question for my American friends

R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
Hi, I live in the UK. Alot of the posts I read on here from people in the Usa and stuff I see on tv seems to indicate that fast food is extremely cheap and is literally on every corner. I just wondered how accurate a view this is and also how easy or hard is it to get healthy, fresh food?


  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    That is correct. America is bombarded with fast food at every turn. I don't blame that for obesity, however, I think everyone has a choice what to put in their stomachs. Health food is becoming more available, albeit slowly, as a result of demand.
  • Sara1978
    Sara1978 Posts: 213 Member
    There is fast food everywhere, but most areas also have grocery stores everywhere too, and it is perfectly easy to get healthy food at the grocery store. I can list at least 10 grocery stores within a five mile radius of my apartment. There are probably about 10 fast food joints in the same radius. It's just a matter of making healthy choices, really.
  • xmillax
    xmillax Posts: 23
    I am from the UK and visiting Miami in June ... my boyfriend lived in American most of his life and I have never visited ... he says all the time the amount of food readily available and not just the amount of stores but the amount you get on your plate when you eat out also! I am dreading it ... I will be ordering the kids portions :P x
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Fast Food is EVERYWHERE in the states!~!~! Most people can tell you what number every meal at Mcdonalds and Burger King is without even looking at the menu. It is insane. I cant say that its INSANELY cheap, nothing is anymore, but it is much cheaper than anything healthy you can get. There are some places to get healthier fast food, like salad works or subway, but it is more expensive and sometimes harder to find.

    I live in Germany right now and it is VERY different than the states. Not just the amount of fast food restaraunts, but everything. In the States, everyone always seems to be "on the go" there is always something to do or somewhere to go. Fast food is ALWAYS open so even at midnight there is something to eat even if your not very hungry. Here in Germany things seem more laid back. I dont feel rushed, I dont feel like I NEED to run around to get things done, so it makes it seem easier to pack a lunch or go out of my way to eat healthier.

    The bottom line is fast food is easy, tastes good and is cheap. I am very happy that everyone is starting to learn more about Healthy Lifestyles and the effect food has on out bodys.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I think it depends on where you live. Where I live there is fast food but I live closer to a Whole Foods Market and a WF type of market. I don't think fast food is on every corner. When I lived in a larger city than I do now there was fast food.

    I think when you live in a poorer area you have less choices. Lots of people shop at Walmart for groceries and that's pretty much the main grocery in their town from what I've heard. However, since almost everywhere in America gets fresh produce from the produce belt in California, every grocery, including Walmart has a large fresh produce section in it. Probably larger than Waitrose without the packaging on the produce. Our produce mainly comes from local, California, and now also Mexico, which is why I tend to shop for California-only produce rather than Mexico produce though many times it's cheaper to buy Mexico produce.

    There are also farmers markets in almost every county in the USA

    CSA's (community supported agriculture)

    Farm fresh produce (fruits & veg) delivered to your door weekly for relatively cheap amts, like $25 - a simple google search shows that anyone can get this delivered to their door.

    I've been to the UK and shopped in the groceries in the UK & in Germany and it's actually not much different. I've been to Waitrose, Sainsbury's, Morrisons, etc. The only WEIRD thing is that Morrison's tells you to put a pound in to get a grocery cart! I was shocked! Then of course there's the "we don't bag" thing, ie, you have to bring your own bags or get charged for bags. So far only San Francisco & Ikea do that here.
  • jetaimekim
    jetaimekim Posts: 4
    Fast food is extremely cheap here! I can get a plain cheeseburger for like 69 cents. Some places have specials where you can get two cheeseburgers for about $2. And yep, It's pretty much on every corner. Fast is so easily attainable here. I guess it's no surprise that the majority of Americans are overweight.
    We do have healthy food available. It's definitely more expensive, but worth it. I live alone and when I shop for groceries I usually spend anywhere from $45 - $50. That will last me about two weeks. I do eat some stuff at work, but I've just learned to shop a little better.
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    Ooh, thanks for the responses. I was just intrigued! In the UK there are also plenty of fast food places, every small town will have a chippy, Chinese takeaway and Indian takeaway. But fast-food here isn't as cheap which helps. Saying that, Alot of Brits live on processed meals these days- which are generally very high in salt and cals.
    Janesmith, the £1 coin for trolleys is because there seems to be a long tradition of trolley vandalism in the uk and the supermarkets were getting fed up losing expensive trolleys!
  • habibti
    habibti Posts: 56 Member
    Just as a side note - I live in the Middle East, gulf region and it's the same here. There are fast food restaurants selling cheap, unhealthy food everywhere - in small towns, in big cities, near schools, in malls, etc.. American based fast companies are certainly the most prevalent, but there are also quite a few local establishments as well. It seems people all over the world love the taste of fatty, fried, super sweet or super salty, artery clogging, unhealthy food and want it at a cheap price! lol And of course there are healthier restaurant options and supermarkets that sell "the good stuff" here too, but of course you have to pay more for it. Just like anyplace else. :wink:
  • annarface
    annarface Posts: 77 Member
    In the UK there are also plenty of fast food places, every small town will have a chippy, Chinese takeaway and Indian takeaway.

