Back at it--I need people to help kick my *kitten* in gear

So looking for some active friends that post and are motivating. I am back at it again to lose the last 30lbs .
I originally lost 135, gained about 35 or so back, and want to get to my goal weight of 150 and i'm 5'7, which would put me in a healthy BMI of 23.5. I have an open diary and and log daily.


  • HiraethJellybean
    I'm in the same position, feel free to add me so we can keep eachother motivated :)
  • cwlsr
    cwlsr Posts: 71 Member
    I will keep it short! How about trying a new tactic? Try focusing only on being good to yourself by just concentrating only on good physical and mental health. If you do that then your body with take care of the rest. The reason the majority of dieters gain weight back is they don't re-program themselves to be concerned with those two things and only focus on losing weight.
  • cloieclo
    cloieclo Posts: 33 Member
    Free free to add me lovely :) That's amazing that you lost so much weight originally and even better that you've jumped back on the weight loss journey :)
  • alan589
    alan589 Posts: 58 Member
    Hey that sounds familiar. I lost about 48 lbs two yrs ago. Evere since I have been gradually putting on weight c.16lbs and I need to get a grip. I'm with you, lets get skinny in three months!!
  • shfoster0721
    shfoster0721 Posts: 239 Member
    Feel free to add me for support and motivation, 123 down since January