Too far under calorie intake



  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    When is the last time you had your fasting blood sugar tested?
  • ElizabethNJ
    ElizabethNJ Posts: 32 Member
    Remember not all carbohydrates are created equal. It's easy to label all of them bad, but biologically you need sufficient healthy carbohydrate intake. Just stay away from simple or refined carbohydrates like white bread, refined sugars, etc. Try and include (in moderation of course) complex carbohydrates like whole grains (not whole wheat), like oats, quinoa, peas, legumes, and high fiber veggie like spinach or green beans, are healthy sources of carbs.
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    PHEW back home away from the shopping insanity. Logged 1 1/2 mile walking while waiting for the car. I walked around and around the big car lot. Then grocery store. Have not checked since we have been home.

    The doctor said I am obese. I NEED to loose weight. I want to loose weight. He wants me on statins and bla bla bla NOT going to do it. I need to loose ab out 60 or more pounds.60 is the goal for now.

    Neither doctor or nutritionist said to go low carb. Both say reduce calorie and fat intake. I can not reduce calorie any lower then what I have been eating for years which is 1000 to 1300 calories, YES weighing my foods, a day. Reducing calorie intake less that that is not healthy. Years ago when thyroid quit me I logged weighed every bite in my mouth. 500 calories a day for over a month and gained weight. This is why I am trying the low carb again. It worked for me before.

    I am not complaining about not loosing weight it has only been a few days lowered carb not low carb because I did not have the things I needed in the house to just go low carb except eggs and some meat. Now I will try to go as low carb as I can. or stay under the magic number of 50 as I keep reading. I know Atkins said 20. not sure I can maintain that. My problem was last night I was done eating and was only at 805 calories for the day. It is not hard for mt to eat less than 1000 calories.

    Fasting blood glucose was 78 in August. Next test is Friday. Then doctor appointment the following Wednesday. The thyroid test will also be done then and since I have been off of the thyroid for so many years , due to lack of insurance, it was a guess at the amount I needed for this first prescription. I missed the 6 week appointment due to hubby being ill when that appointment was to happen. So this is a 4 month span of time.

    SO I bought some veggies I can eat instead of potatoes. I bought eggs meat a little bit of fruit and some real cream for my coffee to give me the one thing special I need to make it through the day. I can make the reduced custard with cream and water instead of milk. If I make it again.

    Thank you all again for all the information.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I think you are doing things the smartest ways you know how in your crazy schedule. I hope your hubby starts getting better soon. If you were in Canada I would advise you to push your doctor to see a specialist, but I am unsure how insurance works in the US. Weight loss is never going to be easy for you.
  • EatPaleoStyle
    I am trying to go lower carb. I at at the end of my eating day and only logging 805 calories.

    Totals 805 66 24 32 6 873
    Your Daily Goal 1,418 89 47 160 25 2,300
    Remaining 613 23 23 128 19 1,427
    Calories Carbs Fat Protein Fiber Sodium

    I had my calorie goal set to 1200. I walked for 40 minutes with the dogs on leash. They keep me moving right along. Did not bother to log house work and what not.

    Do I just bump it up with some peanut butter? I do not want to under eat to the point I am starving my body. I do not want any more carbs.

    Just eat more healthy fats, there are no more secrets. But healthy fats of course.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    One day at 800 won't harm you. You'll probably be hungrier tomorrow.

    I know the issues of losing weight without any help from the thyroid, lol. It's difficult! I eat less than most people and must exercise, even so, or I just won't lose. Still, it comes off slowly!

    Gotta play the hand we are dealt.

    If you want to eat more, do it. If you don't, don't. It's one day. :)
  • TN239
    TN239 Posts: 6 Member
    It sounds like you really need to find a way to get on the appropriate levels of the appropriate thyroid medication. If your thyroid isn't working properly, it's going to be nearly impossible to lose weight. Once you get on the appropriate dose, you will be completely amazed at how much progress you make. For people with hypothyroidism, the medication is life-changing.

    What you are trying to do, losing weight without your thyroid (or medication to replace the hormones it should be making) - is like trying to paddle a canoe with your hands, pushing against the current dragging you further away from your goals. No matter how hard you paddle with your hands (diet and exercise) you won't make much progress. But once you get that canoe paddle (appropriate dose of thyroid medication), your hard work will turn into great results. The answer is not to find new ways of hand paddling (low carbs? low fat?), no, the answer is to get the right dose of thyroid medication so that you can make the progress that you deserve to be making.

    If you can't afford the thyroid medication:
    1) Find out if you qualify for free health insurance through Medicaid, Medicare, Tricare, etc.
    2) Find out if there is a free clinic in your county that could help you. Many counties set up free health clinics, and although there are long waiting lines, the doctors can help get you the medication you need. But this depends on your state and county.
    3) Ask your doctor if she has free samples of the thyroid medication you need.
    4) Ask your doctor if there is a generic version of the medication that would be more affordable.
    5) Write a letter to the thyroid medication company explaining how your husband is a pancreatic cancer survivor and how you want to be healthy for him, and yourself.

    Make sure to stay on top of your doctor appointments, not just your husband's. With your husband's cancer battle, I'm sure it would be easy to put your health on the back burner but you need to be healthy for him (and yourself of course.) Once you get your thyroid medication situation straightened out, on the correct doses - you will start making lots of great progress. :)
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    edited November 2014
    Reading this article is very interesting and I think it will help me. hope it is ok to share links here.
  • sun_fish
    sun_fish Posts: 864 Member
    Reading this article is very interesting and I think it will help me. hope it is ok to share links here.

    I realize your original post was for ideas on how to get more calories in without more carbs. However, many people have given you great advice on ways to figure out why you must eat so low to lose or maintain. The post right above your last one (from TN239) was very detailed and helpful. I don't think this article you linked is going to give you any more success beyond what you've already tried. I agree with others that have suggested getting your medical issues under control rather than looking for a new diet to try.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Thyroid is relatively cheap medication. I realize you have to get up to the appropriate dose in stages.
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Thank you Tz239. I am on Medicare now. I just turned 65. Adjusting the thyroid does take time and I am going to stick with it until we get the right dose. I can afford the thyroid meds and the medicare mostly covers the doctors appointments. I will be seeing him next Wednesday the 3rd.

    Right Sunfish. This is what I am trying to do on the thyroid meds. I just know from past experience just cutting fat and calories do not work for my body. this is why I want to try the low carbs too. I do not think there is anything wrong with this approach.

    Yes jgnatca. Thyroid can be about $12.00 a month for me. the diuretics is close to the same. Just need to get the right dose.

    I really appreciate all your input.

  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    Low carb works well, but once you're on it, you really can't cheat. It has to be under that level of carbs all the time, no exceptions. One potato will throw you off track for a week or more, and you'll regain all you lost and then some. It's completely unlike low-cal dieting, which is more forgiving.

    Good luck to you!
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Thank you Zarckon. I am going to do my best to do it right.