Hi from Australia

MsMe79 Posts: 54
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everyone,

I came across MFP on my iPhone and really, it's an amazing site, and I was more excited to find out they had a website and a forum.

I'm from Melbourne Australia, and recently got married. Before I met my husband I was on the road to losing weight and lost 20kgs (44 pounds) but then I got lazy and put it all back on, and now have a LONG road of weight loss a head of me :( I am lucky my husband is extremely supportive and with this site, I know I will succeed. I need to lose 66.8kgs or 147pounds but I'm confident I can do it with exercise and the help of this site and all olf you :)

Anyway, just thought I would say hi, and look forward to getting to know you all



  • Molly08
    Molly08 Posts: 153 Member
    Welcome to life on MFP :o) It's a really awesome site. When I re-committed to it I had 135lbs to lose... I have since worked off 25lbs. Calorie counting really works, with commitment and consistency will really pay off. Good luck and feel free to add me if you need a buddy through your weight loss!
  • Sheila62
    Sheila62 Posts: 25 Member
    welcome to MFP and good luck on your weight loss journey, its been brilliant for me, hope it is for you too
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi, fellow aussie. You will find this site really helpful. Just log everything even if you have a bad day. You will find great support. My starting weight on here was 115kg now on 102 kg aiming for 75kg. I am in Sydney. :flowerforyou:
  • anniebnannie
    anniebnannie Posts: 85 Member
    Welcome our new Aussie Friend :-) You are gonna love this network and the tools on this site. It's amazing! This community section offers so much help and support - not to mention great recipes and ideas. I've only been on since Jan of this year but it's already made a big difference for me. Wishing you lots of success on your goals!
  • Hi Aussie! Welcome to MFP! You have come to the right place for support and encouragement! We are all working toward the same goal, to be healthy!
  • rabtib
    rabtib Posts: 10
    welcome and you will love this site! especially with being able to track everything from your iphone you will never be alone! :)
  • chefchazz
    chefchazz Posts: 427 Member
    hey, welcome. i guess no tim tams for you. my good friends soon to be wife is aussie! add me if you like.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome abroad.This is an amazing website,full of info,support and great recipes.
    Wishing you good luck.
  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    Hi and welcome...this is a great site and it will help you on your way to reaching your goal. Don't stress about this being a long journey. You will be successful again and day by day you are going to be closer to where you want to be. The people here are very supportive and there are some great ideas and recipes on the posts. I wish you all the success on this journey...add me as a friend if you like and we can help each other along the way!

    All the best-Carrie
  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    Hello, good luck with your weight loss journey. I've just begun mine and same I found this amazing app on my phone. I'm also an Aussie from the Gold Coast!
  • MsMe79
    MsMe79 Posts: 54
    Wow, what a great response, everyone is just lovely!

    I've had a look around the site and my gosh ,the recipes page is great!! Definitely a great source of information.

    i know this time I will be successful and this is what I want and now with the help and encouragement from you all, will make it even better :)
  • SweetTooth68
    SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
    Haha I have Tim Tams in my fridge! I had one last night - but only one :)
  • salbal70
    salbal70 Posts: 10
    Hi MsMe79, Hope you are enjoying the site. Add me if you like and good luck and have fun.
  • pinkcess22
    pinkcess22 Posts: 60
    Hi misme im from melb as well I can relate to your story alot when i first got marride I was about 80 kilos this was 3 years ago ever since then iv packed on around 20 kilos or more i started with 105 kilos just 3-4 weeks ago now im 97 Im doing the optifast diet and going gym more then every day it is a slow process but you will get there if your not in to the whole running and walking try something fun like zumba
  • jess_ellen
    jess_ellen Posts: 28
    Welcome fellow Aussie. Friends on MFP have been a wonderful support for me. I have just sent you a request.
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