New fitness goal, I need advice

New fitness Goal.... 40 lbs by June 2015. Need to get use to the calorie intake, any suggestions on food that will keep me full and energized.


  • melnikn
    melnikn Posts: 41 Member
    peanuts, nuts, hummus, bananas, figs, pb, veggies, eggs, lean meats. fish, rice cakes w pb spread. cut back on processed and high sodium. go with more natural clean foods.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    That's a great goal....I just lost 40lbs from Apr 2014 - September that goal is very realistic and completely attainable. So, one thing I do that tends to get a bit old, but if you make it a priority is to create a veggie platter for lunch/dinner every night in ADDITION to what you intend to eat.

    For instance at lunch I slice up 2 stalks of Celery, 1 large Bell Pepper, and 3 ounces of baby carrots and I eat that prior to eating anything else. I do something similar at dinner, but those are usually cooked veggies as I have more time to prepare. I do this even if I intend to go out for lunch as I eat them prior to leaving at my desk.

    Helps me to get FULL which keeps me from overeating or going over calories most of the time.

    Good Luck!