Diet Soda....what are your thoughts?



  • missvics
    missvics Posts: 112
    I'm a vegetarian. I won't get into everything with that but let's just say I'm better for it. I used to go nuts for fried chicken (the worst)! One time at school I got a spicy fried chicken sandwich and chicken tenders as my side! I was like "holy crap I'm going crazy here!" For me, indulging in a diet soda is a little less harmful than what I USED TO indulge in quite frequently. Like another woman said in here earlier, I've given up enough. I will have my soda.
    I too am a vegetarian, but only for about 8 years now, so I look back to how I used to eat and have to remind myself that I have come a long way baby!!!

    ps: A regular meal for me used to be 2 filet of fish sandwiches, large fry and a 20 piece chicken nugget!!!!
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    it's not the end of the world despite what many think here. you have to do what works for you and if having a coke zero once a day works for you, then go for it
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Ok...don't chastise me to much. I know that the chemicals are terrible for you. I don't know the specifics because I generally choose to turn a blind eye to it. But I'm a vegetarian, I don't smoke, rarely drink, don't drink coffee but maybe one a soda in my VICE!!!! I drink Coke Zero. One to two a day. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I've been told before that it's not good for you, but is it worse than regular soda? I've tried to live by the idea of not drinking my calories. I just would like everyone's thoughts, opinions and facts on this subject. Who knows, maybe it'll help me truly make a change!!!

    WIth how healthy you are trying to be, I'm surprised that you are still putting diet soda into your body. Ewww...

    All I know if that it reaallllllyyyy enflames my TMJ (jaw issues). I was in pain for over a year. 24/7. I was dropping pain pills like no other. I wanted to die. Seriously. I didn't think I could live like that any longer.

    Then my eye doc (of all people) told me to stop diet soda, artificial sweetners, and limit my caffeine (all of which I was addicted to).

    I was pain free in 3 days. THREE DAYS. Pain free. That was 5 years ago...I haven't had pain since.

    I drink regular soda now when I want one. I really like the Pepsi Throwback. Drink just one and tell me what you think...then drink a diet soda and you can reallllyyy taste the chemicals. It's disgusting.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Everyone has their own thoughts on this, it was interesting to read this thread. Even though I personally made the decision to go "cold turkey" with all soda(both diet and regular) (and juice, koolaid, etc) but I still have my morning cup of coffee so I didn't go completely off caffeine...I do know that I definitely wasn't drinking very much water when I drank diet soda and I always felt thirsty even after guzzling soda...I do think the "natural" sodas like Jones and Hansen taste better than Coke and Pepsi brands.
  • jmlane1981
    jmlane1981 Posts: 59
    I used to go to the bariatric clinic and they said you can have two diet drinks a day. I love diet pepsi and I do have some everyday, usually 1-2, but not more than 3. I believe as long as you are drinking enough water to make up for it that it is okay.
  • missvics
    missvics Posts: 112
    WIth how healthy you are trying to be, I'm surprised that you are still putting diet soda into your body. Ewww...

    All I know if that it reaallllllyyyy enflames my TMJ (jaw issues). I was in pain for over a year. 24/7. I was dropping pain pills like no other. I wanted to die. Seriously. I didn't think I could live like that any longer.

    Then my eye doc (of all people) told me to stop diet soda, artificial sweetners, and limit my caffeine (all of which I was addicted to).

    I was pain free in 3 days. THREE DAYS. Pain free. That was 5 years ago...I haven't had pain since.

    I drink regular soda now when I want one. I really like the Pepsi Throwback. Drink just one and tell me what you think...then drink a diet soda and you can reallllyyy taste the chemicals. It's disgusting.

    Well...just so you know I don't do any of those things to be healthy, thats just what I like and don't like. I'm a sugar addict too!!!

    But anyways.....I think I will try so of the throwbacks....I've seen several people mention that so maybe I'll give them a try.
  • JJtexasgirl
    JJtexasgirl Posts: 106 Member
    Thought I'd chime in too (as I have just finished my one Diet Coke of the day).

    First - do the research yourself. Don't rely on what other people or advertising tells you as they all have an agenda that isn't your own.

    Some things to think about in response to several people's post:
    Yes, diet drinks are addicting due to the caffeine. From my research, the addictive qualities are the same for diet and regular sodas that have caffeine.
    Aspartame does have some addictive qualities, but it isn't as severe as caffeine, althought the withdrawals are similar.
    Splenda is made by replacing hydrogen and oxygen molecules with chlorine molecules, but it is FDA approved.
    Caffeine is a stimulant and it stimulates everything, including muscle. The poster with TMJ found relief because she no longer put caffeine in her body. If she began drinking coffee, her pain would most likely return.

    Based on the information I have gathered for myself and on sampling many other alternatives, I still choose to drink one DC a day (at most). Is it the best thing for me? No. Is it going to kill me? No. Does it make me happy and give me a no calorie treat? Yes.

    You have to do what's right for you. Do your research and make an informed decision.

  • ibelieveinlove7
    ibelieveinlove7 Posts: 27 Member
    I am completely addicted to Coca-Cola. I used to drink regular Coke because I can't do Diet (still can't) but now I drink Coke Zero and it satisfies my craving for the soda. I also kick-started my weight loss by stopping drinking regular Coke. However, I tried to replace water with Coke Zero and that didn't work. I've also heard all the rumors regarding artificial sweeteners, but I think that they react to each person's body differently. I would say as long as it is not your only beverage and you are still getting water, it's ok. Don't beat yourself up over a Coke a day :)
  • Jennid27
    Jennid27 Posts: 15
    I had a bad vanilla coke habit but now that I'm back to 56-72 oz of water a day, I truly have no room (or bladder!) for soda. I save it for a treat when I do eat out, having a diet coke with lime. Of course, this is coming from a one med ice coffee w/ soy milk and truvia a day or starbuck's unsweetened passion tea..mmm no calories. I have vanilla seltzer too but can't say carbonated water kills a soda craving. Anyone addicted can find better substitutes but anyone criticizing probably have their own vices. If you get a headache when you cut back, then you were having too much.
  • Muffin7083
    Muffin7083 Posts: 2
    I forgot to mention are soooooo right!! The absolute worst is sippin' on it!! If i'm really craving pop, I'll take the mini cans :)
    But all in all, I really do try to stay away...I get my fix with Caffein anyway :P
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