New to the Fitness pal

Hello, my name is Trish and I am new to my fitness pal. Would love to hear how everyone has been tackling their weightloss. I am starting today so please keep me in your prayers to get and stay motivated.


  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    Welcome!! I started a few weeks ago and am already seeing progress! The motivation here has been awesome and inspires me to go to the gym. I find logging my food keeps my honest -- I feel guilty about logging lots of bad food, so I just avoid it! I also take it as a personal challenge to get to the gym every day to keep up with my friends on here!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want some extra support!

    Good luck! :)
  • debsi1
    debsi1 Posts: 1 Member
    I started 3 weeks ago and find this system really working. Good luck.
  • BeyondApril
    BeyondApril Posts: 133 Member
    Hi Trish!

    Welcome to MFP! I joined about a month and a half ago and find it very user friendly, motivating, and inspiring! Add me as a friend if you like, we can motivate each other!!!

    One tip that I found helps - put up a picture, and fill out your profile info. Many people will search through the profiles for friends with similar goals, situations, etc.

    Good luck!!

  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Welcome to MFP Trish! I started just 2 weeks ago and I feel it really works! Feel free to add me, we can suppport each other on our journey!
  • Mmmie
    Mmmie Posts: 31
    I have lost 9 pounds since I joined about 2.5weeks ago mainly by logging everything and tiring to exercise

    feel free to add me
  • cpumeu
    cpumeu Posts: 89
    Welcome Trishkay! I've been here 15 days religiously...started over two or three months ago...but typical to wasn't working fast enuf for me so I sort of walked away to find a faster way...after making myself seriously sick...It hit me HARD that the best way to do this was right her counting calories. My first week was hard....had a hard time not cheating! A friend here, told me to post all my foods even if I am over my calories and that helped me to see where my weaknesses were and when I was most hungry! So that is my first advice! Second is eat all your calories even the ones that you earn from working out. You will see many that have calories lelt over but that is NOT the way to consistently lose weight. From what I have read....keeping those calories will eventually put you into starvation mode and cause your weight loss journey slow down

    Friend me! We an motivate each other!
  • suzukigurl
    suzukigurl Posts: 90
    Welcome to MFP! I have lost 18 lbs so far and have changed how I eat completely by using this site. It amazed me to see all the "crap" I was putting into my body. I wish you nothing but success in you journey! Feel free to add me as a friend I log on a few times a day :flowerforyou:
  • motherinme
    motherinme Posts: 38 Member
    Good Luck and CONGRATS on making the 1st step to a better life :) I started here a week ago and I've already done some things that I'm not proud of but I've found such great support on this website and it does help motivate and keep me honest. Good Luck and PLEASE feel free to add me :)