a treadmill , etc?
  • chesnity3
    chesnity3 Posts: 960 Member
    I just started seriously running in August and could only go for 5 minutes (took a year on and off to get here). I started c25k a month later at 210 pounds and just yesterday I ran my first ever 5 miles at 185 (45lbs overweight). Don't worry what anyone else says or think, because at the end of the day your opinion is the only one that matters.
  • lLionMindl
    lLionMindl Posts: 76 Member
    Take it slow & just remind yourself everyone has to start somewhere
    As time goes by you will feel better & better with more confidence each time
    Hope this helps
  • Lesleycali
    Lesleycali Posts: 236 Member
    As someone who runs regularly I do notice other people running and always say hi. I think other runners are pretty darn awesome for being out there, regardless of size, age, or current ability etc… Go for it!
  • dodgethepodge
    dodgethepodge Posts: 23 Member
    I'm a gym girl... can't deal with the cold so well! I bared it one winter while training for a marathon (I lost a lot of weight that way!... put it back on after though :neutral_face: ) So, make your choice of gym or outdoor but don't accept the excuse of cold to stop you exercising!

    Also... feeling embarrassed I understand because I once felt that too. Trusth is, after exercising, more and more, you realise that noone else cares about what you look like. You'll get judgey people thinking of your size sure (I get it-there's always one with 'that' look), but they'd think that whether you're exercising or not... at least you are working on your health!

    Also... you're not going to make a change if you don't start somewhere!
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    Go for it - c25k is great! But to stay comfortable, invest in a good sports bra, and in running tights, don't just go in sweats. No, I'm not crazy - you can wear something else over them. But if you're significantly overweight, they'll minimise the annoying "belly bounce" you can get otherwise...
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Never wait. There will always be a reason to NOT run. I might not have the overweight runner cred to tell you how you should feel, but when I see overweight runners, I see someone who is busting their *kitten* harder than I do. I can't imagine the mental and physical challenges overweight runners have to overcome. Being embarrassed is the last thing you should care about. Real runners will be supportive and admire you for getting out there. Go to a running store, get fitted for shoes, and sign up for a 101 class. You won't be the most overweight person there, I guarantee it.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I don't think you should be embarrassed at all! Maybe an odd tip, but I started running on the paved paths in a cemetery that was on my street. Definitely a quiet spot to start without anyone paying attention to you...
  • Wronkletoad
    Wronkletoad Posts: 368 Member
    ^ pa-jorg (nice rollins reference, btw) nailed it: "don't be embarrassed at all"

    easier said than done of course. but it's so awesome you're doing this. there are so many positives going on here that you're starting and doing it.

    It's a great shot of awesome with a side of "this is so cool".

    (I'm not a runner and don't any constructive advice what to do. anything I'd say would be "build up to air squats below parallel. walking lunges. work up to planks" or some such and besides the point. Instead, I just want to cheer you on)
  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    Don't worry about what other people think of you - the only opinion that matters is yours, and you're doing this for yourself. I started C25k when I was close to 300 lbs, and it honestly never seemed like anyone else out there cared that I was overweight... and if they did care, they kept it to themselves. If I got any reaction at all it was fellow runners/walkers smiling as we passed.
  • Wow - Everyones' encouragement and kind words are so appreciated! So a HUGE thanks to all of you guys! I feel way better about this. I think that I just need to get out there, stay positive and not worry about what others think or don't think. Running has been a huge goal for me so I am totally doing this for me and only me. Thanks again!
  • JeanMBK
    JeanMBK Posts: 728 Member
    If you are going to run outside purchase a pair of yak-tracks (spelling?) at a local running store or sports store to put on your running shoes to help from slipping and sliding.
  • snbouchard81
    snbouchard81 Posts: 128 Member
    The first time I started c25k, I was outside and overweight. For the most part, I was so focused on my audiobook and listening for cues that if anyone commented or gave me a sideways glance, I never noticed. All the people I talked to in the running community were incredibly supportive. So I'd say go for it.

    Now I'm doing it on a treadmill. I know when I transition to outdoor running again it will be different than treadmill running, but I decided doing what I could now (gym has childcare) was better than waiting for the day where outdoor running was more feasible than treadmill running is now. And it all counts towards my goals of getting healthier and modeling good habits for my daughter which is awesome.

    My point... Once you are running you won't focus on anything but the run and what you are listening to. It is the most amazing feeling of freedom that I have ever felt.

    I live where it doesn't get too cold, but if you can't access a treadmill then you may like Leslie sansone's videos while you wait for better weather. She does walking focused DVDs that I'd think would be great for preparing for c25k. I checked them out from the library when I used them because I wasnt hoping to need them too long. But they were a good bridge between inactive and getting active. I never ran in place indoors.

    Good luck.
  • Nekrachael
    Nekrachael Posts: 74 Member
    I run outside and started when there were still feet of snow on the ground. I was also just over 200 pounds. First, I found clothes that didn't embarrass me and kept me warm enough. I used a town path that was groomed so I could run on compacted snow. I didn't get trail shoes until later when the snow was melting, and that was a mistake. If you're running on snow, look into some sort of trail shoe or something with traction; it makes a huge difference. I felt so empowered by the running that I started resistance training, and so empowered by the resistance training that I tried harder at running. I hope you just get out there and do it; you'll thank yourself.
  • lsgibbs83
    lsgibbs83 Posts: 254 Member
    pa_jorg wrote: »
    I don't think you should be embarrassed at all! Maybe an odd tip, but I started running on the paved paths in a cemetery that was on my street. Definitely a quiet spot to start without anyone paying attention to you...

    I actually run at the small cemetery behind my house. You are right. I rarely see anybody else there except for a very nice older couple walking their dog, with whom I have now bonded :) A plus is also that there are some decent hills there as well.

  • jenschroll
    jenschroll Posts: 162 Member
    Consider running at your local high school track if you want "privacy"

    ^^This is exactly what I did when I was just starting out. When I started, I was in a very similar place you are in now. You can do it!
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    lsgibbs83 wrote: »
    pa_jorg wrote: »
    I don't think you should be embarrassed at all! Maybe an odd tip, but I started running on the paved paths in a cemetery that was on my street. Definitely a quiet spot to start without anyone paying attention to you...

    I actually run at the small cemetery behind my house. You are right. I rarely see anybody else there except for a very nice older couple walking their dog, with whom I have now bonded :) A plus is also that there are some decent hills there as well.

    We can be fined up to $100 for taking our pets into the cemetery. So, yeah a pretty quite place to go around here.

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