62 and working on getting fit

I started MFP 48 days ago. Prior to that started eating better and working out 4-5 days a week. Have lost 13 lbs, 3.5% in fat and several inches. I want to to lose 13 more lbs, 4 more fat % and get toned. Getting toned is a challenge for older ladies like myself. I have been doing strength training with free weights and group conditioning classes at the gym. My MFP calorie intake a day is 1200.
Any words of wisdom would be helpful. I have an office job and try to get up and walk around as often as possible. Thanks.


  • tremroy1
    tremroy1 Posts: 90 Member
    Just keep doing what is working for you.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    You are doing great. Remember patience is key.
  • you are doing great, i'm 54 and dieting and exercising for 25 days, so far 1 1/2 pounds, so disappointed!! Will just have to work harder, keep up the good work!!!
  • Luckyprescott
    Luckyprescott Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all. I am patient in some things but not in others. I will keep plugging along and get through the holidays.
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 516 Member
    You're doing great. Happy to help you tweak your nutrition if you'd like.
  • Luckyprescott
    Luckyprescott Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you, Ellie. Will probably get with you on nutrition later. Today I had Little Hamburger and 1/2 Little Fries at Five Guys. It's been one of those days. Bad headache. I'm doing a High Impact Conditioning Aerobic after work for an hour. Still no excuse. I wish the holidays were over.