Faithfully logging in and not much change! Anyone experienci

I have those last 10+ pounds of baby weight I need to get off to get me back to my feel good weight! Any suggestion on what I should do?

I have been faithfully logging in everyday and I have seen a 3 pound weight loss, maybe more as I haven't weighed myself this week. I am stuck and either I am at a plateau or in starvation mode... not sure and its really bugging me.

I dont feel all that hungry with the calorie intake, I am eating all and sometimes half my workout calories back, making time for exercise and 100% being honest with what I am eating and logging. I do have moments of weakness, as I am real and dont want to not enjoy this process either.

Any of you in the same boat!


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    What are you doing for exercise?

    For those last 10 lbs, pretty much the only way to get rid of them is weight training. This will allow you to have more muscle definition and it will either burn off the fat or displace it.
  • Nataliethin81
    Nataliethin81 Posts: 315
    Not sure what you're doing for exercise but I would suggest strength training for the last 10 lbs, at least 3 times a week. Make sure you're eating at least 1200 NET calories, drink more water and cut out all refined sugar.
  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    t I think it might be a good idea to shoot for a pound a week? If you´re close to your goal weight, that is, especially after you lose the initial 3-4 pounds of water. That way you won´t have expectations that are too high and you´ll feel like you´re getting somewhere.
  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    Oh, and supposedly you should be careful with sodium if you´re not already.
  • lisazags
    lisazags Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks! That is what my husband keeps saying! lol I am slowly getting back into weight training a few days a week. Its the inches that I want gone and definition back!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    You don't say how long you have been going at it, but 3 lbs is not a plateau, it is steady progress downwards. Perhaps you have been watching too much Biggest Loser?
  • Nataliethin81
    Nataliethin81 Posts: 315
    t I think it might be a good idea to shoot for a pound a week? If you´re close to your goal weight, that is, especially after you lose the initial 3-4 pounds of water. That way you won´t have expectations that are too high and you´ll feel like you´re getting somewhere.

    I agree with this.
  • lisazags
    lisazags Posts: 27 Member
    I am doing or did mostly cardio because I had 18 pounds of baby weight to lose. I lost the 8 and now I am getting closer to my "normal range." I LOVE sugar and that is my biggest downfall and has been forever. I am trying to come up with healthy sweet treats and use applesauce instead... Its all about the inches and definition that I want to see. Thanks all!
  • MysticMoon
    MysticMoon Posts: 21 Member
    For the last 3 months i have hovered over the same few pounds and it's annoying to hell. So i've kicked started myself on this and started to introduce more exercises (difficult when recovering from my pelvic being broke in 3 places) I guess the body needs a shock, so the exercises you were doing are now second nature to your body, so now it has too work twice as hard to lose the same amount of weight, so shock it with a high impact areobic's and some weights? This is what i'm trying (within mobility ranges for me so no high impact sadly) Fingers crossed it will work, remember it's not a race but a slow steady journey to health and strength xx
  • lisazags
    lisazags Posts: 27 Member
    I am going to start kicking things into high gear and get serious about lifting weights and my cardio sessions. My husband said I should change it up and stop doing the same things over and over every week... Hope it can jump start these last pounds again! Trying to stay positive and keep on going...
  • WWE_chick
    WWE_chick Posts: 86
    #1 in case you're not watching your sodium that. Although I stopped putting salt on my food, I was over doing it on food that had a lot of salt in it, going over my sodium level A LOT. 1 week i lost only 1/2 a pound....I started watching what I was doing and the following week lost 4lbs.

    #2 it's great 2 exercise but make sure no matter what you have at least 1200 calories by the end of the night. Obviously exercise burns calories and there is the great argument whether people should eat the calories back or not. It depends. If you're eating say 1500 a day and burning 250 or 300 calories exercise you're good and don't have to eat them back. However say you're eating 1300 a day and burning 500 then yes you need to eat some back to make it to 1200 - otherwise the body does go into starvation mode.