    Where I live in the UK there is no chip shop, Chinese takeaway or Indian takeaway. As a result of this I've eaten Indian takeaway once in my life, and I hate fish&chips LOL. Never had Chinese either. Ever. s: There's also no local pizza place or anywhere that will deliver food to me so if there was an emergency I guess I'd starve to death, haha!
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    Yes it is correct. Healthy food is becoming more readily available at my local grocery store but at Wal-mart there is a serious lack of organic options. I believe if Wal-mart began offering more organic options at better prices that everyone else would follow suit. I don't grocery shop at Wal-mart generally though.

    Just because fast food is readily available and cheap doesn't mean you have to eat it or feed it to your children. Even making homemade burgers and fries would be a healthier option.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Fast food is ubiquitous here, and yes, it's often quite inexpensive. You have to remember that we are a country who loves our cars like our own children and many Americans are in their cars for more than an hour a day. So we're a perfect market for quick food that can be eaten while driving.

    It's not that hard to find good, healthy food if you can get to a supermarket/grocery store. Over the last decade, it's become easier to find ethnic ingredients in major gorcery chains, too. But as most working families have two working parents and little spare time, we also love our convenience foods which are just as unhealthy as fast food. I'd say 85-90% of every US grocery store is convenience food. :(
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    In the UK there are also plenty of fast food places, every small town will have a chippy, Chinese takeaway and Indian takeaway.

    Where I live in the UK there is no chip shop, Chinese takeaway or Indian takeaway. As a result of this I've eaten Indian takeaway once in my life, and I hate fish&chips LOL. Never had Chinese either. Ever. s: There's also no local pizza place or anywhere that will deliver food to me so if there was an emergency I guess I'd starve to death, haha!

    tbh, i'm not a fast food fan anyway and as i'm also really stingy with my money -i can't justify the cost!
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    In the UK there are also plenty of fast food places, every small town will have a chippy, Chinese takeaway and Indian takeaway.

    Where I live in the UK there is no chip shop, Chinese takeaway or Indian takeaway. As a result of this I've eaten Indian takeaway once in my life, and I hate fish&chips LOL. Never had Chinese either. Ever. s: There's also no local pizza place or anywhere that will deliver food to me so if there was an emergency I guess I'd starve to death, haha!

    There is no fast food in the little town I live in either, there is in the bigger one nearby, bit I have not been eaten an indian takeaway in my life either lol

    I did notice each time I was in Florida how big the portions are, how there is little choice if you want healthy and how cheap it is to eat badly. Also when I was in Canada I found it much harder to find vegetarian options on menus and they were usually unhealthy cheese laden things.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    There is fast food everywhere, but most areas also have grocery stores everywhere too, and it is perfectly easy to get healthy food at the grocery store. I can list at least 10 grocery stores within a five mile radius of my apartment. There are probably about 10 fast food joints in the same radius. It's just a matter of making healthy choices, really.

    I have to agree. I live in a heavily populated area. We farmers markets and butcher shops to purchase fresh veggies and meats besides the obvious grocery stores on almost every major block. Our country has gotten so fast paced that its easier to just be a drive thru window family and its almost getting cheaper to do it. Unfortunately we know that cheaper isn't always better and alot of people are now paying for it with their health.

    As the person I quoted said above it comes down to healthy choice making.
  • simplyshannal
    simplyshannal Posts: 188 Member
    I currently live in Germany and am very happy to report that fast food is not readily available here. I love this country because they don't really even know what excess is. This country almost completely shuts down at 9 pm. They don't have 24 hour services and the people here live very happily that way. They are also much healthier.

    In the states, there is fast food available everywhere!! It is on almost every corner and there are many that are open 24/7, which lends to the massive obesity problem in the states. After living here in Germany, I really wish that the states would step back a few decades and start closing fast food restaurants early and not allow the people to gorge themselves. Our fast food industry is ruining our nations health, that is for sure!
  • oBirdieo
    oBirdieo Posts: 148
    I'm American, but have lived in England for 8 years.

    Unless someone lives in a very small town or out in the country, fast food is widely available in the US, and is pretty cheap. In fact, on the closest "major" street to the house where I grew up, there is a Taco Bell, a Wendy's, a McDonald's, a Hardee's, an Arby's, and a Chik-Fil-A (these are all within a 5-minute walk of each other!). There are also plenty of sit-down restaurants in the same area -- a Texas Steakhouse, an Outback, Logan's, Chili's, a Japanese hibachi place, a pizza joint, and a deli. Again, these are all within a 5-minute walk of each other.

    Portion size is a major problem in the US. Major. My (Brit) husband and I are always shocked by how much food we're given whenever we eat out in the US as it's usually at least twice what we should be eating.

    Over here in the UK, I would say that processed food is more of a problem because fast food isn't as easily accessible unless you're in a city centre (mostly because not as many people drive and because there are fewer fast food chains). Pre-made sandwiches are really popular and they're mostly horrible for salt and fat content.

    That said, it's not difficult (or particularly expensive) to access healthy food in either country -- it's just the effort it takes to make it, I think. People are fundamentally lazy these days. It's easier to hop in the car and spend $20/£20 to feed a family in 5 minutes than it is to spend $5/£5 on ingredients and spend 30 minutes to feed a family.
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